PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

This is a bad whataboutism that you can use to justify literally everything.
While I agree it’s odd that that skin color is not available, that line of argumentation isn’tthe one that should pave the road.

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At this point I have no idea what you are arguing for or against, to be honest. How do you go from a blue elf skintone customisation over green night elf eyes to orc/eredar skintones and blood elf eyes?

You are right. Let met amend that. Why exactly would it be hard to change a skintone when there are multiple lore instances of people using magic to alter such things as their race (for example in Exile’s Reach)?


I’m actually curious, they use magic to alter their race in Exile’s Reach? Who does that? Didn’t know about that one.

I think (Alliance side at least) there is this moment where a dwarf mage and void elf(?) use their magic to turn you into an Ogre.

It was a dwarf mage and a night elf Druid I believe. I haven’t played the starting zone in a while so not sure.

I’m lost as well.

But I still stand by my point. If night elves got red skin out of all possible skin colors they could’ve gotten, I doubt a blue skin would be odd. Especially since they already have a grey-blue skin color.

And, night elves are known to have diverse skin tones from pink, purple, peach, grey, dark grey (almost black), and blue-grey, etc. and some of these were introduced in shadowlands, so it’s not like they always had them. Lmao.

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Doesn’t look that b- I mean what.

But seriously just give the NE that skin tone at this point. We are about to have literal eredars as a playable race and all of a sudden a shade of blue might be too much?

Just go. Get it.

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I don’t know anymore either…

At one hand, I do think some characters are special enough to have their own characteristics, for example Malfurions green eyes, Azshara’s blue skin…

But on the other hand

Is a good point aswell


For all the Big Deal they made about overhauling the character creation system etc, the devs have continued to be Rather Underwhelming with everything, tbqh.

Aggressive pointing at Dark Iron beards and Zanadalari/Kul Tiran hair
Where. Are. The. Options?!

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Smashes table while pointing at Trolls


fixed it for you


At least they got things added.
Their tattoos, skin, hair and other bits.
Dark Irons, Zanadalari, Kul Tirans and Vulpera are still sat in the bin.
Maghar too.

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Calia had a daughter; the obvious glaring hole in the false Scarlet Prince narrative they’d better wrap up by the forsaken heritage quest but I bet they’ll just forget.

What customizations? Their only consistent feature until the nazjatar patch is them being pale blue with white hair. Then they looked like any other elf.

The correct opinion. A true professional.


They Horde now, son.

Sylvanas was so obsessed with her own suffering justifying everything that she didn’t even comprehend being called out on becoming Arthas.

She then proceeds to create a mirror of herself in Delaryn in a ironic twist having learned nothing.

Plague balloons coughing wetly on the bus. I nope out.

But as we see in that one story they’re all dead now. Mordent is reduced to a flightmaster.

Since when was this a thing for the highborne? Iunno, it feels like we’re reaching here, like the high elf fans that argue the visual distinction from blood elves should be a tattoo and braids.

Wasn’t it blue in his Legion flashbacks as a sorcerer?

Suspicious nightborne throwing accusations left and right.

I really wish we were given some followup to that, like Maiev having a new arrogantly smirking boyfriend with tats and everyone around her going “yeah… about that.”

Soon we’ll have Warden armour. You’ll find your girl.

They choose the most peculiar hills for ignoble last stands. See the Observer issue.


I mean, they were randomly forgotten after the whole Suramar Questline shenanigans.

But eh, Horde has Undead Wardens and Sentinels already, might aswell throw the Moon Guard into them aswell.

Sadly we will be seeing everyone and their mother in Warden Armors… Instead of it being, you know, a NElf armor… :frowning:

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You’ll find your girl only realise she was a tall human all along but it won’t matter as the helmet stays on every day.

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i doubt they are “all” dead. At least the night elf mages who learned under the Shen’dralar are probably still alive, rather than the shen’dralar themselves. otherwise whats the point of the night elf mages lorewise. might as well remove the class if they are all extinct.

it says they were killed heavily, not that they were all extinct. and its talking about the shen’dralar specifically.

pretty sure it was black in the books. They even used it as a argument to ask for black hair before shadowlands. and they got it.

Nightborne are dark blue. they dont have Azshara’s skintone. in fact, some Nightborne fans asked for the skintone in the nightborne customizations thread, but they didnt get it.

i think both night elves and nightborne could use the beautiful pale blue color. the more customizations, the better. :blue_heart:

it would look amazing on a nelf mage and i would personally use it myself. i might be a bit biased as im a slight Azshara/ highborne fan

I just want them to have the regular dwarf beards and hairstyles without the glow.

Is that too much to ask for!?

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I’m just being snide along the usual textural literalists that are still mad about the “crack squad” having any representation at all and the futility of making sense of population figures in general. Three ships of orcs churning out world beating armies etc.

As long as it worked. I thought it was noteworthy when questing, though. Illidan turns black haired from fel corruption, Malfy turns green from… fae corruption?!?

Was a joke.

Somethingsomething visual distiction silhouette confusion, we made the beards burn brighter.

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I think if you genuinely have issue with this you’ve arrived at the endstage of all nelf fans i.e actively searching for things to be bothered by in the name of a fictional game race