PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

(Deleted because it’ll lead to a hard derailment of the thread.)

Do it. Derail the whole thread. Choose the lesser of the two evils.

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become ungovernable, pee your pants NOW

(lightning guy face)


World revamp? World revamp.


What I pray more than anything else is that the wotlk era ship with the wheel in the back gets an interior - the image has a blank spot at the door, so likely I imagine they’ll just slap a door on it and be done with it.

But one can hope.

They have been mentioning it, so I live in hope.
Kill the Cataclysm cringe!


What’s it say? Since that account is apparently limited or something?

Edit: Oh, apparently I’m blocked, actually. Lol. Lmao.


I mean, they had been updating old assets for a while now since BFA even but not implementing all of it Ingame so far. A single release and world revamp is just too taxing and would leave ‘contentless’ as Cata proved it. Thankfully the back office had been quietly and slowly working on it so when they have all ready, they can dump all of it in one go.

Yeah new assets could just mean…new assets. If we’re sailing (as opposed to airshipping) to the new continent then a new boat to match makes sense.

Do not overdose on hopium.


Considering the updated Auberdine never made it out of the warfront, I know to temper expectations.
Though a world revamp has been alluded to, so I’ll keep my eyes peeled and at least appreciate the new art.


If the goal is indeed to update the old zones, I don’t expect for them to do all of them at once. Bit by bit perhaps, starting with cities and the infrastructure players interact with the most. Cataclysm was a major undertaking after all, and one they completed at a time where WoW was arguably at the peak of its popularity.

There are counter-arguments of course. For instance, the world back then had to be updated to a far greater degree, because flying mounts opened zones up in a way the original map hadn’t been expected to facilitate. A lot of set-dressing had to be fleshed out and turned into actual mapped areas - a problem that they wouldn’t have to contend with the second time around.

We really need a Fiona caravan like questchain again.


There’s more than just these. I made a compilation of them over here.

I know there’s more. It’s just that Kaytlinne couldn’t see them due to being blocked.

But it never hurts to post em again;


This is a genuine peeve of mine, in fact.

The BfA developers made a graphical overhaul of two zones and updated a third (the Vale) to reflect it being cleansed of sha corruption in lore, and then filled them with hostile mobs, made them change state every week with whole towns being destroyed and rebuilt on a weekly basis, and otherwise made the new phases so painful to RP in that players have to switch to the old ones.


The monkey paw indeed curled a finger.


I think we need to collectively make more of a rukus on the artist formerly known as Twitter.


I’m not registering an account on that hellsite, not even for such a noble purpose.


I meant in general, not personally.
The RPers who do use it rarely use their collective voices for good.