PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

Some would say what happened to Orgrimmar with the Cataclysm was worse than losing it…
Some would say that.


Yes. Aka calling ‘favouritism’ from an Orc perspective is hilarious.

-Looks around the ‘Horde’ Capital for more than a handful of outside influences/nods-
-Looks around the Garrison for any other available styles. In an Orc Expac-

elves when their elven architecture isn’t in orgrimmar



If it gets destroyed we will have far better horde capitals

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i believe the official term you’re looking for is night elves blizzards favourite race owned

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Being worse than Stormwind is pretty cringe, s’all I’m saying :thinking:

where was nordrassil when the west barrens fell?


where was mu’sha when the darkshore masacre occured

hands you the palmful of copium to further support your claim

To be fair, orcs still have the number 1 customizations amount, even far more than night elves with the recent additions. And it’s not my own words, but rather a study done on customizations. You can search about it.

  1. On another note I don’t see how night elves losing almost all of their lands and getting wrecked in Kalimdor as being a “good” thing.

  2. And don’t get me started on the Elune reveal.

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as it should be… orcs on top

rathgir-kun … :flushed:


I almost forgot the classic trailer. Where the night elf Druid got wrecked by the orc warrior :slightly_frowning_face:

Night Elves are probably one of the favourites of the art team

the writing team on the other hand lol lmao


Personally I think the night elf genocide is considered “worse”, or better remembered, because it was so short ago, and it was done by a playable faction, and many players of that faction were really happy about it, and it was kinda written as if it was something good, and the underlying reasoning for it was shiiiiet (if we don’t genocide them now, in 200 years they might attack us, instead of valid reasons such as we need their resources for our growing population, ouf survival as a species/faction hinges on it, like thats not a nice reason, but it’s more valid than they might maybe attack us in like 200 years).

Like, yes the undeath genocided multiple human nations, the orcs genocided a human nation (badly, tho), the centaur genocided the tauren, the humans and trolls genocided eachother and Garithos attempted a genocide on the belves, but that was all done by either non-playable races or factions that don’t exist anymore (Alliance of Lordaeron, Old Horde, Scourge, Alliance Remnants).

By that logic Darnassus was an Alliance capital and not a “racial” capital since it housed Gilnean worgen, Gilnean humans, Darnassian night elves and Shen’dralar Highborne.

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real talk i actually love the night elves as a race. first race i played in the game and the one i roleplayed for the longest amount of time.

but i also really love dunking on them


Well they have amazing death animations + death sounds.

The men especially are dramatic.

One of the joys of being a nelf hunter is using feign death and it’s the most dramatic death ever.

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You can argue that a future threat is a poor argument, but the Alliance weren’t a future threat. They were a present one.

They were attacking the goblin teams in Silithus to get their azerite, they were developing azerite weapons, they had entire teams of spies in Orgrimmar, and just a year prior during the height of the Legion invasion, one of their leaders alongside some of their highest military officers attempted to assassinate the Warchief - so far as we know no attempt at diplomatic apology was made, and by Anduin’s own admission he did little more than wag his finger at Genn and Rogers.

Following that, Anduin himself undermined his own diplomatic agenda when he snuck Calia Menethil into the Gathering, only to watch as she deliberately urged Forsaken members - some of which were in positions of political power - to defect.

Not once, but twice, during extremely tense political times the Alliance proved themselves absolutely willing to use both military and diplomatic means to undermine and attack the Horde.

Like, say what you want about Teldrassil being overkill and bad, sure, but pretending like the Alliance was trustworthy at all in a post-Legion/pre-BfA world is laughable. Were the Horde trustworthy either? No, lol, of course not, Sylvanas was in charge!

But they had already proven that their rogue elements (Genn, Rogers) wouldn’t be reprimanded. They’d already proven that they were willing to attack the Horde to get their hands on Azerite, and - whether Sylvanas knew it or not - the Alliance were weaponising it as well.

With the way Azerite was framed in the story (whether it ended up portrayed as such in game or not) it was the fuel for massive superweapons that could level cities.

Was going to war the only answer? Perhaps not, but there’s an alternate timeline where Sylvanas heeds Saurfang and Baine’s ‘better nature’ advice and Orgrimmar gets azerite bombed by Jaina or Genn or Rogers or whoever, and then we finally get a better looking Horde capital everyone’s yelling because “of course they were going to do that! They tried to kill her while the Legion were invading!!!

If you flipped the factions on some of these actions - Nathanos+Saurfang attempting to assassinate Anduin during Legion, spies in Stormwind, gnome mining expeditions being assassinated by Deathstalkers, Sylvanas smuggling in undead Tiffin Wrynn to convince a bunch of human nobles (who hold political/military secrets) to defect, confirmation the Horde was manfucaturing Azerite weapons - would anyone be blaming Anduin for going “hey maybe we can’t trust the Horde and should strike first??” Would there be such handwringing about the war’s justifications?

Or would people be happy that the little lion was doing something proactive against a very real threat to them?

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:point_up: :nerd_face: the alliance forced them to do a genocide actually

if the night elves didn’t want to be genocided they should have simply fought better
skill issue