PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

Lady Clessington - protege of the honourable dwarf socialist Mr Stonemug himself.

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I can’t believe that in the end Stormwind’s legacy will be Stonemug’s will made manifest.

My god this game.


You guys can’t just drop this in here and not give those, uninvolved in AD’s drama, some background, oke?

What the hell is a Stonemug and why is it bad?

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My hair turns gray and I feel wrinkles form on my face.


It’s funny how corruptable the Noble Houses (who also don’t have names or faces to them) have become under the watch of the God Emp- Turalyon. Again dude just seems to be a seatwarmer for whoever will come next.

I have been on AD since WoTLK, I am just so uninvolved or caring about the drama happening surrounding everything that I really don’t know about 99.9% of it :weary:

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I mean you can just google it. I won’t risk a suspension because someone considers me informing you an act of trolling.

Rings clench and teeth strain.

Next up, the council republic of Lordaeron.

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Sometimes I wonder what the Argent Dawn boogeymen of yesteryear are up to these days

What’s Exaviel doing? Ottaline? Stonemug? Hell, what’s Coldforge doing these days?


A lot of people simply grew up, got jobs, others remain in the shadows…

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I hope they live happy and fulfilling lives.

wild to think it’s been 10 years, yet here some of us still are

still forumposting


Sunken cost fallacy or Stockholm syndrome, what is really keeping you here?

Unlike some people, I’m not a jaded doomposter. If I wouldn’t like the game, I simply wouldn’t play it. I may not always agree with certain story beats, but I’m making the kind of stories I enjoy and want to explore in RP and I’m happier for it.

My RP is able to exist outside of the immediate spotlight of the current expansion’s main story. Few if any of the things people doompost about here have little to no impact on my RP, and ultimately aren’t as big of a deal as they’re made out to be. I simply focus on things that make me happy instead of focusing on the things I hate.

And I think that’s something people should keep in mind. Reading this thread every day just feels like some people haven’t enjoyed this game since 2016 and are in denial about it. It feels less like a thread for catching up on the latest datamines and updates from the PTR and more an airing of grievances with the game -thread. Some kind of a… pet peeves thread…


Love of storytelling and having free time.


When I don’t feel like playing the game anymore, I quit, then sometimes I feel like giving it a go again and I return for an undetermined amount of time until I get bored again, it’s pretty great all in all


I do content and RP as well.
If content’s good my RP activity dips. If I’m done with content, whether its PvE or PvP, I’ll go back to RPing more often as well as level characters with my wife.

There’s always something to do.

They are generally on the greener pastures of Private Server RP or custom servers like RedM or NWN, where they curate their own community of likeminded people.

I gotta be honest, some people in this thread just cannot and will not see anything positive in anything WoW related anymore and them claiming to still be here out of love of what the game used to be and how they want to see it returned to a better time is just them pretending they still love the game because they have no replacement.

Mind this are the same people who will declare the people on GD-forums mad, while they themselves bring that same negativity and madness into threads on AD.

We get it, the game is dead, every update is trash and everything currently ingame sucks balls… Can you now please just leave and let those of us who still have an actual stake in the game enjoy it without you peeing on our parade every darn turn you get? Thanks. ( ← this is not directed at anyone in general, just something that has been bugging me lately)


Still doing Scarlet RP.

Still doing GoTWind RP on other aliases.