PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

You could say that their behavior is peak cringe.

Like your post was.
And this isn’t how the word cringe is used, stop it! It’s rubbing off on me.


It already has an interior, check the one parked in Valiance Keep.
They just never bothered to include it on any other ship that uses the same model.

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Seeing the ships reminds me that it indeed the twilight of the two thousandth and twenty third year of our lord and we still have not seen a blood elven destroyer use it’s giant blade ram on another ship.

A genuine crime.


blood elf navy


What are those puny Elven ships going to do against the mighty ships of the Alliance? Tickle them while they crash themselves to the blackened depths trying to take the giant and strong ships of the Alliance with them, lmao

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This is really such a turn-off at times. And sure, Des here can face dangerous odds too and do what must be done, but there are times where he still is very much afraid, even if he does not show it always. I think my DK Salfalur would be the closest I have to a fearless character.

Still, even if you are not afraid of the villain you are facing, atleast showing some caution would be nice to see. Too often I’ve seen the chars that constantly laugh in the face of danger where you can smell from a mile away it is because their player ooc knows the char wont die without their permission. Your character doesnt know they have an omnipotent creator protecting them, or atleast should not…


It’s also a struggle for a DM to accomodate the “cowardly” member of the group and let’s assume all in good faith that the RP toon provides support and is essential to the team/group/guild… I haven’t known many DMs to have done something worthwhile around the RP toon who runs away or who doesn’t fight simply because they just can’t for one reason or another and yet is still a key to the completion of the mission.

Unless you’re deep into civilian RP, sufficient enough RP revolves around combat that you’re kinda semi-pressured to have a character who is capable of fighting and is fearless otherwise you’re decked if the DM focuses mainly on the currently fighting folks… Yeah, you’ll be left out or a little ignored while the fighting goes on.

This isn’t a dig at DMs or the faithful cowardly RPer, both just have understandable pressures that makes this situation happening all too frequently. I’ve never had a character who thought “I can take on everything!” but damn it is lonely when only your character considers the option of fleeing.

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Another leak to throw into the mix

So this is pretty interesting. A blurry logo and key art for an alleged “Stormbreak” expansion, which is exactly how Dragonflight first leaked. With AI being what it is I’m a lot more suspicious of it, but one thing stands out to me. The dwarf riding a gryphon artwork (cont)

is recognizable as an existing piece of artwork from Battle for Azeroth… or so I thought. MMO-Champion user Arafal compared the two, and it’s actually a new piece in a very similar but distinct pose. That would be such an odd choice for a fake leak…

Another reason I hate Software Generated Imaging now; the base reaction is just “Yeah, whatever” rather than any possibility for excitement.

Like, sure, people could 100% fake stuff before. But they usually had to put SOME effort in, which you could admire in a way.


This has been the weakest leak season in recent memory. The existance of stuff like ChatGPT has made so many of the leaks repetitive and kind of visionless.

The leaks were always a wishlist from the players, and it was fun to see and discuss which ones could come true.

These new ones? They just don’t got the soul man


That’s just the vanilla WoW logo with “Stormbreak” under it. My gut says fake. Blizzard is more creative with logos now, especially with Dragonflight.

If it’s true, however, I’ll laugh my socks off with how they’re clearly imitating FFXIV with nounnoun expansion names.

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can’t believe square enix invented nounnoun names in fantasy settings

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dragonflight and shadowlands are both nounnoun expansion names

Now that you say it, it has indeed been a pretty weak leak season. Haven’t such much forged images and the likes, sure people still post here and there but I haven’t seen much energy.

Ah well, at least we’ll get our answers in a month.

It’s funny how we’re waiting for illicit leaks like a new TV series. Blizz might need to work on their information security.

Blizzard did hit a creative goldmine with Legion and Cataclysm, when they were the rare noun expansion name.

Truly groundbreaking, I’d say.

maybe they can reuse the project name from Overwatch and just call the next one WoW: Titan.

They’ve already used “Titans” for a Hearthstone expansion, though…

Yeah, that was for all of the Titans…except Azeroth (and also weirdly the Primus and a Voltron reference got in there instead).

This one is just for Azeroth alone, so Titan singular. A perfect mirror…