PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

Haven’t seen it myself but I’ve heard others say the same. That it doesn’t explain why any of the involved NPCs are becoming warlocks.

It feels like a sitcom special episode clip show. Just a series of unrelated setpieces that are only loosely connected by the fact they take place in the same setting.


The ghost of renewal is an everpresent malaise nowadays, so I honestly wouldn’t be shocked if that happened at some point.


as a Highborne main, I wouldn’t be against Highborne customisations, BUT Highborne are not the main focus of the Night Elves, and never have been.

Even Demon Hunters have a bigger impact on current Night Elf narrative then the Shen’dralar ever had. Storywise, even the apprentices of the current Shen’dralar are Night Elves and not Highborne!

Again, I would not be against it, but I think Highborne customisation should be very, very, low on the list


The Royal guard always used red, even in vanilla. Scarlets ain’t got a monopoly on it…


I totally agree. Which is why I didn’t mind that the heritage armor didn’t fit mages at all. Rather it fit Druids priests. And that’s ok.

I was just saying since they were planning to add an extra outfit/ customizations, Highborne would’ve been perfect rather than red night elves. Something extra that Nelf mages can look forward to since they can’t wear the heritage.

Hope this makes sense

The ensemble gear description mentions that it’s a gift from the Desolate Council to their champion, so, it’s still going to exist after the quest us done.

The High Warlord shield from Vanilla is entirely red and used the Lordaeron sigil to represent the forsaken in it. That, and there are several forsaken and organisations from them that use red, such as the Royal Dreadguards.

You mean this?

I mean, you couldn’t really confuse it with scarlet thing.

Had the banshee queen logo on it, though. While this new one is a red frame with light background and a red L. About as Scarlet as it can be.

In the end, it isn’t a huge issue or anything.

Static and dynamic flying (as it will be called) may spawn in 10.1.7. I have hope!


Lets hope they’ll add Hippogryphs and flighforms to that roster before then!!!


What the dragonhawks doing tho


No they don’t. I’d say Demon Hunters have had close to zero impact on the night elf narrative. We’ve never seen them interacting in a night elf story if they weren’t Illidan.


They very specifically do with the Lightforged who goes out of his way to state that he wants to use the demons to enforce the Light’s will. He uses them as cannon fodder to prevent more draenei from dying, and he’d rather throw his hated enemy into the meat grinder. Most of them are in it for power, but the Lightforged gets a more detailed motivation.

In the end he does get corrupted by Fel, but his motivation always stemmed from saving draenei lives and enforcing the Light’s will.

When I did the quest I thought I was helping Madam train the new races to become warlocks. Then when we go to the LFD at the pier he doesn’t want to play along and thinks madam is evil. At that point I lost interest and my eyes rolled while I realized they put some rando new guy in the spotlight and made my character look incompetent like I’m back in Elwynn Forest. It doesn’t click with me that my warlock, who’s been around since vanilla was so easily deceived.

Your warlock gets a dialogue option the first moment he arrives when you talk with Madam Shadow about how there’s something going on and that she’s suspicious as hell. Madam Shadow in the quest is also revealed to be a dreadlord - the very same dreadlord that warlocks tricked in Vanilla to get their mount in Dire Maul.

Have things reached to a point that even accepting that your character might not have the upper hand for even like two quests before bringing down the pain on the villain is a reason to lose all interest on the storyline whatsoever?

Weren’t Highborne and Highborne-trained mages the sole reason why a portion of Teldrassil managed to be evacuated back in the War of the Thorns?


NGL, warlocks have been acting kinda SUS lately…

Their best…

Oke, fair points. But still, I rather keep the focus on the Sentinels, Sisterhood of Elune, Druids, etc!

Mind, like I said above, I wouldn’t mind customisations added that could be used by all, like what the Nightborne have!

And I also do not mind the occasional Highborne-orientated Questline for NElves! But it shouldn’t take the spotlight over all the other, many, factions within the Night Elves!

Which is not bad, perse… I mean how else do we get new characters to play with instead of always the same 5 Humans?

Its just that he will probably be forgotten after this, unless he will be added in the Eredar customisation questline!

exactly. i remember it clearly. it was a highborne mage who held the portal open that teleported night elf citizens, a gilnean child, Queen Mia of gilneas, and the alliance player (yourself).

their leader participted in the battle of darkshore as well. they have a bigger impact than DH on night elf society

We. Need. HD. Dragonhawks! (And replace all the non-HD mount assets already, good grief)

We’ve been sat here with such a limited roster of Dragonhawks for an entire race’s specific mount. Since TBC?


People being unable to cope with not being the super duper ultra spotlight heroes reaches back as far as thrall (muh green jesus) getting the final hit in on Deathwing.

It’s a weird thing some people just can’t deal with for some reason. Not that the questline isn’t a pile of :poop: for plenty other reasons but that really isn’t one.

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I feel like you are also forgetting that in Elegy and A Good War the Highborne and their apprentices are specifically hunted down by Sylvanas and her Dark Rangers, and that they suffered heavy losses because of that.

So the small minority they already were, became even smaller after a bunch of them burned with the tree due to keeping their Portals open to the very last minute, and they were hunted down due to their capabilities on the Battlefield when the Horde invaded…

Literally one shows up in the Battle of Darkshore, and while thats their leader, I doubt many more are still around after all what happened to them! (Gods I just wish the remains of the Moon Guard would team up with them already!)

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