PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

sorry mate i dont speak orcish.

our pandaren language is literally eating noises.

“ommm nommm ommm nommm yumm”

How do you do, fellow Alliance?


Can’t wait to see him at Lion’s Rest chatting up the Illidari Barmaids, San’layn Diplomats, High Elf Archmages and (not a DK IC) Battlewizards


how is High elf archmages a weird sight in stormwind? they’ve been there since classic.

It would be interesting to see them chatting with the void elves tho, who were the weird ones in the alliance (at the time) especially paired with lightforged draenei

The picture you posted has green eyes!


It’s simple, there are no playable High Elves, only Void Elves.

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Darn, you are right!

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I point at one I made
They had eyes without their glows initially on WoWhead


The customisations (currently) do still lack the fel cracks on the face/arms/legs though. Smooth, like their brains.

At least for now. There’s still time to add them in.

All this hype with customizations is still making me hopeful for blue Azshara skins. I’ve been suggesting it everywhere, wowhead, Instagram, the only place i haven’t suggested is Twitter but Im not a fan of it.

I don’t mind Eredar in the Alliance, I just hope they won’t become goody two shoes like the rest of the Alliance.

Pair them up with the void elves and Darkfallen and make them do quiestionable, but not outright evil, stuff so the Alliance will lose some of its shine.

(Also gimme felblood elf customisations and leper gnomes ones, the only ones I really want for my warlocks :sob: )

Who knows, maybe the Eredar and void elves could be the cause for the Fifth War, or they could be the ones that save the Alliance from the inevitable alliance with Yrel’s Lightbound.

We still don’t have a single canonical Darkfallen within the Alliance.

It would be weird if we allowed them to join and just let them be their usual selves. The kind you see on the Antoran Wastes.

Yet! I bet we’ll see some random Alliance NPC with that skin appear eventually with no explanation.

They shouldn’t be their old evil selves, but they shouldn’t suddenly be all goody two shoe Bless the Light either. Just shady, behind the front door backstabbing is good without the “lets conquer the World” ideas behind it.

So basicly, how the Warlocks were. Loyal to their faction, but into doing shady business too and don’t look into it too much or you end up suicided.

Ofcourse some Eredar will be all Bless the Light, thats fine too.

If I made any sense

This would be the last thing they should be doing given their history. Much like any Darkfallen, they would also be under heavy scrutiny whereever they would be on Azeroth, let alone within the Alliance. Any activity that we’d consider shady should be a free invitation for warlocks to just forever banish them into the Nether.

Since when was common sense ever a part of wow’s story?

Also, you can’t really control a so far unknown amount of Eredar?? They could still secretly do this stuff, and they will also have the warlock class available, would a Eredar warlock then be KoS?

(Also, Blizzard where’s my red orcs!?!?!?)

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Im assuming (and this is just a theory) that they might be able to practice the shadow/ fel magic freely in telogrus rift

The only problem with that is… Alleria is not very fond of demons. She was lost 1000 years in the twisting nether, fighting and being hunted down by demons. One of them even tried to threaten her by saying he’ll murder her son.

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Kinda hypocrite off her as she uses magic of the Gods that have sworn to destroy everything Light related (such as her son and husband).

Ok, are you willing to engage with me about this topic without going “Yeah but the setting is trash so anything goes”? As it’s a rather dogbreath reason to fall back on.

We will see what the patch brings. For all we know Velen may as well summon Anduin from the Maw and have a Gnomish printer at hand making 26000 copies of the High King’s Free Pass he’d sign on the spot and then hand them out to the Prophet’s new red-tinted flock.

They will then be told to feel free to go about their business as they see fit, including pissing on Varian’s grave, sacrificing gnomes and taunting Lightforged Draenei with Turalyon present.

Ok, cool if you’re going to be this way than we don’t have to discuss anything.

You want the Eredar to be draenei 3.0, thats fair. I would hate it tho.

Unless she’s completely mind controlled by N’zoth, she wouldn’t hurt her son or husband. She believes you cannot have void without light. So she doesn’t necessarily hate the light, she just doesn’t believe in it.

Here is a glimpse of evil Alleria in Nzoth’s vision. Truely dark!

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