PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

Demony wings.


I want them!!

Heck, think they’ll be popular with warlocks and DHs in general!

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Oh man, deffo gonna do this as my Netherwing-exalted Battlelord of the Valarjar…

Wonder if they’l have a different dialogue, seeing as the Battlelord was fine with how the thorignir was used and how they punched a Proto-Dragon in submission😅


babby wings

I like how they look, but yeah they do seem almost hilariously small. I guess it makes sense if you want them to not clip horribly with some of the numerous playable races, but I’d personally wish they were easily twice the size.


Wrathion just out here reading pages of WoWPedia, huh?

I don’t recall the Thorignir ever being enslaved nor being bound by any magic but apparently that’s just a thing now. Also I see they’re fully going down the twitter-take rabbit hole of Odyn being some kind of weird abuser (he only destroyed Helya by the time she was already corrupted and under the influence of Yogg-Sarron and Keeper Loken).

Also an awful lot of hypocrisy from Mr. “The Horde must be enslaved under the banner of the Alliance for this world to unite against the Legion” and also Mr. “I let Orc-Hitler escape so he could inflict massive casualties upon the Alliance and Horde in a drawn-out war across 2 worlds, also I got an entire Alliance Garrison killed” and Mr. “I let the Burning Legion invade for a third time and did absolutely nothing to help whilst Odyn helped out by sending an entire Titan army, oh also I got your Warchief and High-King killed and paved the way for Sylvanas to rack up a kill counter in the trillions”.


He talks like a reddit/twitter gotcha post.

Damn what a horrible way to go for a once OK-ish character.

Odyn was always a [Bleep].


Really kinda tired of people blaming Wrathion for Legion happening, as if he personally delivered Gul’dan to our timeline himself at Sargeras’ behest.

Wrathion contributed to Garrosh escaping from the Celestials, and that’s it.
He didn’t materially support Garrosh during Pandaria - he just wanted him to win.
He didn’t free Gul’dan (that was the player character, at Khadgar’s order).

Where’s the people blaming Vereesa and Anduin for stopping Garrosh’s assassination by Sylvanas?
Where’s the blame for Varian, for stopping Garrosh’s execution by Thrall?
Or for Alexstrasza, whose attempts to kill Wrathion when he was barely hatched no doubt lead to his paranoia?

How are any of these less culpable than Wrathion who…freed Garrosh, who then neutralised Gul’dan and stopped the Legion stuff on AU Draenor in the first place?

I don’t wanna accuse anyone directly of racism but it does seem very weird how people keep pointing to the middle eastern coded dude to blame for stuff he is like fifteen steps removed from instead of the funny silver fox wizard guy who actually had us free Gul’dan.

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These two stand out to me.
I watched a bunch of cinematics the other day, Thrall was half a meter from “Oops, time to find a different new expac I guess” before Varian stopped him.

Which in turn leads to the Iron Horde invading, which manages to get as far on our Azeroth as taking control of Blackrock Mountain, laying waste to both standing armies of the Horde and Alliance in the Blasted Lands along with the fortresses of both factions. Imo, you can’t really wash your hands of a situation just because you only helped kick start the entire situation, he still has a lot of blood on his hands for helping Garrosh escape (not to mention all the people who die during the escape from the White Tiger Temple in the War Crimes book).

This isn’t to say others don’t, mind, like you said, Khadgar tells us to sever the portal (albeit to save Azeroth from a potential planetary invasion that would slaughter millions) but in turn releases Gul’Dan upon Draenor and all the consequences that follow with such as well.

I don’t particularly think this is any better tbh, I don’t even have any way to clear him in this, he did just straight up voice his support for Garrosh’s success which whilst that isn’t material aid, is still absolutely horrific for anyone not an Orc who supported Garrosh’s tyranny.

I think the Varian comparison is a bit unfair personally, the Alliance suffered equally to the Horde due to Garrosh so yeah, of course the High King of the Alliance is going to want to put Garrosh through an Alliance trial for his crimes against the Alliance, pretty standard stuff even in real life.

Entirely fair and kind of weird that it has never been brought up again. I assume this was a “Blizzard writing Female characters” moment and they just decided in DF to scrub it from the history book. It doesn’t really fit Alexstrasza’s personality or M.O. so I can see why they might’ve decided that.


Which is still just ego/arrogance, though. “I want him punished so all our people can see” rather than just an elementaly charged block of steel to the skull done and dusted is… one of those really smooth-brain moments if ‘real life’ is coming into it.

Of course, for everything else this is fiction and so Plot Armour stands and likely always will -shrug-

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they removed the hair showing underneath the wizard’s hat from the new mage tier set



You can lay blame on him for WoD - blame he’d readily accept himself.
But Legion is a whole other beast entirely. At that point how many steps removed are you going to go?

Right, but Wrathion didn’t free Garrosh with the intention of kicking off the Legion - in fact his motivations were specifically anti-Legion.

Wrathion’s motivation get ignored when you’re blaming him for Varian/Vol’jin’s deaths, but Varian’s are important instead? Nah.


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employing B.A.L.D-pattern fixer…


Absolute travesty.
Boo these people, boo them!

This, also, leads to AU Gul’dan escaping into Azeroth, with the third war against the Burning Legion starting because of it.

It was predictable as it was epic clipping.
I maintain them making 3 hat/hood hairstyles based on hair length would be an easy enough fix.
Not only this but Wrathion’s left and right hand women both admit and confess that they believe Wrathion’s plan ultimately worked because it helped everyone prepare for the Legion. This man is 0% apologetic for the thousands of blood upon his hands.

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The most Blizzard thing ever: They add something, everyone loves it, they remove it because of a [reason] nobody cared about in the first place.