PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

If only they made him the smooth planner that took advantage of us fighting the Lich King and thinning the veil, and then dragged Argus’ spirit to the Shadowlands to break free, instead of everything, everywhere, all over the place was actually his plan.

And yeah, some clear motivations why he did what he did would be cool.

Whats the point of making your own guild if you can’t make yourself Grand Supreme Commander Lord of the Realm?

On a different tangent, how do we feel about going to Avaloren/Ulduroth and Dun Algaz next expac? Rebel Titanforged here we come?

Heroic Edition: Algarian Stormrider

A Titan-centered expansion that gives dwarves spotlight sounds like a good concept in theory, but “Avaloren” is such an uninspired name and Danuser’s previous worldbuilding track record (Shadowlands) hasn’t exactly been stellar.


I think…
…because of that sword in Silithus :thinking:

They should simply never bring this up again, ever.


Glad to see some nice trading post stuff and the green cloak works for dwarven mountaineers.

You can… save them?


Zovaal was really just the worst kind of guild leader with his made up super army to dwarf the Legion and shirtless Alpha aesthetic.


This KFP3 bit embodies much of WoW new villains… And every Duskwood edgelord GM.

I mean, as far as I know, yes? You can only earn 1k a month apparently, but I seem to have got 1k extra for the intro questline or something.

Hey now, Kung Fu Panda doesn’t deserve that kinda labelling. Tying stuff into the existing world in interesting ways can be good!

Jailer/SL was just… awful, though. Good stuff adds on or fills in gaps or goes on a tangent, it doesn’t try to retcon existing and beloved lore purely for Rule of Cool/Laziness.

You get an extra 600 to begin with and every 6 months or some stupid thing.

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It’s more of the spirit of that clip that I was talking about.

New bad guy/edgy rper shows up from the depths of whatever.

Expects people to know them by name

Players are :interrobang: “Who the hell are you?”

Proceeds with a litany of titles that should strike fear into the heart of me

Player literally has no clue who or what they are

Has to link themselves to previous good figure/lore/guild to the delight of player Neuron activation “oh yeahhh, I do know about XYZ”

Malds and seethes for being inferior and unknown to general populace

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Regardless of if an RPer knew a villain in some capacity IC, nearly everyone is immune to any form of fear, so meh in that regard.

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Ahh, yeah. That’s fair enough :joy:

Yeah, my massive complaint about the Jailer’s writing was shoe-horning him in to literally everything as some kind of “Just as planned!” villain, which… sucked?
I would even have prefered him to have been a ruthless opportunist who had kept an eye on the Living world and, upon seeing an opportunity caused by us being, frankly, murder-hobos, took it and exploited it. That’s an In that works.

Not trying to re-write canon that has been grounded and established for decades off the cuff…


How does Sargeras stabbing Azeroth result in the Jailer getting a motivation to do what he does?


Check the script!
You suposed to say “What sword?”

Because I said so.

New expansion is all cool and everything, but I just want them to fix the sheathed Kaldorei tradionalists Glaives!

I want them to show when I sheath them!


A mysterious lost land has a name that’s a really lazy reference to a mysterious lost land.

It’s like if Kalimdor was named Valarinor or something.

(“But Odyn, Thorim, Loken and so on—” Those are characters, not a whole continent. Besides, I think those names are silly too.)