PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

I’ll take a worldbuilder who is deeply passionate and genuinely tries and sometimes falls short because he tries too hard over a worldbuilder who just seems to corrupt and destroy the buildings of another architect.


^ This ^ in 10

I realised that this will likely have wonderful impact on the leak season. I wonder how the meta will pivot because of these news.

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My very simple analysis, we will go from:




Blooming > Dooming even if I’ve been dooming over WoW the entire expansion.


Chris metzen


Chris metzen


metz Chrisen


Man I’m really not vibing with that tree, I get that Blizz are desperate to not let us forget about their Shadowlands contributions but I hate that we couldn’t get a more classic aesthetic. Especially given that they placed it in the middle of nowhere, the devs really have it out for older aesthetics.

Also Amirdrassil just doesn’t sound right, I think it may be a syllable thing.


The Chris Metzen era did produce some absolute stinkers. He’s personally responsible for the Burning Crusade incarnation of the Draenei, Thrall’s Elemental Fury quest line is by far and away worse than anything we’ve gotten in Dragonflight so far and Warlords of Draenor was his last nostalgia-fuelled hurrah before he moved on from WoW.

So my reaction is limited to ambivalence. We’ll probably get a bunch of Youtubers claiming that 11.0 or 12.0 is “Chris Metzen’s baby” the same way that 10.0 was “Danuser’s baby,” but in the grand scheme of things, I don’t think it’ll change too much in terms of writing quality.

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Time will tell. I haven’t seen much of a “WE’RE SO BACK!” vibe even when he returned as a consultant.

I’m only saying “Man, if it got this bad without him in charge or significantly involved then hire the guy back.” some part of me also understands that it’s not a single cog that gets things turning perfectly, so I know that I can’t fully say Chris’s absence alone is what got us here but still…

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The tree looks pretty awesome in my eyes, all the wisps, birds and other things moving around the roots and branches make it look much more alive than Stumpdrassil.

The Eye of Ysera contains all the possible druid races, including Kul Tirans, and a few people who are simply having dreams at that moment in time.

Lord Itharius’s voice lines have given me a minor chuckle


I mean, if Dragonflight was Danuser’s baby, then Danuser’s actually capable of putting out some good stuff too. Sniffen notwhitstanding.

Would’ve just said Shadowlands was his baby, since it also feels that way whereas Dragonflight feels like several devs adding their own little personal stories in it that give it a far more grounded feel to it. :person_shrugging:

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I like taking the time sniffen the niffen!
But my god can they add an increased rep rate to them? Zaralek stinks!

I didn’t play that patch at all and not having time was not the only reason for it.

(the entire patch sounded like a sensory hell)

As I’ll want the pathfinder for normal flying for RP purposes on the Isles, I’ll have to deal with their stink rep.
Muting them or the game is useful.

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Not only that, but practically nobody goes there anymore. The place is pretty, but ultimately a ghost town at this point.

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Premade groups tend to spawn, but even still the rep given is still pretty damned low.

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It was so formulaic and generic that it fell off barely a couple weeks in there.

Go to center, wait for public event/rare to spawn, repeat this pattern we’ve been at it since forever. I didn’t even get the dragonflying mount there.

Considering that World of Warcraft: BfA and Sylvanas’ writing in it was conjured by ‘the writers’ getting a lot of inspiration from Game of Thrones’ last season and Marvel, I can only guess that World of Warcraft: Shadowlands spawned out of ‘the writers’ watching a few videos of Warhammer: Age of Sigmar lore and deciding to rip it off so hard with little variation to the point that just barely scratching AoS, you can find the exact factions they copied.