PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

Are we getting it? I mean, it’d cool if so, but maybe they’re just there as a part of the questline - I guess it could be a Night Elf Druid exclusive unlock a la Blood Knights?

Flashy silver jewellery is the only thing that comes to mind to me tbh


Well if they were to add any, it would be a purple/white styled robe. Blue Azshara skin (since its not available for the players) and some golden/silver jewelery with purple gems.

They are practicly night elves but less leafy and more jewelry.

would have been more lore friendly than druid of the flame

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This is what I mean. Together with some rando trainee being able to sense what our hero, who’s by this point seen an overdose of “SURPRISE IT’S REALLY ME HAHAHHHA” you’d think you of all people would be suspicious.

Also I don’t remember there being a conversation option with madam other than to piss her off? Or was it that one, because I skipped it to get in on the kill for the imp look. x)

It’s the one where you get teleported into the arena place with the big dog yeah

Yeah, cuz he hated how the Light/Naaru preserved just enough for their kind to continue existing.

Also the reason why the Horde didn’t just steamroll Ashenvale, they portalled all the soldiers in Teldrassil/Darnassus to Ashenvale. They were so confused they got cheered on for it by the common rabble.

Wanna trade with the draenei? Who somehow use hippogryphs??? Apparently taking elekks with you is gucci, but nether rays? Not enough room, sorry!

Exceptional heroes. :cry:

I think we’re all having two different conversations at the moment.

There were (Highborne) magi in Darnassus teleporting people, civilians, wounded, children, etc to safety.

And there were (Highborne) magi at the warfront, fighting to keep the Horde off.

And people are mixxing these two.

Huh, I was thinking more along the lines of Nightborne-esque arcane tattoo’s

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Gilneans and nightelves aren’t people and are as such automatically disqualified from the definition of genocide sorry

But for a more serious answer my guy every war in wow is inherently a race war so you may as well call every last one of them a genocide the word had absolutely zero weight or meaning in wow’s setting.

Afraid to say that you have committed multiple genocides against murlocs and other red name races yourself also

I think you are massively lowballing how bad arthas was


That could be cool; I guess I mostly think of Highborne being free of markings and all that so it didn’t come to mind.

More tattoos in the game in general would be cool


thats nightborne tho, due to being under the arcane shield for thousands of years

highborne npc 's dont have that. they look exactly like night elves but without tattoos in their face. Kinda like how Moridunum looks

:100: yeah i might have confused the two

Nobody took out the Highborne in Darnassus, tho… Atleast, the fire did, but they weren’t specifally hunted down there… The Highborne in Ashenvale and Darkshore were specifally targetted!

Lets not forget the valiant defense the civilians gave! Saurfang literally warned his soldier that in the hands of a being thats thousands of years old, even a simple knife can be extremely deadly, iirc!

I would like some of the Nightborne-style tattoos, or a nelf tattoo tint that resembles arcane runes. The Azshara skintone would also be nice. I can’t think of much else they could add, tbf.


a Azshara styled robe would be nice as well, if its not asking for too much. Ive seen what they did with the druid of the flame, so i know its going to be good. Especially since i dont think many night elf mages players will even wear the heritage armor.

I love the concept of Night elf mages, as well as pandaren mages.

cheers :tada:


Don’t like the disrespect the pandaren gave the night elf mages tho.


are you referring to the empty box? yeah… pandarens are weird with their wisdom lessons. :sweat_smile:

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Thats the one, yeah


I like the tattoo’s on the arms!

I also hope they’ll open up the femals tattoo’s for males, but I can understand, storywise, why they wouldn’t choose for that!


So I have been thinking; it says “Blades”… Could that mean we get different ones? Like the small one, the Warfront one & the Umbra-Crescent? Or perhaps it will include that Warglaive some Cenarion Circle commanders use? I do hold some hope for that!

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You will not drag me back, you will not, no! Away!!

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I mean, obviously I am still playing, but darn I do still miss the option for a Malfurion-esque beard! And his tattoo’s… I want those markings over my eyes!


Lore considerations have never stopped Blizzard from offering additional customizations, and of all possible customizations they’d refuse to add, I don’t expect them to choose this as their hill to die on. It’s just a matter of when.