PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

On that note, Worgen with Kaldorei alternate form instead of Gilnean would be cool :eyes:


I think I read somewhere that most Gilneans were actually living in Stormwind, with only a small part(Harvest Witches, Queen Mia, etc) opting to live with the NElves…

I’d have to dig up a source for that later(or its just headcanon) :thinking:

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Worgen is not a race, they are very much human still.


Very much headcanon. The Gilneans didn’t fight in Arathi, they fought alongside the Kaldorei Army in Darkshore.

The Night Elves are in the Emerald Dream because they’re growing Amirdrassil and it’s going to manifest outside of it, since that’s how the Emerald Dream works. Every world tree has a presence in the dream; and if I’m not recalling incorrectly, the Old Gods even use them to infiltrate the dream.

There is a huge crater right to the left of the Ohn’aran Plains which is utterly devoid of any underwater details even though the entirety of the rest of the Dragon Isles, including out-of-bounds sea areas, are full of little details and easter eggs; all while said crater is literally the zone being represented in the in-game Emerald Dream map, in which you are able to see the coast of Ohn’aran Plains blanked out and out of bounds.

I know it’s fun to argue about stuff, but can we not pull yet another Shadowlands lore discussion moment where we’re treating overthinking before a patch’s release as actual canon stories to the point we’re arguing whether a thing that’s not happening is canon or not?

Worgen are human in the same way that Undead / Forsaken are human. They are distinct enough. Trying to argue over the terminology that the game itself uses for differentiating them is overfocusing on semantics.


Two forsaken can’t have a human baby.

Two worgen can have a human baby and continue a human lineage.


please don’t let blizzard see this

we’re mere moments away from them deciding to have calia and derek have a miracle baby that saves the forsaken




Christie Golden wants to know your location.

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she knows where i am. after all

she’s my aunt

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Yet Worgen revert to their lupine form in death. Same goes for their souls. It is also referred to as their “true form” ingame.

The worgen curse not passing to children is very stupid, frankly, since it means that in like two generations it just…ends and disappears, unless they’re actively converting people.

Just make it manifest properly during puberty, not like “puberty=werewolf” is an unheard of trope in such fiction.

It wouldn’t be much of a curse if it didn’t. Although tangentially related, I find it funny that forsaken become forsaken ghosts and not human ghosts.



teen wolf reboot let’s go

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?­­­­­­ ­­

The absolute last thing this game needs is canonized teenage werewolf puberty drama as a staple racial trope.

That and cat people.


Well it’s either that or they’ve got it from birth, so I think I’m choosing the lesser of two evils really.

i’m okay with the worgen dying out after a few generations

sorry. got some prime real estate over in gilneas ripe for the taking


There still are night elf worgens, they’ll take far longer to die out. But yes, druidic forms aren’t supposed to be permanent in the first place.

Because Nathanos was the chief bossman of the Honorbound/general leader of the entire outing to kul tiras and zandalar overall.

It’s not just a druid form though, it’s a curse - a curse that they were forced to rely on in order to survive as a people. Ideally that should have more narrative weight than “eh, just wait it out, it’ll be gone in like 50 years”.

Like if you wanted to break the worgen curse, that would ideally be something that they’d actually strive towards as a people and accomplish through direct action. And presumably get a bunch of drama about those who think actually being a worgen is kinda great (“We have turned our curse into our strength”) and didn’t want to break it.