PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

I like how the everlasting warland timeline sort of implies all that talk and energy we spend on trying to make the factions work together to defeat a greater evil was complete bullshize and we would have been perfectly fine keeping the war going in big or small waves.

That and I find it hilarious that other timelines are being invaded by us in return.
and I am just wondering, what awful evil thing are we time-invading them with?
peaceful alliance/horde soldiers?
murder hobo adventures?
angry westfall farmers?

Those poor murlock timelines getting steamrolled by waves of time-displaced adventures looking for cheap pocket cloth and fish scales they can sell for 3 copper.

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Watch Danuser having a moment of feverish clarity for a grand setting reset, which he will do with a twist reveal that our timeline isnt the actual True Timeline, after which our adventurers abandon it and arrive on the Actual for Real True Timeline.

Which will be 99% identical except for the then current expansion’s story.

I would also be fine with the infinite flight coming full circle and casting the world into the dead desolated place we know from the cata dungeon where we put an end to Murozond
except we learn that many people managed to escape into a different timeline, just before our past selves arrive to kill the infinite aspect.
Consider this a full lore reset, like ff14 did, and I might forgive them for shadowlands.


The warrior order hall :skull:

It really is impressive that they managed to disappoint literally everyone with that 1


Yeah, while I like everything Vrykul, none of my warriors fit in there. It’s also way too golden and Odyn sucks.

“We’re still relevant, dammit!”


There are fun pop culture references

and then there’s this.

The fact that we were spared a fnaf reference is a proof of God and that he’s merciful.


I had to look that up.

wow did FNAF before FNAF became a thing

(fel reaver jumpscares in burning crusade)


Seen some suggestion it’s going to be a brawler’s guild encounter and like…eh, a dumb fortnite reference isn’t the stupidest thing in the brawler’s guild.

Correction: FFXIV didn’t do a full lore reset. The events of 1.0 and the backstory created for it are still part of current lore. The 1.0 finale was not a retcon, it was a Cataclysm equivalent: using a giant world-wrecking dragon as the pretext for updating the world. 2.0 takes place five years after 1.0, after the world has recovered somewhat, but 1.0 still happened.


Unironically, a ‘timeline reset’ that booted us back to the start of Vanilla, and then ran forward with some notable twists in events, would absolutely be how I went for a revamp.

You can keep the bits that were good, throw out the bits that were bad, and tweak the bits that were nearly there but first time were a swing and a miss.

And put all the relevant lore and events in the gods damned game!!. No more of this ‘Oh, it all makes sense if you get all the books and read multiple pages on the wiki!’ Nonsense. Horse muck. Get rid of that.

Sometimes I swear the writing team do not deserve the world they inherited :unamused: And yes, I genuinely think I could do better.


we gotta


The world actively shattering and everyone being too preoccupied with race war and colonialism to meaningfully rebuild à la WoW feels remarkably true to life.


You are lettig them off the hook too easly :unamused:
Some crimes are unforgivible


Much as I think it would be incredibly funny and a bit cool to lore reset us back to vanilla, the main sticking point are the playable races/characters.

How you gonna slot a void elf, BElf DH (Horde), pandaren DK, nightborne warlock, or dracthyr into vanilla? A lot of “weird travelers”? idk, there might be a way to do it, but it’d definitely be clunky.

Plus I’ve no doubt it would schism the RP community who gets to see their long running characters “destroyed” by the change.


You’re right. Remove void elves, blood elves, demon hunters, pandaren, death knights, nightborne, warlocks and dracthyr.

While I’m not necessarily against a return to vanilla-only playable races/classes…that’s a sell that a company cannot make. You’d need to let people import their existing ‘mains’ over, unless you’re creating “WoW2” as a wholly separate game, and that would - frankly - be business suicide.

Weird travellers would work for a lot of things. But some things flat out wouldn’t, like Void Elves who technically wouldn’t exist at that point in time. Nightborne would be a hell of a stretch too.

I think hero classes could still remain though, demon hunters were definitely a thing as were death knights and people were roleplaying them back then, you’d just have a lot less freedom to RP.

It would definitely schism the community though.