PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

Maybe, maybe not. The Amalia Stone thing is even worse than people remember because Voss helps raise another forsaken, Marshal M. Valentine, who is captured by Kul Tirans under the command of General Cadarin. Cadarin offers Valentine returned to the forsaken in exchange for the body of Derek Proudmoore (a pretty fair offer all things considered). Nathanos, while Voss is standing literally right next to him, says they can kill Valentine because he means nothing to them, and Voss offers no protest and does in fact not comment on this event at all going forward, cementing what an incredibly monstrous hypocrite Voss is when she says she’s sticking around to help newly raised forsaken. I believe her only quote is “Ah… another day, another kill” and at that point I don’t know if she’s talking about Valentine or Cadarin. It is an unbelievable series of events.


I 'member and I hope the forsaken do, too.

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I was initially excited about this because I thought it was a follow-up on the Uncrowned dialogue in Legion about them beginning to carefully watch Sylvanas and if necessary take her out. I thought Lilian was some triple Agent Uncrowned Mole in the Horde army close to the Forsaken and therefore Sylvanas acting all lovey-dovey about it all but…no I should have known better, it was none of the above, they just wildly changed her.

Edit: This does not make the Uncrowned any less stupid in their mere existence as an organisation


My hatred for the Uncrowned is never ending.

I hope we never ever ever ever ever ever hear from that organisation again.

Exactly how they want it. Go to sleep, we’ll take care of everything

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Class order halls were a mistake.


They were, but some were extremely fun to play!

I loved the Arena in Valhalla(and punching a Proto-Dragon into submission), the Secret Illuminati-vibe of the Uncrowned, or us replaying the WoTLK-intro cinematic as DK!

The warlocks saving the world for the rest of y’all to have the slightest chance to even resist the Legion’s infinite demon printer.



I’m pretty sure the entire warlock questline was just an elaborate scheme to obtain eredar wife twins because the moment you get them it ends instantly


Worth it tbh.


that’s an excellent scheme, they’re way better than the ones I can find at the stormwind harbor

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The Black Harvest had one single goal during the entire Legion invasion and it has been a complete and total success.

They just keep winning.

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Druid Order Hall is the only good one because it looked pretty and it gave Druids the Dreamway.

The best looking zone in the game!


Order Halls were a bit all over the place, but generally I liked them a lot more than I had expected to. Rogues getting a sewer-tavern with secret entrances was pretty on brand, as was most of the other class halls. The only ones I didn’t really vibe with was hunter and warrior, the latter I never even finished because my orc felt entirely out of place.

I think this highly depended on race, I think… My Highborne Mage never felt at place in the Mage Order Hall also, since he cares little for Dalaran and the Kirin Tor…

Priest was just, well… Paladin’s Order Hall side-quest with a focus on Draenei and Human.

Paladin one basicly homengenoused(sp?) all Paladin’s into becoming the Human-version of Light Paladins, instead of respect my boy An’she, the Blood Knights and Vindicators(and added a Ghost NElf Paladin and a disrespected the Priestessess of the Moon by saying their teachings felt incomplete) :frowning:


If you’re a night elf.

Then again I’ve always felt giving the other races druid was a bit of a miss.

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my High elf hunter (at the time) felt right at home in the Hunter’s lodge mainly due to the Silver covenant joining them, as well as one random high elf from the Allerian stronghold.

had it not been for them, she would have been out of place in that highmountain/ night elf mixed lodge. recieving Alleria windrunner’s bow was also a nice touch.

i also want to add my helf was NOT assosiated with the silver covenant, but rather the Highvale in Hinterlands. i do not support the purge of Dalaran.

cheer :clinking_glasses:

Keep reminding me why BfA was as bad as I remember it to be… The fires may have dimmed, but the embers are everburning. Slands was just so bad you blink once it hits some kind of reset button making you forget the absolute trite BfA is.

Thank you. Also it’s silly that Derek’s body was so pristinely preserved after so many years down there.

it’s uhh, a rare magical version of mummification, don’t worry about it