PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

I am pleasantly suprised that Wild Gods finally answered the call to come to the aid of the Kaldorei* and their new, budding, World Tree.

A few decades, genocides, burned down forests, and (world) wars to late, but alas I am still hapy to see the Wild Gods, Allies of Nature and Kaldorei working together again!

*I know they aren’t there for the Night Elves, but for the Green Dragonflight/World Tree, but I am not looking a gift Wild God in the mouth😏


They’re there for themselves. They live in the Dream too.


In the same way our homie Grommash killed Mannoroth for his own sake, literally his last words.

Aaaaah, isn’t self-preservation/auto-satisfaction great?

Chris Metzen is back full time as Executive Creative Director.


chris metzen


Chris metzen


Is that good or bad news?

Much like George Lucas, we really didn’t know how good we had it with him in hindsight.

Chris Metzen.


It is just news right now.

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We’re. . .

so back?

Don’t jump the gun. Hope for the best, but prepare for the same.


At least he has genuine power and full control again. He can contain the Great Evil known only as Stevey D.

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Here’s hoping he stopped being a mellowed out boomer and we get a bit of a return to the quasi-edge dadrock fuelled Warcraft and not the Disney-aping shambles we got from the end of BFA through Shadowlands and throughout Dragonflight

ah who am I kidding he wont change a thing

I really do not get what game some people are apparently playing, based on their comments.

It’s like when people moaned about MoP being ‘Just Kung Fu Panda’, while ignoring the world building, plot depth, character, etc etc…

(And, no, I am absolutely not saying its perfect, not even close. But it’s not terrible, and it’s not Shadowlands, which can only be a positive.)


Rose-tinted glasses, if I am to believe most people either vanilla or WotLK were peak Warcraft, yet those two aren’t as popular as retail :thinking:

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was honestly one of the better faction war expansions. Through and through and side stories too, were faction war. And whilst SoO dragged on for too long, it was great for RP


There go my hopes of forgetting Shadowlands as a bad dream, even if Ardenweald was one of the non-terrible things to come out of that expansion.

It’s absolutely rose-tinted glasses. Metzen used to be the community’s scapegoat just like Danuser is now. If back in 2011, during Cataclysm, someone told me that in 2023 people would welcome Metzen’s return unironically, disillusioned by his worse successors, I would laugh.


Getting shot with a nerf gun is annoying, but I’ll still take it over being shot with a revolver.


That and after and during Cataclysm Metzen was still vehemently against a lot of the nerf gun bullets being shot. Ambermill, the Forsaken direction etc. he tried to change a lot of stuff but willfully malicious devs will be willfully malicious.


And, while people had criticisms about Metzen that were well-earned, that’s something that’s going to happen to every piece of writing, ever. I just don’t think it’s comparable, considering that the main criticism about his writing was that his characters took the spotlight far too often compared to, well.

[vaguely points at Warlords of Draenor, Legion, Battle for Azeroth, Shadowlands…]

Not only that, but most of the best-liked parts of these expansions are also built upon things that Metzen himself wrote, rather than anything entirely new, like how Maldraxxus’ only peak in the community after Marileth’s wacky adventures and the WWE arena was Kel’Thuzad, and so on.