PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

Hmm, that’s not as bad as I expected. Basically the same typical abstract ramblings by Steve “Fractals” Danuser that we saw in Zereth Mortis.


I’m sure the Mayan Priests were outraged at being told by the newlanders that child sacrifice isn’t all that knowledgeable or progressive.

I shall re-post my paraphrasing of a certain scene once more, seeing as it feels so apt:

Also, I was late to the party in regards to HoMM ( I’ve only played 3, 5 and 6, 5 is my favourite due to 3D towns) but do you guys want to know what my biggest revelation was in regards to that game? That they were singing Mozart’s Lacrimosa in the Haven city.

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Absolutely based FF14 (the character in question worships darkness).

But I’m sure “What if Odyn is like Big Brother from 1984” is just as good a take on morality.

Search your feelings, you know it to be true.

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I miss. . .the idea of Warcraft. But not the truth of it; what it has become.

Danuser never told you what happened to your setting. . .

…ruler of the outer gods and the very being that makes up reality. In his great ever lasting slumber, Azathoth has dreamt of creation and everything surrounding it…


I mean… not really? The entire thing reads as just some boring expansion on the Dream. What does it matter who is whose consort? Can those things not change at some point in time as well?

What sexuality was changed?

I don’t like the smell of how this sounds. Especially when it’s followed by

Kind of a weirdchamp argument to make and way to undermine the arguments altogether. :confused:


None, because we don’t know what they were.
Also, they’re gods. They tend to love/hate any and everything.


So what, they stumbled upon the Emerald Dream like it was some endless Backroom dimension?

elune x stag = i sleep

eonar x aman’thul = i sleep

elune x eonar ? real :poop: !!!

Not to agree with Telaryn, but the book is… in-universe speculation and not a hard fact (as of yet).

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In-universe fiction with a specific mention that it’s widely disregarded as being real.

someone wrote a fic between eonar and elune and that’s it


it was you wasn’t it

if it was me it would have been eonar x elune x me fic


If it ain’t het, it’s pandering!


Eonar was Aman’Thul’s Consort, and has been described as such all the way back to the time of the RPG. Giving them a new angle where Elune and Eonar were the ones together is an entirely different take on an already existing mythos and connects two deities that previously never really had any sort of connection beyond vaguely being universal life deities (and even then Elune back “in the day” was a Moon Goddess specifically).

" Eonar is the physical representation of life, nature and healing in the universe; she revels in the joy and bliss in all worlds. She is Aman’Thul’s consort, and had a long, bitter feud with his brother Sargeras before the latter’s fall from grace; her presence and personal strength exacerbated the conflict between Aman’Thul and his dark brother."

It is rare and quite frankly I think not worth hoping/coping about by saying its in-universe “theorising” given that a random green dragon wouldn’t even have any of this information, and as Elenthas has said previously of books written in-game they tend to be canonised or retcon previous lore to establish new lore 99% of the time, so I’m not willing to believe this is a rare 0.1% chance occurence in my entirely brutally honest opinion when its quite obvious that its meant to be hinting more towards the “reality” of the situation.

Warscale is not me nor can he really speak for me but I do disagree pretty heavily and firmly with randomly adding new relationship and sexuality dynamics to characters who previously had 20-years of already-known relationship and sexuality. Yes you can argue they are Gods and might get frisky with everyone and anyone (like Elune does) but Eonar nor Aman’Thul were never depicted in that way nor was anything wrote about that for them.

I should add that I don’t really think its an attempt at pandering and hey maybe 5 years from now I’ll be proven wrong and this is just some Blizz devs really weird fanfiction they threw into the game as a random book, but for now I’m very skeptical given that it also goes into detail about Cosmic politics and the Zereths.

Sadly, Blizzard decanonised everything RPG, so everything we take from it is a huge risk of being wrong, even after 20 years :weary:

I do, wholeheartedly, agree with you, though.

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This doesn’t mean her sexuality is different. It just didn’t align with your assumption based on whom her consort was.

People can have more than one consort, as seen with dragons. And why must the all be of the same gender?


Okay, but sexuality hasn’t been changed tho. Arguably relationships haven’t either, since again - they can change in time, or have multiple partners, whatnot yadda yadda. They’re gods and deities.

But books in the game typically aren’t written to also be ‘hey btw this is headcanon btw!!!’ underneath. It’s something new that they’re dabbling in. It’s… not really the same. I don’t fully disagree that they might ‘plant seeds for future lore’ this way, but until then it’s also not something to doom and gloom over to the extent of yours prior. Especially over this. Like, I’m not a lorenut but who even cared that Eonar was Aman’thul’s consort? This thread is the first I read about it (or I have read about it before and simply didn’t care enough to remember).

Is it really 20 years when it’s one line in a book and not mentioned further. Were the Chronicles or whatever books like, fully developed smut between the two? But also, wasn’t aimed at you, was aimed at Warscale and how your comments smell together a bit wrong.


Absolutely and I don’t disagree, its just a frustration more than anything, there’s every chance this is Metzen’s newer vision for how things go or as I said, just some Blizz devs funny fanfic they wrote then threw in-game and in that sense, yeah its whatever the relationship is 0.000000001% of my concern with this book.

No-one truthfully, its just bizarre because these books do often become canon or retcon previous lore and this book specifically just sort of turns Aman’Thul and Eonar’s dynamic into a strange, quasi-abusive manipulative relationship from how it reads. Why would a Green Dragon write something like this that brands the Titans in such a light? They’re titanic beings by blood and blessing. It just seems very odd given the contexts.

Again, I may look the clown in 5 years time when nothing from this book comes into the game or lore, but the mentioning of the rest of the cosmic politics in the book makes me think it very much is setting something up.

Yes. Lore is lore regardless of if the lore is a couple lines or paragraphs, you wouldn’t dismiss lore just because its only a line or two that’s pretty silly.

Fair enough. I don’t think its pandering, I don’t know Warscale, my ire is directed at the rest of this book more than anything else; the Eonar relationship dynamic twist is truly negligble but still just very strange when you start reading the subtext and how oddly manipulative and quasi-abusive it makes Aman’Thul look towards Eonar for seemingly little particular reason.