PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

yes fentonius, because they’re corpses. they can’t have any babies.

Again, it’s just overfocusing on semantics. Mag’har Orcs and Orcs are the same species, same for Kul Tirans and other humans, same for Zandalari and other trolls, same for mechagnomes and gnomes, but they’re still different races with different cultures. Overfocusing on this when it’s literally the terminology that the canon game itself uses is silly, and overthinking to such a catastrophic degree to the point that it’s turned into ‘okay, so why do two undead can’t reproduce and create humans?’

Except this one was, hence why it was forbidden. The more you used it, the more it was a permanent thing that you couldn’t switch out of, driving you into a bloodthirsty frenzy, hence why the druids shifted them into worgen and threw them into the Emerald Dream to put them to sleep.

The whole being able to shift thing is a hotfix update made by the night elves millenia later, and even then, the worgen form is described to be the true form of a worgen, not the other way around. A worgen in human form who gives into his underlying violent urges will turn into a worgen, like Genn Greymane getting angered by Nathanos to the point of turning into one and losing control in Legion’s intro.

You are saying two different things in one sentence. Earlier you also equated forsaken with worgen in the discussion and I pointed out how that is a bad comparison.

Orcs and humans have different clans and nations yes. They are not different races across these clans and nations.

This is staple for all druidic forms if you stay in them for long enough. It’s a key factor in WC3 when Malfurion has to wake druids of the claw that have forgotten that they are, in fact, not bears. The wolf form was forbidden because how it inherently drove its practitioners into bloodthirsty rampages.

I was more so pointing out how equating these races, including forsaken with humans and worgen with humans, is silly. The concept of a race in Warcraft is to differentiate concepts and cultures even if they have the same vague roots.

Saying that a worgen is a ‘human’ because they were once born a human is no more dissonant and missing the entire point of differentiating these two concepts than saying that a forsaken is a human because they’re a human corpse who once used to be a living human, same as how an old enough orc and a mag’har might’ve had the exact same roots but are still different races in Warcraft.

Yeah, fair. I just might be misremembering, but wasn’t there a whole point about how you actually couldn’t switch out rather than forgetting you weren’t that animal? It’s been a while since I’ve read that book.

Not to split hairs, but the worgen form isn’t even a druid form. It’s beyond that. The wolf form was the druidic shapeshift, the worgen curse is quite literally that. A curse, a druidic ability gone twisted.

Worgen can pass for humans absolutely, and retain enough of their humanity to have human children. But as someone else wrote earlier, their true form, it says so on the tin, is that of a half-wolf monster.

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I mean, the iconography of Tyr’s hammer was right there.


Would be neat if they couldn’t though, or at least if it was an option for them not to. Genn’s HotS human model has distinct wolf-y features.


He looks more like the dracthyr visage form than wolf-y features . I feel like worgens being distinctly human in their human form is simply a positive thing.


That was actually part of my imaginary WoW2 soft-reboot lore that I dreamt up in late WoD, after the Legion announcement.

It took place 150 years after WoW, focusing on a new generation with most of the old guard long dead (except for elves and draenei, obviously). My plan was that the vanilla game would launch with only northern Kalimdor and northern Eastern Kingdoms (but much more detailed than in current WoW), with the central and southern lands to be added in expansions.

I wanted to put different cultures into focus compared to current WoW, so in my plan, Stormwind was inaccessible and playable humans came from Gilneas. During the timeskip, the Gilneans resettled their homeland, and intentionally spreading the worgen curse was banned, so while some worgen (both feral and free-willed) still exist, most of the population is human now. However, playable humans had a racial ability called “Avatar of Goldrinn” that allowed them to call on their worgen ancestry, transforming them into a worgen for a short time with a damage and speed boost.

(“The worgen question” would be one of the political issues underlying the Gilnean human storyline, alongside the increasing spread of Elunism making the Light clergy feel threatened, and a cold war with the Forsaken, who were still holding Lordaeron.)


i have some projects in development

I can see the appeal in players having the option, because more customisation options is pretty much always a win. Personally I do tend to prefer the traditional “man by day, beast 'neath the moon” trope of lycanthropy.



Also wish Dracthyr got more visage options. Half-elves are boring/uninspiring. And I say that as someone with multiple actual Elf characters.

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I’d like to be able to make my half elf even more bland by being able to remove the bloody stupid scales.


I genuinely dislike the visages. Regardless of the actual reason, it feels like a cheap imitation of the FF dragon people.
Worse, the ‘trying to encourage people to use them because there’s out of combat bonuses if you shift into it’ just makes me resent them even more.

I made a cool dragon-person. Let me BE a cool dragon person. I don’t want to play some wierd hybrid with scales slapped on, I picked Dracthyr to play a cool dragon!

Edit: And stop making classes equip weapons they never used, let us have a choice of animation between Casting Hands and Using Weapons, you COWARDS.


I just want my Night Elf Visage for my Drakthyr :frowning:

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Your feelings are strange. I get no au ra from this.

Visages are part of dragonkin stuff in WoW, it fits. However, the weird type of visage the dracthyr get is still not properly explained. Why do they look like poorly made hybrids on a budget?!

Would like a gnome version.

Never speak to me again.



Take my Like, and get out.


A consistently bad part.

Speaking of actual reasons, remember when they teased we’d learn why their visages are different on the dragon isles? And then on the funny dracthyr island? And then in the funny cavern?

We still don’t know.


Opinion noted.

Remember when they explained why Malygos, Nozdormu and Neltharion had visages resembling humanoids before they even existed?


They were taught wrong, as a joke.

Seriously though, it amounts to “other dragons can do this so try?” and then you got scaly half elves out of it. Presumably the dracthyr consider it their own unique thing.