PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

40 minute tirades about why the Horde had to try and annihilate the universe are almost nostalgic these days.


people who live in flammable trees shouldn’t throw stones

or something


takes me back to last year, and two years ago, and three years ago, and four years ago


sorry, you’re right guys, the Alliance has never done a bad thing ever :pray: foolish of me to believe they would ever be anything but golden and ideal pinnacles of honour, righteousness and joy.


so true bestie, that’s why the genocide thing was bad (genocide isn’t bad if various people from a group have done something wrong)

What about people who live in stone cities and yet more flamable than a tree itself?

(I’m never gonna let them forgot Zul torching somehow a whole city because thinggamagig prophet vision granting him perfect moisture + wind + combustion ratio)

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I swear this was never ever brought up afterwards despite the fact that by the time you’re at the docks literally the entire city of Stormwind is burning in the background. Does Horde get any dialogue about it?

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the moment I read this part of the sentence, I already knew you weren’t talking about night elves because you said one expansion instead of several

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Just saying once more that ‘Focus is a curse’, ‘Blizz’s writing is terrible and inconsistent’, ‘Bad Night Elf Posters being Bad and also Constant Night Elf Dunking are two equally obnoxious things’ and ‘I’m not doing this whole So-Called-Arguement for the dozenth time’ are all statements that can exist side by side.


Jaina just activated the edit mode in Minecraft, not only extinguishing the fire but rebuilding the entire capital in a jiffy.

We rag on about how terrible it is Teldrassil got burned and isn’t getting the attention and consequences it deserves but how about torching SW and this getting no mention whatsoever afterwards whereas when it happened for the first time first or second War, they had to relocate an entire Kingdom over to Lordaeron.

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What people ACTUALLY aren’t talking about is the clever implications this has on the lore - specifically regarding the expert craftsmanship of the stonemasons of Stormwind, who were so cruelly treated.

Idk losing our entire planet and tens of thousands of our soldiers in Lordaeron and then being put in camps

the word genocide gets thrown around a lot but i think we can all agree all races in WoW had their “get owned for all eternity” moment that left them in complete shambles a la brought near extinction


Except humans because humans are cool :sunglasses:

Agree and true

Y’know what, yeah. That’s fair and I can respect that.

I genuinely wish we could see more Gnomes (No, Mechagnomes, sit down…), Goblins, Tauren, Dwarves, etc etc. There really isn’t enough balance.

:cow: ?
Who knew!

The problem of the WoW franchise is that it uses a lot of mature themes but somehow refuses to commit. As… prudent as I am with the Elder Scrolls games, they at least commit to their themes of “everyone and I mean every people of Tamriel is/was a racist and did/does slavery.”

If WoW just admitted to the whole Garrosh mentality of “I’LL F- DO IT AGAIN!” at least everyone would be on the same page of it’s good as long as we’re the ones doing it and winning.

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It will always fascinate me how some people seem to take it as a personal attack when someone argues against something related to the race they play.


Eeeeeh I’ve seen it enough with RPers who can’t see the difference between IC slights and OOC ones so I’m not surprised that the behavior can be witnessed outside of it and more prolific. Nelfposters are a stereotype for a reason.

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I’m honestly seeing more other-race-posters on the AD forums than nelfposters nowadays.