PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

As much as a soft reset would be nice, do you really wanna risk it with the current raft of writers?


put me in coach, i have all the best ideas.


That’s always going to be a trade off. And I understand people being annoyed at that.

But also consider; none of the Mistakes that Allied ‘Races’ made; Dwarves are Dwarves and (High) Elves are Elves - Unlocking Dark Iron customisation through progressing the story/dungeons etc. More customisation options from the get go per race.

I dunno, I just think the eternal bolting-on nature of WoWs expansions do not, in fact, expand on the world. If anything, they make it feel more and more empty, as every new expansion has to have X Hours of content, and Y gimmick mechanic, ALL of which then gets abandoned for the Next New Shiny in a few years time. Having come from primarily City of Heroes, where content was evergreen thanks to scaling and teaming, and hearing about how FF14 handles things, it staggers me that WoW is, still, so far behind that curve.

And even after their vaunted Character upgrade, it’s still The Bare Minimum, if that.
And transmog is still hugely more limited than it has any right to be.

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By our powers combined, we would be: Writing That Isn’t Terrible!

Not cool.

If anything, WoW gets the Overwatch treatment as a major update. And a battlepass!

I volunteer for worldbuilding.


Make the geography make sense. Please. No more improbable, spiky mountains. And no more blue sky-apocalypse skybox transitions, YES, Blackrock, I AM looking at your sorry :peach: !!

How many of these issues would be fixed by reverting the story to vanilla though, if any?

The dev team is still the dev team :pensive:

While I have some experience working 3d geography my worldbuilding is the sort that elaborately explains why the titans shaped an entire mountain range into a box shaped 2004 mmo zone style, separating tundra from desert.


this is the real answer


Look, I can dream, alright?
It’s all I’ve got left ._.

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Place your bets folk!
Will the new Wolrd Tree be:
A, Corrupted by the Old Gods
B, Burned down
C, Corrupted by the Old Gods then burned down to “save” what remained of the Kaldorei
D, Burned down and the remains will be corrupted by the Old Gods

It is not great time to be a Night Elf… again :roll_eyes:


And then I’m physically destroyed by the fans for my writing mishandling the Quel’Thalas succession crisis.


I see things like the new Heritage armour and the tattoos, and I have to quietly remind myself that 1) they decided genociding was a totally viable and Ok story option for Reasons, 2) they still haven’t fixed the Game World with refugees scattered around Stormwind, 3) it’s actually ok to go for Renewal and Peace if the Goddess says so, because of (Centrist writing) reasons!, 4) Why the HELL is the new tree in the DRAGON Islands?! HELLO?


Maybe… Maybe we are now tied to a sub-par franchise?

I have to ask the question that if Wow came out today in 2023, would it get the same following?


I think nostalgia, friend groups, sunk-cost-fallacy and other bias’ are doing some very heavy lifting for the fact WoW hasn’t been dragged to a crawl just yet.



If it would came out with Dragonflight as the first ever WoW?
But otherwise not likely
The World changed in the past two decades
So probably would be just another foot note in history

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A source of much rejoicing as the souls of a dying species grow a wondrous tree teeming with the magic of Life.

Then it keeps growing, an enchanted thicket spreading and choking all native life, the great spires of the dragonkin crushed by writhing roots. It is a tree not of this world, brought across the veil and powered by the dead.

The forest grows vast and quickly eclipses the isles in spite of all attempts to slash and burn with all the might of dragonfire and the Horde’s infamous demolishers but soon the isles are abandoned as the roots reach the titan reservoirs, the great tree stretching into the heavens.

Soon nothing remains of the ancient land but a great forest, the ghostly dancing light of mournful spirits shining through the canopy. Thus the mortal world learned the cost of their hubris and the folly of bringing anything back from the realm of death and rebirth.


Low-key excited to see some recolors of the renowned explorer set have been datamined. The Dragonscale Expedition gear was such a weird and big disappointment after the Shadowlands transmogs. I get they wanted to keep the RAF reward special, but those items are just so extremely bare-bones and 2D (aka bodypaint) I couldn’t even tell what they were supposed to be.


Per the devs, Dragonflight is (supposedly) meant to be a new start for things content wise, where instead of abandoning stuff from expac to expac, they will build up on existings systems such as the new talent trees and the like.

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