PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

I mean, Amirdrassil has already been taken by the Dragonflights.

Its -sole- connection to the Night Elves, currently, is that it houses the souls of those that burned in Teldrassil. But thats only a small connection when you realize that the tree itself wil give no boon in any way, shape or form to the Night Elves(Unlike Teldrassil and Nordrassil).

Instead it will finish of the Dragon Aspects story, that has been “building” since Cataclysm and empower the Dragon Aspects. So beside, offering a nice homeaway from home, Amirdrassil is hardly connected to the Night Elves anymore, and is moreso connected to the Dragonflights now as its sole existence served to make the (Proto/Nether/Storm/Infinite/Red/Blue/Green/Bronze/Black) Dragonflights finaly overcome their enemies and unify them, while also ending up empowering the Aspects and Vyranoth for some reason.

Nordrassil and Mt. Hyjal should be the Nelves new capital, and the Dragons can have the darn Amirdrassil.

(Also the Green Dragonflight sucks, because they took away Malfy-boi for a dumb reason, and they can all burn until I get him back😩)

That bring said: I will be fine with concluding the Night Elf story. I do not want to be in Blizzards focus anymore, they can focus on the Tauren and/or Nightborne now. With the Dwarves.

I dread it will come true in some small line on some rando NPC because Blizzard probably did not think it trough at all.

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No thanks.

Nelves can have the stage for all eternity for all I care because every time they actually touch a race in this game with development it turns intobfecal matter.

Orcs from LOK TAr OGAR auuurghh to sad orcs.
Forsaken from BEWARE THE LIVING to Calia Menethil + Lilian Voss.

The best thing that can happen to your race in WoW is that Blizzard does not mention them at all.

Because you are not throwing a dice to see how good development you get, you are rolling russian roulette with five loaded chambers.


still holding out hope.

if he just tries to ask her out one more time, he might finally get the answer he wants :crossed_fingers:

it’s not over


he’s just too much of a nice guy for her to understand…


Especially now that Malfurion is out of the picture :weary:

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If this new expansion really is Titan themed, it seems like a good opportunity for Illidan to return from the Seat of the Pantheon ready to make another move.

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Or will Maiev finally confess her feelings for him and stop being tsundere.

Can someone find me a direct quote of Maiev calling Illidan a baka.

The virgin official art


(seriously check out makanidotdot)


Makanidot does the Superior Warcraft art, always. It is Known.

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the post.


I believe it was the beach episode when Illidan helped Maiev and Khadgar defeat the demon team at volleyball.

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It’s also, very bluntly, kind of a massive lie to say this expansion is down-to-earth. It’s on Azeroth, but ain’t no way in hell its down-to-earth when all the antagonists want to blow up the world and one is on a skype call with Xx_Azshara_Queen_Slay_xX and Xx_Naaru_Hater_#1_Void_Queen_xX talking about how they can involve the Void Lords in a cosmic war for the soul of Azeroth against the rest of the cosmic forces.

The very SECOND I set foot on these god-forsaken isles I’m already being called the champion of the cosmos again and hanging out with the Aspects and Titan Watchers/Keepers talking about Cosmic Order, Order Magic, Universe Balance and The Fate of the Universe:tm:

I’m sorry, but its not down to earth.


“Dolly and Dot are my best friends, they pull my wagon through dunes of sand. They have small teeth and they love to eat!”

Pretty down to earth. And yes it’s a trash Vulpera meme, but it’s ours and we love it.


When is it going to awaken anyway, it’s been four expansions since that plot thread was introduced


The day she wakes up, grabs Gorshalaech or whatever that atrociously named sword is called, is the day we’re all going on the galactic Crusade because demons without the Burning Legion CEO is going rampant and hopping between all cosmic forces.

I predicted it therefore it’s Canon.

I still appreciate Blizzard being able to balance Vulpera as a mixture of quirky and fun, terrifying and vicious and as absolutley mad savage desert gremlins


azeroth just like me fr

Its a mistake to have made planets eggs.

It should’ve just housed the World Soul who would afterwards manifest outside/next to the world itself.

You could argue that one needs to destroy/crack open the planet to manifest a World Soul early, as is the case of Argus.