PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

I’ve dug up some of my notes on that imaginary WoW2:

The main themes of each expansion are in my head, I never wrote them down, but they can probably be guessed.

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I’m liking this merchant republic idea. Most serene.



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Damn, you’re right! Why did I not notice this sooner?!

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This theme will always be creepy… I also noticed that Heroes 5’s necropolis theme seems to be a darker version of the Haven one. There’s no singing in that one, but you can hear it in the music!

My favourite necro theme from 5 is the battle one that came with Tribes of the East, but unfortunately that one can barely be found on youtube, though fortunately I got it here:

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The RPG doesn’t get enough flak over how jank it was.


our favourite demon hunter


At this point I’d take it over what we got in the form of canon lore over the past decade.

side-glancing at the unreliable narrator Brann Bronzebeard wow rpg lorebook they dropped a year before wow launched just so they could retcon well over half the lore presented in it in vanilla and the other half when TBC came out

people really get nostalgiabaited by the fact this rpg was made in the early 2000s and instantly say “ooooh old lore = better” like they wouldn’t be taking 5 screencaps per minute of someone roleplaying a plagueshifter just to go just saw a character use dark magic in a non-malevolent way, warcraft lore is dead, millions must unsub, etc

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What did I miss, exactly?

You say this as if it never happened. It has been a thing since ever, comparing World of Warcraft’s narrative to WC3. The problem isn’t, imo, what the fanbase say, but how the game fares and feels. It is getting old, it does feel like the playerbase is more jaded, and it does feel like it really can’t deliver the same magic it used to.

Warcraft feels out of ideas, simply put. The few interesting plots it managed to create (the Light and the Void) are being stretched over while we are left with filler expansions - because I don’t care what you say, Zovaal and the Primalists are filler villains.

This is, I believe, a major problem with DF’s lore. When compared to MOP, MOP advanced the storyline of the Horde and the Alliance alongside the discovery of a new kingdom. It was a bit childish in its narrative take, and had several flaws, but it was fresh and had some remarkable moments and takes. MoP also felt the continuation from Cataclysm, there was a semblance of coherence there.

DF feels like it’s just “there”. It doesn’t try to connect with BFA or SL, it’s so disjointed from the previous stories they told us…


Damn that is metal af, why couldn’t we have that.

If anything, it was more mature than Cataclysm. That was the most cartoonist expansion WoW had. MoP had actual consistent themes and developed them; it had something to say besides “look, cool explosions!”


Which is bad!

Which I am 100% on board with and I am still wishing they go the WoD-way with SL, where they just ignore its existence… :weary:


My eyes sure rolled reqding them making Aman’thul another abusive and controlling dude. Man bad, woman good!
And we just had it happen with the primalists too. Can’t they write something more engaging?

What is up with the Titans anyway these days? Are they having a long DnD session with Illidan and Sargeras at the Seat? Is Eonar dating Elune? Why are they so silent since Legion, we are about to discover their get rich quick pyramid scheme.

They are probbaly measure time very differnetly, cosidering they think in universal or at least plenatery scales, not mortal
To someone who spent probably millions if not more years as a planet before hatching then probbaly more time ordering the universe and searching others?
10 years means nothing

illidan won. he killed sargeras and then the other titans just because he could

but now he’s stuck and doesn’t know how to get home :frowning:

Perhaps that is for the best

Still mad they first got rid of Illidaddy, and then send Malfy to the afterlife fornsome stupid reason…

Smh, Blizzard hates the Stormrage brothers because Malfy did nothing wrong :weary:

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