PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

Metzen can’t save this… Not entirely. In optics? Good chances. In substance? Hoooo boy…

I’ll just add a dash of wisdom to this and remind everyone that this isn’t one man’s crusade of destroying the cosmology of a franchise, nor will it be one man’s quest for redemption to undo that.

It’s a writing team. It’s the collaborative effort of dozens of writers and authors who are given plot points that were deemed necessary by committee and higher management. This is a sum of several departments’ work and 95% of that team is the same as it was since Warlords of Draenor or Legion.

Not saying that the Loathsome Danuser shouldn’t be blamed, or that Metzen’s presence and passion wouldn’t have a positive effect on the storylines, just reminding everyone that using a select few nerds as a scapegoat is what allowed Blizzard to get rid of Afrasiabi instead of shaking up the entire writing department when the setting was already in shambles.


I’d say this is not a big deal. While naturally they don’t have to keep pushing the same “there is no good, no evil, there is only morally grey, also that dude which made the old genocide is suddenly okay because I say so” which I think is really bland and uninspired, I also believe the Emerald Dream being in strict connection to the titans was never a major thing in the lore aside from 1 sentence in Chronicles.

The ED belonging to the realm of Life rather than Order makes sense. Then again, them trying to push “Chronicles are an IC book, actshually” :disguised_face: is just stupid.


I doubt that

No bro trust me, the void is really good actually.


Yeah, the Titans are clearly the villains for suppressing free speech and removing Black Empire history. Forget the fact practicing Old God free speech will likely turn you into a Void Thrall.


Terrific times, really.

I’m sure the Black Empire was a place of knowledge, progress and all that from the PoV of Old God aligned creatures. For everyone else? Who cares.




The Zereth lore is possibly the one I despise the most about all of Shadowlands. And that’s saying something.

Also what you said is a joke right?
Please it can’t be real.

No but you see, it’s just that they are the radical Other, you can’t judge it with our categories of good and bad. Their civilization is the ultimate otherness, incomprehensible by our standards, and because all concepts of good and evil can’t be objective but rather can be understood only within the framework of our culture, any attempt to judge them is misleading.

TLDR.They are trying to be radical-chic.

On my way to speedrun to Algalon’s bedchamber to ask for Planetary Reorigination brb.

Uncertain. This mentions that whole 7th source reference again from Firim and then talks about “if she is the source”. Who She is. . .well, who knows. . .but I doubt its a coincidence anymore that azeroth was the centre of reality in their cosmic charts now.

I’m going to report you to HR.

punches you so hard you turn into a fully cooked rotisserie chicken


We kinda broke the stations that could do that, so at best they can only mobilize Odyn and Friends against us.

I guess that’s why we will be breaking storms the next expansion as we genocide the Valarjar and their allies.

brb prostrating myself before Odyn and asking to be atomized.

This link just gives me the same screenshots about the Emerald Dream that were posted earlier in this thread, am I missing something?

Specifically here:


Ah, without a twitter account you can only view part 1. You are safe and unburdened by the darkness that gathers in the clouds ahead, Lintian, now leave whilst you can and do not look back.

In a very naive sense. I do like when Light or Titans are not GOOD. Or that Void is not inherently EVIL.

The sort of extreme consumption of anything being bad and just mortal races using one or the other magic type in a adjusted way, I always thought where the story was heading.

Extremes of everything bad

Mortals and ability to make a choice good.

Could you post the images elsewhere?

I do have an account on Muskhell that I recall I created just to view posts, but I can’t remember the password (probably because I picked a hard-to-remember password to comply with inane password requirements) and I got locked out of login attempts and I honestly can’t be bothered to recover my password for something that should be just accessible to everyone.

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Pray, forgive me for what I show you.

The light has always been depicted as a rather ambivelent force. Such as with the Scarlet Crusade.

Wheras the Void from Vanilla until arguably cataclysm onwards and then Chronicles was shown to be something along the lines of “if you gaze too deep into the abyss, it stares back”.

It was always dangerous, arguably just as dangerous as fel magic was depicted. As more and more old gods were dragged into the game we saw it leaning more and more into “yeah its all old gods.”

Unfortunately shadow magic got dragged into it too. It was better when it was simply on the periphery of void.


Yeah it has always, and even now, seeks to ultimately blow up the cosmos to herald in a time of pure entropy and nothingness; so it just looks really odd whenever they try to whitewash it. Don’t worry bros. . .eldritch monster slavery is. . .good, actually? According to Danuser.

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