PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

A Scarlet Cultist you say?

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By the titans, how many times do I have to dunk on them before they get the message?

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I think it’s also a reluctance to forever kill off an enemy organisation that has some lore and ties to the W3 era although I don’t remember if the Scarlets emerged there but it’s roughly the same era/decade lore wise.

Same logic also applies to playable factions so it is what it is.

Maybe so, but they really stretched it to the limit.
considering they have been through 2 and a half total purge and somehow still exist.
Maybe its time for the scarlet to finally die, have a noe-scarlet or whatever, but let the original perish.

I do not mind the use of a Scarlet guy for the quest involving the Horseman, seeing as his story is connected to the Scarlets.

It’s just a cute, lil attention to detail, nothing worth flipping desks over.


Okay so
We find the original horseman, try to help him atone for his sins, but then he gets resurrected (again) as the horseman.
I don’t want to be needlessly negative, but what’s the point? We’re back to square one. Nothing has happened, why should I be invested in this story

No. The Scarlet Crusade was introduced in vanilla WoW.

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Really? Weren’t the Scarlets born right after the Ash- Oh yeah right, that’d put it at vanilla time indeed.

There will always be as many NPCs to slay as needed. I’m more shocked at fanatical organisations and groups springing out of nowhere such as the Primalists and somehow capable of posing a major continental threat. An infiltration mission giving people are layout as to who are the primalists composed of and their reasons goes a long way if they’re not purely driven by the desire to return Azeroth to monke.

Crewmate Whitemane

With the Primalists a lot of races have their reasons to unleash the elements on different ways. Like, I can easily see a Draenei, orc or Krokul Primalist willing to dig a canal to the Dark Portal and finally get some water to the Outland.

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They seem to have gotten the message. Footage screenshots show that the Scarlet Monastery is pretty much abandoned and haunted by ghosts of the former Scarlet Crusaders that used to be there, with this one cultist going over to do soul magic after reading Dathrohan’s corrupted journal.

And I’d like to see those play out or even being expressed by said primalists, It would be quite nice.

Named NPCs with a couple paragraphs of speech telling me how and why they joined the Primalists in their goal is all I wish I got, if I missed it I’d be keen on seeing it since the best I got are those Two Nelfs in Vaults who may or may not have been survivors of the tree burning.

Speaking of Outland, how far into the future until the place starts having refugees from there moving to Azeroth as life is no longer sustainable I wonder… There’s that one Orc clan from the HA quest who’s confirmed to move out but everybody else is still hanging in the air.

I believe that the events of the Ashbringer comics happen more around the times of Warcraft 3, at least before we get to adult Darion, then it’s vanilla.

Unfortunately WoW doesn’t do itself any favours here; in the Old Hillsbrad dungeon it has the conversation around the naaru ORB (which they forge into Ashbringer) taking place when Thrall escaped (around Year 16) but the comic says quite clearly it happened during the Third War - after Arthas sacked Stratholme (Year 20). The schism between the Silver Hand that turned into Argents+Scarlets happened “some time” after, but before vanilla.

The CoT dungeons in general have a lot of lore inconsistencies for the sake of easter eggs or gameplay purposes.

The Stratholme dungeon is portrayed as Arthas hitting one (1) civillian with a hammer after saying some edgy one-liner and then the entire city bursts into becoming undead, when every piece of lore that talks about it mentions how it was pretty much a bloodshed where most that were killed were still breathing humans, some of which inside their own homes.

T’is a very silly place.

Arthas did nothing wrong in Stratholme.

No, everyone just did everything wrong before Stratholme happened. That’s the whole point of the storyline. Everything has gone to crap by the time the Cult reaches Stratholme, no matter what anyone does, it’s joever.

I really liked the part where arthas confronts mal’ganis and he’s surrounded by the scourge and he says “its morbin time’”.

Truly remarkable storytelling. Bravo Blizzard.