PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

Dark iron should’ve just been a skin colour option.

Change my mind.


The only races to come out of Legion should have been Nightborne and Broken and they should have had actual effort put into them unlike some of the Allied races. BFA should have added a ton of customisation; highmountain, taunka, dark iron, wildhammer, skinny/fat humans and on and on and on.

This is a hill I will die on.


Nah, I don’t really mind… I just like to NElfpost from time to time.

I know people who adhere to the lore will never use it in such an improper way.

Also typing this, I wish we will get a Dark Warden version at some point aswell!

Whelp, you won’t be dying alone then!


Tsunny dark warden, huh? Now you’re just gettig scandalous for the sake of it.


We will die there as one

Preferably while the band from the Titanic plays their song

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I bet one of the devs thinks beards are unhygienic so no one can have them.

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And my axe!

Wait, wrong setting and species…

With Calia’s marriage let alone her child being information completely unknown to anyone but Calia and her dead mum this will only become a hole when Calia decries the Scarlet Prince as the forgery he is.

But until that happens it remains one of the more intriguing story points to have graced Lordaeron in years.

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Her daughter reappears at the peak of hostilities - as an undead.


Not gonna lie Wow creates some good family drama stories. I grabbed some popcorn and enjoyed the pure chaos that is the windrunner sister’s reunion.

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I’m gonna put that statement in a very high X Doubt moment. You have the angsty Nelf love triangle, the misogynist dad Dwarf with clan-ist prejudices (justified tho’ against the Dark Iron), the lame Windrunner family with a human fetish, the I’m a human in green skin Orc and his own people.

Only the relationship with Baine and Cairne with Variant and Anduin are pretty good in comparison.


It wasn’t, I just always imagined that Highborne would use arcane tattoos to improve their proficiency with the Arcane.

And then the nightborne elves came around claiming to be the last survivors that lived as they did in the old Azsharan Kaldorei Empire and they got arcane tattoos.

But it was just what I was thinking, I wasn’t basing it on lore, but more on that it would give Highborne customisations a very different look to normal kaldorei ones.

I like to headcanon that the Shen’dralar highborne took dozens of Horde ranged with them into the grave each, that especially the elderly Shen’dralar were picked out by the Horde to be killed because of their skill (I know it isn’t so as a 40 year old sorceress is the strongest mage to ever exist ever, but one can dream).

The late king’s long lost twin.


I’d rather give Calia no further attention, personally, after how they handled her.

The obsession with the Menethil bloodline as being important, if it ever does come up, should be from those external to the Forsaken who see it as mattering still (whether that’s Scarlets or Alliance or both), which the Forsaken should reject outright. They’re the old kingdom of Lordaeron, they’re the Forsaken. They chose their queen before (Sylvanas), and now they’re choosing their own path with the Desolate Council.

Moving on from a monarchy, and more specifically a hereditary monarchy, is perfect shorthand for their further development. The notion shouldn’t be entertained by any Forsaken for a moment.


That Menethil bloodline is gonna be milked bone dry at every chance given.

It’s Blizzard who foolishly believes this is still W3 or WotLK and after they turned Arthas into 35 Anima nobody wants to hear any more from them.

Also if Calia does get further attention I would like her to actually like…be cool with the Forsaken stuff. You know, poisons, plagues, fleshcrafting, petting bags, reanimation, cannibalism. It might take her some time in a quest (which should not be the heritage quest!) but she should ultimately come to accept them. She can’t be a member of the Desolate Council without doing so.

But since it’s been five years since Shadowlands they should probably skip the development quest and just have her be like "I’m helping train a new batch of giant man-eating spiders :slight_smile: "

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I think that’s part of what happened in the Shadowlands Forsaken quest?

Not really, it was at best a starting point, with the “actually all necromancy is the same!” asspull from some idiot in Maldraxxus. It engaged not with who the Forsaken are as a people but what they are, reducing it down to magical terms instead of seeing the new culture for what it is.

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They could add enchanted crystal/gems as eye options… Xavius had those :smirk:


whatever Calia doesnt accept wont matter in the long run, because the council has 5 people and she is the only one that is light infused or whatever. meaning the other 4 forsaken will outvote her. isnt that how councils work?