PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

Hey, they do that at my job too.

They wanna get rid of you? Just promote him to a higher position at a different location, problem solved.

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Dilbert Principle.

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The problem isn’t only about the act of forgiveness, imho, but how to pull this out in a sensible manner when these guys have never truly displayed much, if any, desire for genuine repentance.

Velen might forgive and forget, but how do you actually play a redemption story for someone like a Man’ari? They made multiple genocides, burned dozens of worlds willingly, consciously, and were intent on wiping all life from the universe.

It feels like blaming evolution for the fact that you felt pain when you bumped against the door. Yeah, our systems likely have imperfections, but you don’t really need to take up arms against whatever you think is the First Cause when these problems could be fixed/improved with smaller steps, and more effectively I would add. Focusing on the bigger change may alienate you from the smaller actions that people could actually do to make the difference in a better world, instead of ranting about how unfair it is.

Nah, there’s nothing natural about an unjust plutocratic oligarchy.

Agreed, it’s an incremental process to uproot and remove the blight of the entrenched aristocracy and redirect all that stolen wealth where it’s desperately needed.

Now I sleep.


There needs to be a resurgance of Demon Hunters to deal with all these warlocks and man’ari running around. Where is the Illidari pest control crew when you need them.

Waiting. Hopefully.

I think it’s neat that players have more customization options. What I don’t like is how they’re currently implemented. There’s so much story and conflict behind some of these and all Blizzard does is drop a 5-minute long quest and suddenly everyone’s friends again.

Maybe I zoomed through the warlock quest but I still don’t get how LFD can be warlocks (or DK for that matter)

Every Draenei is suddenly OK with Man’ari hanging around just because Velen said so when their families were murdered by the dozen?
And Turalyon was openly disdained by Dracthyr entering Stormwind but when these redeemed arch nemesis’ enter there’s zero conflict. (Or maybe there is but that’s probably for a 5-minute quest long).

I mean every new DK is still being taunted and abused even though they (at least the allied races) literally were recruited to go to hell to save their boy king. The consistency is all over the place.


Dragonflight’s main plot feels like Mad Libs writing at times. Or the writers generating the story by rolling dice.

“So the big bad is a dragon associated with (roll) elemental earth, and he allies himself with (roll) the Infinite Dragonflight so he can obtain the (roll) void magic he needs to resurrect Galakrond”

(no roll on that last one because people saw it coming since Dragonflight was announced)


Oh man, these look pretty dope! Also now that I thought about it for abit; I feel like Druid of the Flame customisations and those sets might become available for NElves, eventually? Perhaps even during the Heritage Armor questline?

  • Regarding the Observer, there’s a difference between adding new things that the community will need to learn collectively and potential for meaningful confusion. There’s another pet that is a floating eye; that felt like more of a source of confusion than it was worth. They recognize some people thought it was cool. As they were working on Warlock customizations, a complete transformation in the movement, silhouette and everything about it but kept the functionality felt out of place.

Why do they keep doubling down on this :poop: reason?


The DK part isn’t really too complicated but instead suffers from a lack of DK specific customizations that all the core races did get. Big Lightoids have always been prime DK material, but quite frankly LFD DKs just look terrible with all that glowing gold. Convert it into unholy green or something and it fits way better. Kinda the same way dark iron DKs just look awful.

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Green, Blue and/or Red Coloured tattoo’s and flaming beards would 100% look waaaaay better on those 2 races. Also adding an echo to their voices would help for those 2 people who still listen to their characters voice!

we’re so back nelfposters


Final. Freaking. Ly!

Yes! Coolest Heritage Armor, finally a normal glaive for my Chars to use alongside the Warfront Armours and Heritage Armor! Updated Druid of the Flame gear in 2 colours!

We lost Amirdrassil to the darn Dragons, but what we got from it evens it out!

Forsaken going all in on the Lordaeron heritage! Sadly I feel like this will mean Forsaken will be seeing a whole lot of Princess Calia Menethil < the Pallid Lady > and Derek Proudmoore < Champion of the Pallid Lady > :smiling_face_with_tear:

I just hope Forsaken get alot of cool stuff aswell, because even if the Night Elves have been done dirty alot, the Forsaken had their 1 reprensentation removed and then they were sweeped under the rug and I don’t know whats worse…


Kinda weird to have them use red colors, given that it’s been a part of the Scarlet Crusade brand for decades.


I mean, Calia’s son is, apparently, in the hands of the Scarlet Crusade :smirk:

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Maybe after the Draenei forgive and redeem Man’ari the Forsaken start forgiving and redeeming the Scarlet Crusade?

(:nauseated_face: :face_vomiting: )


With Calia in their ranks, I wouldn’t put it past them. Watch as they get the Lightforged Skintone from it, because thats the way of the Light.

And then the Scarlets will willingly convert to Light Undeads…

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I mean, that big cauldron the DKs put Scarlets into… they can be useful still, right?
Didn’t say they had to be alive to find redemption :smiling_imp:

… That slight cracking sound wasn’t a hairline crack appearing in my will to not touch WoW again until they fix all their wonky narrative stuff.
No sirree…

While I’m happy night elf Druids are winning in practically every way. Leafy customizations, tattoos, heritage armor, and even Druid of the flame. This would’ve been a perfect time to add Highborne customizations.

At the very least a blue Azshara skin color with a Highborne styled outfit. Would have gone better with the introduction of the heritage armor. So that all classes have something.

Instead, we got red night elves. More stuff for Druids.

Can’t wait for the red gnomes