PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

Dang, actually quite a bit I’d like there.
Good thing there was absolutely nothing from this month/the month of me coming back to game, so I have 2000 spare.

Suggestion that the next expac might be dwarf focused, possibly due to titan linkage?

I don’t think they’re going to make a whole expansion centered around just the dwarves, but we might have a Titan-centric expansion. I’m guessing we’ll be sailing to Avaloren, and Khaz Algar will be one of its zones.


I’m guessing that Khaz Algar itself is going to be a neutral hub of sorts. Probably underground, too, considering the drogbar cinematic leak.

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One word in nine characters.


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That means the expansion will be up for preorder during the Blizzcon reveal and we will get the preorder content right away.

That one was shown fake by the original creator with the prompts they used for AI, I believe

I’m here for Ysergle!

Also, can’t wait for a Titan-centric expac, even if they make the Titans bad guys, my gnomes are here for it!

Yea, sure… Just like how the South Seas Expansion, Emerald Dream Expansion, Argus Expansion or lets not forget the Naga/Naz’jatar/Queen Azshara Expansion leaks/focus were a thing. :man_shrugging:

None of the above, apparently, were worth a expansion; so I doubt Dwarves are worth half a patch, let alone a whole expansion :pensive:

There’s no winning for Blizzard at this point.

If the villains are something to do with the void, people will be grumpy about there being yet another void-based villain because they’re so sick of the void.
If the villains are something to do with the titans or the Light, people will be grumpy because the titans and the Light are meant to be good guys and Blizzard is just being subversive for the sake of subversion.
If the villain is something completely new, people will be grumpy because the villain has no foundation in the history of Warcraft and will be seen as completely detached from the setting.

Pretty much the only thing that would make the Argent Dawn forums happy is if there is an expansion for no new villain, just reignited tensions between the Horde and the Alliance. Even then, there’s still plenty of people who are sick of faction warfare and don’t want to go back to it.


Mate, there’s people who have ragged on Danuser’s direction of the story for half a decade in here then instantly went ‘well, Chris Metzen is going to be just as bad’ the exact same hour that it was announced he was replacing him from now on.

It’s just a severe case of a lack of willingness to suspend one’s disbelief in a genre where suspension of disbelief is literally necessary for it to work. Blizzard could drop a revamped version of the Scepter of the Shifting Sands storyline today and the same people would call it a few dozen buzzwords their friend of a friend learned from browsing through /v/.

Stop caring so much about what some strangers on the internet who would look at the Sun exploding in a supernova and taking down the entire Solar System with it in minutes and react with a quirky CinemaSins “Well, that was predictive!” think.

Warcraft is what you make of it. Even my take on it I’ve just mentioned is probably dumb and heavily biased. Don’t let others tell you what to enjoy.

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All of it can be done well, if it’s actually done well. A Void villain can finally give some redemption to the mess that was Ny’alotha, when we actually think we’re doing the right thing while playing in their hands and not happily harvesting souls for a nice-voiced knife lady. Titans’ order can well mean nothing good for those not fitting in its parameters (yes, Algalon and Mechagon, I’m talking about you), and in the Light we have Turalyon and Yrel able and willing to uphold the Light’s ideals on the warframe’s gunpoint. As of something completely new, we could have had Primalists that make sense. Actual servants of the elements, willing to break the elemenal lords free even if they aren’t corrupted by the Old Gods anymore. But if this card is already played, perhaps something like second Pandaria is in order, but across all of Azeroth. The squabbles inside the factions can tear the world apart as easily as the new all-out war, after all.


Ny’alotha looked great (the raid), and showed a glimpse of how cool an actual Void-y expansion is. The problem was just that the entire Ny’alotha that had a lot of build up (and ‘hype’) for it was reduced to… a raid zone. And N’zoth was basically lol+lazored.

If they did a whole expansion about it, they’d have to figure out a way to make it less repetitive, but it definitely is doable.


It showed up in the Bronze/Chromie quest chain in Thaldraxus too.

Personally, I think exploring the sheer twistedness could have been fun. Zones that riff off of the likes of Coraline, say, where everything looks quite familiar but there’s something off, and it steadly gets more and more warped and Wrong as you progress, etc.


The challenge with the Old Gods, and by exension the Void Lords and their dimension, is that players have certain expectations of tangible, killable enemies. Were the writers to follow through on the source material inspiring that aspect of the lore, even reading about Old Gods in books would drive player characters irrevocably insane.

Thankfully that’s something we as RPers can toy with as we please!

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I don’t think this is fair, though…

The Thunder-King was completely new, and had no zero foundation in the Lore until Blizzard, respectfully, added it in.

The Jailer, is the other side of that same coin, were Blizzard had zero respect for the Lore and just hamfisted him in and people hated it, rightfully so…


Lei Shen was an amuse-bouche. We went into Mists of Pandaria knowing that Garrosh Hellscream was the ultimate villain of the expansion, while the Thunder King was just a speed bump on the road to the Siege of Orgrimmar.

It’s more acceptable to have a completely new secondary/tertiary antagonist like Lei Shen, than it is to have a completely new primary antagonist like the Jailer.

He’s literally talking about me.

The Jailer could have been fine.
A large problem with him was the retcons that attributed loads of things to his grand plan, and claiming his army was this ultimate huge thing, when it looked like 200 guys.
Oh and what was his plan post wheel break?


When you think about it, it’s quite impressive next to the guilds with Grand Marshal guildmasters and 4 privates.