PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

The council exists to lead and represent their people. If they don’t represent them - by accepting them - then they shouldn’t be there, regardless of how the decisions actually get made. A character who represents them not being at odds with who they are is, likewise, important for the whole moving away from hereditary monarchy stuff.

The idea is that they chose these leaders - by democratic vote if the old council stuff still applied. We can see why the others got their position (Voss is still a bit on the fence though, frankly) but if Calia is all “ew giant spiders ew plagues ew abominations!” then it doesn’t make much sense for them to accept her or have her lead them.

She’s just Calia now.

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Calia is going to be the “pls dont be bad” voice on the council that the others are hesitant to listen to until it turns out that Belmont is actually plotting to overthrow the other council members “because that’s what Sylvanas would have wanted” or whatever and we’ll kill him in some instanced scenario that rewards 25 [expansion power/currency] and a pet. The other council members now trust Calia.

Calia then claims the “council leader” seat and that’s that.

I don’t think that ‘my dad’s dead’ counts as family drama, as much as it is drama.

They accepted her because she’s the reason that Lordaeron City got cleansed from blight at the end of the day, and showed that she was willing to try and help - as much as people (reasonably) try to block the Shadowlands-related parts of that quest in their minds.

Besides that? It doesn’t seem like they’ll be cutting back on any of those aspects either. The Apothecary’s current leader accepted as long as they’re able to go business as usual, and even Belmont has some post-quest flavour text that mentions how it’s actually pretty useful to have the last surviving Menethil in the ruling council, just in case that the Alliance starts getting any ideas.

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Give toggle.

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Personally I see some potential of the Forsaken turning to the old ruling bloodline. They did chose their queen before but Sylvanas ultimately rejected the Forsaken. So it would be quite natural for the remaining people of Lordaeron to gravitate towards Calia.

Though…that would require some half decent writing so I understand why it is not a popular option amongst Forsaken players.

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Gnomes got a monarchy shoved down our throats, and so wil the Forsaken :hocho:

And the Menethil bloodline produced Arthas and is the ultimate reason all of them are undead and why Lordaeron fell. Both the Menethils and Sylvanas failed the Forsaken and Calia will be no different given that she will never be able to relate to them.

And the pet is some horrific light infused mini-forsaken child that Belmont was going to kick or something.

Well I doubt Blizzard will make Calia fail but I get your point.

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I’m not sure why this matters. Calia bears no responsibility for Arthas’ actions, and some of the Forsaken might consider Calia, daughter of Terenas, to be a legitimate heir. If not for the forsaken, at the very least in front of the eyes of the other human kingdoms, with whom Calia used to be in good relations.

The problem with Calia is just that she isn’t a forsaken. She was never raised by a creature which subjugated her to her will to destroy what she held dear, she truly never fought to reclaim what was hers, and neither she was rejected by her people: Anduin was still best buds after she became undead. Even her mind feels too human, too compassionate to truly belong to the forsaken.

Likewise, I’m not sure why Voss ought to be a forsaken leader. But I digress.


Because the writers are apparently Outright Scared of moving on from the old WC3/WoW early days characters and -gasp- making any new characters that are new, interesting, and have their own arcs to play through.

Next question.

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I mean I wouldn’t call Voss an “old” character. She was introduced in Cata which - yes - is quite old now, but in the category of ‘legacy’ characters vs. ‘new’ characters, she falls into the latter for me.

Especially since her character development did a 360* noscope headshot OTK gg no re in BfA.


Voss is one of the worst characters in the setting, literal shonen, shovel ware, horse :poop:.

There arent enough words in the English language to describe my very much limitless and seething resentment at anything that character is involved in.


Feel free to use words in other languages :wink:

Her Cata storyline was okayish, but it felt like a natural end for her if she had died after breaking the mind control and injuring Gandling, as it was heavily implied she was doing initially.

from BfA onwards she feels like a different character alltogether rather than that she had character progress.


She served a fine enough role in Legion. Very much embraced her almost mercenary nature and disdain for necromancy.

It is absolutely mind boggling what a hard turn they ran with her in BfA, she is an entirely different character (new armor, new attitude, new motives, new personality, new looks, weirdly subserviant to the Forsaken). People to this day defend this as “character growth” and I weep for those people as they will never really understand what a character arc is.

I think one of my favorite glimpses into the tailspin that is Blizzard character writing in BfA is where on one hand Voss says humanity has never done anything for the forsaken and they are still prosecuted unfairly, but then she violently kills like five mountain goats on the way to the next objective and it’s never really explained why or ever brought up.


The BfA forsaken party line that all of humanity deserve to die. Not for their bigotry but because the undead remind them of their own mortality.

Also, Voss kills and has Amalia Stone raised despite hating necromancers and proceeds to groom/gaslight her into betraying her homeland and hating the living.

I can only assume some kind of story beat got cut.


WoW writers really thinking they’re telling a Dragonball Z story arc, when instead it’s GoT Final Season…

[Echoing, reverbed fart noises]

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