PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)


Stop writing

Put the pen down

No more lives have to be ruined by this


I dunno, feels like it’s making a lot of assumptions and doing a whole lot of mental gymnastics to see something as way more cohesive than it is.
Yeah there’s some voidstuff in this expansion, but that’s because a whole lot of it is dedicated to the history of the void’s greatest champion on Azeroth.

If the Naga are after shadowflame, why didn’t we see them in Zaralek? Who’s to say they’re not just after (unnamed macguffin) from the Zskera vaults, where we actually see Naga?
Why would Naga want shadowflame anyway, it’s kinda out of character for them.

For the whispers, beyond them being very vague and prophetic sounding (no I promise THIS time we really know what the five torches are) they’re also sometimes just wrong. They’re threats, meant to demoralise us.
My heart did not explode, nor did my friends abandon me, then why must the lord of ravens turn the key?


Been thinking of this lately and there were such interesting individual ideas baked into a bad pie. The venthyr’s purgatory genuinely fit a wider afterlife if done competently, maldraxxus could’a been free willed scourge in northrend and ardenweald should’ve just been wedged deep in the Dream.

Bastion bad.


No, you’re right, I agree. I didn’t take it as anything more than an interesting speculation. I like reading these uber nerd discussions and lore dumps. Makes me more excited for the future content even if the reality is completely different. It’s just interesting, is all.

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Because the Skin of Stars is rent in Hallowed Halls, the Blind King heeding the Whisper of the Worm when the moon is in the Seventh House and Jupiter aligns with Mars.


True, it is!
I’m especially intrigued by the idea of the old gods reincarnating themselves. The idea that they are “outside the cycle” of life and death has been a staple of their mythology so it’d be neat to potentially see some payoff to that I think.

ok but when does the narwhal bacon???

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One thing that I do appreciate, is that these are confirmed to be the theory crafting of its authors in-universe. It might be the concise truth and it might be 50 % on the mark, but I personally appreciate the lore all the more when there is some room for mystery in the narrative.

Erinethria’s tale seems to be the only one of them so far, that is actually widely taken as historical fact?

When the skein of secrets comes undone 'neath the third moon of Azeroth, at the hands of its future makers.


Can’t say I really agree since they’re never presented as “different theories”. It’s couched in “ooh maybe” but ultimately like…we’re all expecting it to be a retcon.

No one’s coming out the other end of reading that and thinking “nah, they’re actually gonna go with the old story about Freya making the Emerald Dream from scratch, and it’s Azeroth-specific” like we used to think.

Nor are Blizzard. The new stuff is phrased in a fallible narrator manner but honestly it feels more like an attempt to deflect from people complaining about needless cosmic retcons.


When the Golden Apple hatches the Flayed Prince. His Word is the Chalice.

The stone sings only lies to the Drowning Twin.

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Are you sure it is not the Felweed talking? :thinking:

I can’t believe Blizzard didn’t even fix Bastion by the end - leaving it as a choice. Do you want to wipe away your identity?

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Oh I’m not dismissing the possibility that it’s framed as “just theories” so that Blizzard can alter or add to them as they please, without it falling back on their writers for playing fast and loose with the lore.

I’m just happier with this presentation of lore than I am texts and NPCs coming across as more of officially sanctioned wowpedia pages, rather than than compelling sources of world-building. It’s not flawless, it’s just the more palatable of the two to me.

And regardless of the decree to accept and respect, those who do keep their memories are turned purple and metaphysically impure for defying the Purpose and Path. Kind of a big deal.

Bastion’s purity of purpose is fundamentally wrong and also fundamentally tainted now, with “corrupted” and biased angels with mortal flaws doing work meant for machines.

We did it, patrick. We saved the afterlife!


Goblin model “upgrade” was the worst deal in the history of trade deals.

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Yeah, if anything Blizzard has proven with BfA that any lore that’s ‘unreliable’ or ‘a theory’ is just impossible for them to execute well, this 100% is just them planting the seeds for inevitable retcon in the future.

They unfortunately have to write things as if they were wowpedia entries. Cracks down on the youtubers making 1000 essays about anything too.

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At this point I am fully convinced that Dansuer has his full D&D homebrew that none of his friends want to play, so he’s shoving it into WoW instead.




You’d think Blizzard would want that, since it’s free engagement, and therefore free advertising.

Then again this is the same Blizzard who continues to overlook the absolute goldmine that is character birthdays for free fandom advertising so…


Lmao, this one got a good chuckle out of me!

Also, does the lower half of the Blood Elf tabard looks like it is not supposed to be linked to its upper part? Or are my eyes deceiving me? It looks… Off?

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A very important thing to note is that the tool tip flavour text for the book talking about this says it’s probably a made up story and not reflective of the truth.

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Ties in to what I said in a later post though - it’s not challenged by anyone, and it doesn’t seem particularly likely they’re going to turn around and say nah that’s all wrong, it’s the old lore that’s correct.

Like, has that ever happened before?