PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

He will never be redeemed in my eyes, I wish he was as afflicted as Scott Cawthon for making FNAF.

She could’ve still chosen renewal -after- tearing Sylvanas’ head off. Geez Elune…

On the topic of Eredar, I think the collective Greymantle family is going to have a fit when they see them in the Alliance, that includes my death knight.

Players: Chris Metzen wrote this story for multiple years, and you’ve ground it to dust in a matter of days.
Steve: Very dramatic players. Give me the urn, and I’ll make sure you unsubscribe quickly.
Players: That urn holds the franchise-lore’s ashes, Steve! What, were you hoping to piss on them one last time before you left this game to rot?!
Steve: I didn’t know what it held. Nor does it matter. I’ll take what I came for one way or another.
Players: I dearly hope that there’s a special place in hell waiting for you Steve.
Steve: We may never know, players. I intend to write forever.


Too busy choking her out.

A paper pushing coffee boy, in no way responsible for the crimes of the Dark Titan’s administration.


I’ve come to believe the Peter Principle is in full effect at blizzard.


Velen forgiving eredar.


Do elaborate if you can. I’ve no idea what it is.

Man went out of his way to turn his son into an assassin trying to kill him for thousands of years but sure, you’re forgiven.

It’s the idea that people will be promoted until they’re in a position they’re incompetent in. Good lower management doesn’t make good middle management. And so on.


Draenei live for a geological era. What’s a few millennia between brothers?

Maybe Velen’s heart softens if the representative of the penitent eredar is Nuuri?

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Its the drummer Orcs Kodo !

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It’s /mountspecial causes a massive clip with hat shoulder armour. It’s draenei tier.


Jamming its head through the spike in front. Classic. How does this stuff pass any quality control whatsoever? How embarrassing.


It’s a concept that people who excel at their job are obviously prime candidates for promotion higher up the heirarchy when a space comes available. So long as they excel they continue to be promoted, until they are promoted into a job that they do not excel at. No longer excelling they will not be eligible for further promotion or lateral movement and sit in a job they are incompetent at.

Peter is a great Salesperson. He is promoted to Team Leader. He is a great Team Leader. So he is promoted to Department Manager. He is a bad Department Manager, that job is beyond his skills and ability despite his excelling in the lower ranks. He is not promoted again due to his subpar performance. Peter is now incompetently running an entire department.


i don’t pay taxes

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I’ve seen far too many absolute incompetents at a job still get promoted to believe this really plays out that way :pensive:

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Truth is, game was rigged from the start.

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It’s just one of the recognised concepts that explains incompetence in businesses, there are others as well. I believe its the case here because after twenty years of attrition, both in big name staff and the unknown staff, we’ve got the current crop who are clearly not as up to the task as their predecessors.

It’s part of the great myth of capitalist meritocracy that people rise by being good at something and that the exceptional, brilliant individuals always excel. Opportunity and connections are decisive factors and often land the ubiquitous failsons in positions of unchallenged power while the exceptional but unprivileged sweep floors until their backs give out.

Google Wyatt Koch.


Failing upwards/sideways, too.

Aka ‘Make this absolute Plod be Not My Problem’

I’m not sure where Wyatt falls on this scale but if his shirt designing is by merit and talent I will eat my shirt.

Speaking of design, I hope the night elves get a green option for the set.

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