PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

The orc one transcends them all. It actually tackles the meaning of their heritage and explores it with the orcs of today looking to the future without forgetting their past no matter what clan you are from. A player actually gets to learn about the orcs of warcraft, some of their traditions and how they became what they are today.

In contrast, I guess from a grand lore perspective it’s nice that there is an impending peaceful socialist revolution in Stormwind spawned from a Westfall soup kitchen but all the questline really does is memberberrying the Defias storyline from vanilla wow (even lifting direct quotes from The Great Masquerade when you hand in the final step).


(Google didn’t help)

It’s a south park reference, could be equated to something akin to nostalgia-bait, something that makes the consumer go “Oh, I (re)member this!”


Doing it at the moment, but yes.

the only “sort of” NE heritage we get is Jarod having led us once.

And the death Human Paladin friend of that one Warden… Nari?

Alas. It isn’t bad, indeed. But it is severely lacking and does feel like a random quest in Felwood, instead of a proper heritage one like the Orc one. They shot themselves in the foot by making the Orc heritage so… What everyone expects from an AAA game studio?

Also the traditionalist Kaldorei Weapons rewards is awesome, but for some reason they forgot to make them appear when sheathed, like the Demon Hunter and the NPC ones! Which is a mistake that should be fixed a.s.a.p. imho! And I hope they’ll one day release the Umbra Crescent as a weapon(perhaps alongside that slick new Watcher set?)

Still can’t belief the Worgen one ended up with the message that being a Worgen is wrong… And the Tauren one being a pre-, pre-, quest to the Shadowlands. Compared to those, the NElf one is S Tier, lmao

Edited in funfact I just found out; the Moon-Priestess send by Tyrande in the Quests acts as a Spirit Healer and rezzes you back to life during the HA-quest!


A lot of surviving NPCs and glow ups here. Jarod’s eyebrows still absent though.


My friend, how can I go through them all when I do not have X?

Could you explain this sorcery to me? Or perhaps* link them, one by one, as I beg the twitter users for mercy! :man_bowing:

*removed the capital P in Perhaps for a smaller one

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The madman, he actually did it.

…No, wait, it redirects me back to the old domain. For now.


Too much to link.
But it’s a lot of NPCs
Just start an account and never use it!

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If you Inspect someone with the sword version mogged, you can see them sheathed. They appear inside the character model.

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Probably not a huge surprise to anyone that this is in the cards, but it’s almost strange to see them this way.


I’m sure they’ll appear on wowhead or mmo-champ at one point

Looking forward to the looming century of fabulously wealthy psychopaths mad kinging the world into chaos. We learn nothing and the social revolution is in the hands of reactionaries.

Aspect powers: activate!


I’m pleased to see more survivors of the Burning of Teldrassil.

Oh hey, look

Still no Night Elf Dark Rangers in the Alliance, what a surprise

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I’m considering belf dark rangers a gift to the sylvanas fans and it’s simply a coincidental byproduct that it’s avaliable to night elves too without further lore elaboration. Void elf dark rangers? Lawl.

The only organisation they have is the Black Arrow under the Forsaken.

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I mean, they’re probably meant to be High Elven Dark Rangers

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As we approach the end of the expansion, that means it’s LEAKING SEASON. I bring to you something fresh off the presses, kinda.
One of Bellular’s VODs got nuked by Blizz on copyright grounds, which is pretty unusual, but supposedly it contained discussion/visuals about this:

Which is from a supposed leak and seems to show a CGI drogbar and an orc(?).
Bellular confirms it was nuked by Blizzard Korea.

What does it mean? idk!

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Do we know that 10.2 is the final patch of the expansion? I fully expected 10.3 considering that we mined enough pvp mounts for a season 4.

The biggest thing that makes me believe that this leak is genuinely real is that I have no god damn idea what I’m really looking at. Which is how I felt with every other real WoW expac CGI leak.


We don’t know for certain, but the fact that Fyrakk has the AotC mount (which so far as I know has always been attached to expac-end bosses) and that it’s bringing with it the Pathfinder achievement heavily implies it’s the last major content patch.

Personally I’m still expecting a smaller 10.2.5 after it to help wrap up the story/set up the next expac, but core content wise I am heavily in the camp of 10.2 being the last raid, so the ‘end’ of the expansion, and so the next one will be announced soon™ in turn even if we do get another PvP season or the like.

Fondly remembering the leaked Bastion concept art and how I immediately discarded it as fake because it didn’t look anything like the Shadowlands as we knew it. :clown_face: