PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

Well don’t go to GD or even US forums.

No worries, I value my mental health.

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Why would anyone go there?
I mean, if they like damaging their own greymatter, I guess…

If we did that, then the Alliance could use their one random Hunter’s Lodge(Lets call this hypothetical Lodge Camp Alliajo) being assaulted by a Horde general as an excuse to level a Horde city, enslave the Horde civilians to fight in Gladiator Rings, or tie them to poles in the scorching sun otherwise, enslave other races by using their children as hostages, invade holy lands again, and try to drown the world in Horde Blood.

And then get mad when the leader of the destroyed city tries to take revenge by drowning the enemy capital.

Oh, and we’d get to bring it up everytime the Horde would say we did another warcrime/genocide/whatever :smirk:


i was just playing into the whole 90% of all life was decimated somehow-trope a lot of warcraft races & civilisations have endured, yet appear to be numerous and thriving only a few decades later in some cases


Clarkson’s “oh no, anyways” except it’s warcraft races when an extinction-level event occurs to them


“Don’t tell me you’d object to a little genocide in the name of self defense.”

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Commander Shepard as he wiped out those Batarians.

Also improbably large swords sticking out of the planet, etc etc :thinking:

Don’t forget the part where majority of the Alliance leadership was openly advocating for Actually Nuking Orgrimmar pre-emptively with Azerite weapons, and it took Anduin’s veto to kill that idea in the crib before they could develop Actual Azerite Nukes.

The only Alliance leaders who didn’t think developing nuclear weapons was a good idea were Moira, Velen and Anduin. All priests, funnily enough. Everyone else wanted to turn Orgrimmar into a crater before the Horde had even done anything.


This pleases me.

This confuses me. Why nature would only have taken over a small part of the abandoned monastery, that is.

Dead things make great fertiliser.

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Why make nukes when you can just have naaru freeze your enemies in time for all eternity…in the Light…we are One.

Want it now. Want! slams desk

And the Light brings life to dead plant matter too. Holy places should be green by lore.

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I said “MIGHT”

There’s some follow up to the human heritage quests with the ‘Breadbasket Guild’ and Vanessa.

Whether it was originally intended or a result of negative feedback, she’s not slinging soup (other people are doing that), she’s going to be killing the agents that the House of Nobles sends to shut down their guild.

More on the thread, I just linked the Vanessa one because she’s the most important

The fact they acknowledge that the HoN aren’t going to let it pass uncontested is good.
Cecilia Clessington also seems to have suggested a “House of the People”. Democracy? In MY kingdom? I wonder how that will go…


Parliamentary democracy with a figurehead monarch? Anduin will have to come home with a corgi.

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Im happy to see Turalyon shaping up as the most useless regent of Stormwind.


I mean, compared to the Orc heritage…? I mean I like that the Orcs got such an awesome heritage quest, but the Human one was severely lacking on all fronts.

Yes it finally “finished” up the whole Defias questline after it was already finished up twice, but her just ending up working in a soup kitchen was meh for her character.

So I like this.

(Kinda makes me wonder what happened to Sir Gryan Stoutmantle and his Westfall Brigade, tho… I mean he was at one point the de-facto leader of Westfall and leader of Sentinel Hill, the center of Westfall, no?

Nuking Orgrimmar would honestly be a blessing and the Horde could get a proper capital for once.

And the Alliance players could get their one (morally-grey) win bieng visible ingame for once.

Ahem, PvP-player mode loaded.

This is ridiculous and I hope Blizzard doesn’t do it, I want to feel very special as I worked 12 hard months for the set and Blizzard is just going to give them away for free? Oh sure they have a different colour but it basicly makes all of my hardwork useless and I feel cheated by Blizzard because I want to feel Very Special :tm:

/s off.

Probably still trying to stop the fires of Sentinel Hill. They’ve been burning for a decade or so now!

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