PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

I mean, doesn’t Malfurion already has a recoloured version of one of the female Kaldorei tattoo’s anyways? the bolts across his eyes?

Edit: And as I typed it, I knew I was wrong; Malfurion has Lightning bolts tattoo’d across his eyes, across his shoulders and down his arms…

Gods, he is awesome


NPC’S sadly always have better customization than the playerrace.

Example: Azshara who has blue skin even before she turned naga. meaning its a natural kaldorei skin color.

Illidan had black hair until it was given to the playerbase… in shadowlands.

Alleria’s hairstyle and tattoos

Vol’jin’s beard

to name a few examples

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Azshara is a bad example, though? Because in the War of the Ancients trilogy its suggested/confirmed she makes herself more beautiful with help of the Arcane, so who says her skin isn’t an arcane appearance, hence why Illidan, with his Demon Hunter eyes can percieve through her appearance and doesn’t instantly fall for her, unlike the rest of Azeroth, the moments she wants to… Uhhh… honk him? Cause he is Sargeras’ chosen one…

Ofcourse there is also Malfurion, but he already knew and saw she was depraved from day 1 of his Druidic training, and his love for Tyrande makes him immune or something


It could be we don’t really know for sure. I mean night elves were not given black hair until shadowlands and that was Illidan’s natural hair color.

They were also given pink hair color, auburn, among other colors which wasn’t available pre-shadowlands. Along with shadowlands, they also started having dark grey skin.

And now in Dragonflight they even have red skin.

So Whose to say blue skin isn’t possible. Especially for arcane mages

I would argue blue skin is more lore friendly than red skin. Sadly we got the latter.

How is she a bad example? The Highborne are largely arcane inclined, so why wouldn’t that option be accessible to them?


Because it might have been an illusion on her part, hence why she is the only one with the skin color?

As suggested by the WoTA-trilogy

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But if it’s an illusion, what prevents anyone from having one as well?

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Could just be for NPCs - some NPCs do get unique totems - but could also be that NElf shamans are next on the class expansion list.

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It’s blue skin at the end of the day. It’s nothing too weird for night elves given they have purple, pink, grey, dark grey, and even blue-grey skin. If you look at pictures of Azshara, she doesn’t look off at all. As her skin seems natural and blends with the night elf/ Highborne theme perfectly.

I find it odd we are now accepting Druid of the flame red skin, but cannot fathom the idea mages can turn their skin blue.

How did the nightborne end up dark blue then? Probably Arcane.

Someone in the thread pointed out it could also be a back item -shrug-

Not all Highborne are Queen Azshara?

I said I hope it gets added, I never said it will and it might aswell be Primalists who use that skin!

This how ever…

Gods, how I dream of this…

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With all the new options night elves are getting I’m honestly considering changing my hunter into one. I have a race change that I haven’t used. :grin:

Truth be told I miss my pet owl :owl: she was part of every nelf RP campaign I joined and people loved her.

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Just for argument’s sake, what exactly would be difficult about changing your skin colour in a world where dragons and space ships exist? I doubt Azshara unlocked the super secret formula to turn blue.

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She ate Willy Wonka’s defective blueberry pie.


I would understand it not being given to players if the argument was she turned blue after being a Naga, meaning it’s something only naga-Highborne could achieve.

But her being blue even before that when she was queen of the Kaldorei kingdom, is just a detail they probably forgot to add to the playable customizations. Sort of like black hair that illidan had (before he turned demon) that only became available to players after shadowlands.

I’m sure blue skin will arrive, we just gotta remind them. And now is the time to do it since they are introducing customizations again.

And hey, I don’t mind it being given to nightborne too since it works for their race fantasy too.

Cheers :tada:

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To fiery orientated; but alongside the Fire Druid gear update and the Fire-Druid Skin update… Watertree(my Shaman), will make do! And I welcome this! Now we just need NElfadins! And NElf Shamans has been way overdue, how can one live 10k years with Furbolgs, who see Druids and Shamans as one and the same thing, and ignore it???

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Whats so difficult about them changing their Druidic eyes emerald green like Malfurion?

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I’ll quote someone who explained this perfectly

When void elves got natural skin and blonde hair to match alleria, after 2 years of not having it. It shocked the forums and the wow community when it got eventually introduced.

So keep in mind the playerbase can resemble their respective leaders. It’s “just a matter of when”.

I reckon even Alleria’s tattoos will eventually be released. It just takes time. The skin colors and hair colors that void elves got weren’t even released on the same year. Skins: 2020. Hair: 2021. And thus they got closer and closer to Alleria’s appearance.

I mean, in Warcraft elf eye colours are much more significant than their skin colour. But to answer you question, probably nothing, cosmetically speaking.

Elf eye colours are insignificant compared to… Well… Eredar skins.

Blizzard opened this can of worms since TBC, when we found out proximity to Fel also changes ones’ self!

Basicly, gameplay(and lore)-wise, Eredar skin for Draenei are those who were in close proximity to Fel, akin to Thrallmar Orcs(Fel-Orcs without spines growing out of them), Orcs with green skin and/or Blood Elves without becoming Felblood Elves(<- Thalassian Elves with Demonic features like horns, etc)

Point being we have multiple races becoming fel-corrupted without becoming fully evil…