PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

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On the topic of Stratholme. I just finished the Paladin class hall mount quest and made me wonder, why is during the scenario Stratholme still on fire 6 expansions later?
And why are they surprised that in 6 expansions time someone moved the body of Rivendare?
And not sure how I feel about using light necromancy to raise an undeath horse into forced service. I would’ve liked it more if we just got a new horse.

Listen, the Argent Crusade retook Stratholme around Cataclysm, but you see… Its a magical fire and they cannot put it out.

Its a cursed and haunted place, with spooky magics infused into the city itself, apparently :smirk:

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The entire dungeon is filled with ghosts, it’s more than just ‘apparently’. Whole place’s haunted and stuck in fire. You’d consider that Stratholme’s curse would wear off now that the Lich King is gone for good, but uh. Uhm. So anyways, what sword?

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I don’t think that the curse was born due to the Lich King? Wasn’t it said somewhere it was the heinous deeds commited there that basically cursed the place?

I might be wrong, but I swear that Blizzard used to play with “dark deeds create echoes/curses”, like Darrowshire, for instance.

The issue being that the act of purging Stratholme being so big of a “sin” that freeing it of the curse might never become possible.

This was a big thing back in the day yeah, my own personal favorite (also directly related to stratholme) are the Deathlords.

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Oheey I remember those! I was always sad that we did not get a proper Warcraft 3 esque model for The Unforgiven in Strath.

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So I guess Teldrassil’s burning was not a sin, since the fire went out within an expansion. :clown_face:

Okay in ten character.

True and real.

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IIRC some of the ghosts in vanilla questing you set out to kill weren’t risen by a necromancer but came about due to trauma.

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Lorewise, there’s a distinction between ghosts that are lingering spirits and ghosts that are imprinted reflections of horrible events. The latter aren’t sentient and just kind of linger, replaying the final act of their lives.


And both can be created from the same event.
Scholomance for instance have a lot of ghosts reliving their happy last moments, only three of ghosts are aware they are dead.

Welp, there it is.
“Oh, but it’s not selling just Tend-”
Shut up, Gallywix.


Oh no, the predictably greedy company did the greedy thing everyone expected them to do in accordance to their past behaviour. Who could have possibly seen it coming? I’m shocked! Shocked!


I made the mistake with the Guardian set, I will noy buy this one!

I’ll wait until it drops from the trading post!

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Eyup. Not surprised at all. The “Oh, we won’t be selling Tender ON ITS OWN” was the most transparent thing going.

Oh! I thought they were only selling those corsage’s you can’t even see over your armor!

But they’re selling tenders aswell :frowning:

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I miss him :pensive:

They said they were gonna do this a while ago so I hope no one is surprised.


Trader’s Tender won’t be sold as a standalone product, but may be included as part of various deluxe editions or bundles in the future.

This takes 2 minutes to Google my outrage-addicted friends

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