PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

We’ve had the technology since 2002.

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Maybe we shouldn’t be helping and empowering an aristocracy of magical dragons heedless of consequences, becoming active participants in ending the “age of mortals” that began with Deathwing’s fall?

Oh well. I’m sure some people are thrilled to live under dragonmommy’s heel.


Levey the Age of Mortals got millions of mortals killed. I don’t think we did a good job. . .


We should know to immediately kill any would-be god king by now, actively culling beings that amass this kind of power. They’re choosing to become raidbosses.

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-Side eyes the Azerothian army of Murderhobos and their apparently limitless power-

Uh… are we the baddies, here…?

Look all I’m saying is we had peace and prosperity when Azeroth was fully Titanic, a golden age, and then the Old Gods just had to be party-poopers.

i glance at the multitude of logs from the titanized timeline from the time rift quests that go on about how all the titan keepers are being torn to shreds and they can only hide and cower from nature having run out of control

Completely different from our Titan timeline. What do you mean that means the Titans are actually acting against their own self-interests? Stop thinking about it!

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Be still my beating heart :unamused:
They squeezed at least six if not eight years and 2-3 expanisons worth of content in to a few month long one…


Just blind idiots with disproportionate power to change the course of history, toppling literal gods because the other god said so.

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Love me a Netherwing warrior.


Oh. My. God…

They are awesome! Love me some Netherwing lore and I hope we will eventually get some throwback to one of their flights being led to Azeroth by Tyrigosa before this!

Also ngl, they look kinda cute, like Toothless from “How To Train A Dragon”.

On a side note:

New guild tabards?


Certainly overdue, so here’s to hoping.


Being able to just get plain tabards, or even customisable non-guild tabards would be amazing tbh.


I don’t hope Vyranoth becomes their leader, both have their own leaders why would they need Vyranoth?

Vyranoth can go lead the good, or feral, or both, proto-dragons.

There are a lot of proto dragons she could bring in from around Azeroth. She should do that.

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While I agree with the rest of your post, Wrathion didn’t get Admiral Taylor’s garrison killed. In fact, he tried to warn Taylor about the traitor Ephial, but he didn’t listen.

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Ahahaha i still remember the leaks of the dracthyr

And people were going “no wayyy that goofy lizard fetus mf is real lmao!..right? RIIGHT?”

and then it happened

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Blademasterd rejoice

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