PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

I will believe that when I see it.
They’re starting with zero credibility when it comes to doing Not What They’ve Done every single expac prior, so…


Sooo you are saying it is not only our duty but our moral obligation to burn that Tree to save Azeroth?
I can live with that
Hey, even could help to save to store those Kaldorei souls in nice little soulstones!

I mean, by all means. I’m remaining optimistic myself since the expansion has so far been rather satisfying to me in regards of the general story progression, and the PvE side of things. There’s a grump to be had about some class balancing but even that has gotten approached quicker than it has been in the past.

We’ll find out in a year or two, I suppose.

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Just saying millennia old druids and dragons should know better than to introduce an invasive species. Especially if it’s teeming with the anguished souls of almost an entire people.


Begin the joint draenei/kaldorei Vigilant project.

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It’s so hard to be the singlemost catered to player demographic in the entire game :pensive: no one understands our suffering :cry:


Dungeons are now run as 4-player groups.
That’s it.

What world update? Here’s a hairstyle for 20€.


Tbh class halls were a nice touch and for the most part, a good way to explore one’s class identity. It felt a nice change when compared to WoD’s garrison, which completely failed to deliver in terms of racial identity and was basically “human garrison”, “orcish garrison”. Most of the campaign were cool and allowed us to explore how widespread the Legion invasion truly was.

Plus, artifact weapons related to the class were also cool.

Yes there were a few issues, and some people may complain because their tauren paladin, a class combo played by 0,001% of the playerbase, didn’t feel included, but overall it was an enjoyable experience.

BFA is where, however, all characters were butchered to fit into the main plot of “you have to be either Horde or Alliance, can’t be neutral… atleast until Saurfang tells you to do so.”

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Says the species with an entire Expac dedicated specifically to them, AND they didn’t lose their capital (despite being sieged twice now) AND didn’t get genocided even a little bit. Despite the Warchief.



This is the way

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Extremely funny post I like it a lot :+1:


What do you mean didn’t get genocided, I alone have killed thousands of them.
Orcs are the same as every other race, there’s always enough of them to move the plot forward.

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me whenever population numbers come up

WoW would unironically be better if it borrowed some of the Hearthstone Devs.
The Barrens stuff was all 10/10 :ok_hand:
Give us the real Gadgetzan, you cowards.

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do you guys remember when tauren were driven to the brink of actual extinction when they were being slaughtered by the centaur

man those night elves sure have had it hard huh. real shame that their long time friends the tauren weren’t just next door to help them out


Baine when he hears the Night Elves got genocided:

Baine when he commits active treason for the fifth consecutive time:


Blizz writers: “Hey, do we have like… a Lore Bible or something? I feel like there’s certaint Quite Important things we might be forgetting…? No? NAH, can’t be that important!”

Anyone with half a brain-cell looking at all the retcons and lore contradicitons:

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we didn’t lose our capital because it wasn’t a race capital it was a horde capital

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