PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

I wouldn’t call it housing their family, friends and so on’s souls a small connection.

Oh and also having a connection to their goddess… (and her, ahem “sister” ew.)

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Now if only we got more of the terrifying and vicious desert gremlin aspect in the future. But as Boush said himself, it is better for your favourite races to fall into forgotten territory than give Blizzard an opportunity to shoot them in the foot, the kidney, the lung and then the head. Pandaren be mighty chilling and Vulpera should too.

Digs his sand bath, unbothered, dry, placid, in my lane, focused, blooming.


There was something about a sword somewhere too.

And the current crew instead gave Sucky and Tucky and slapped them into Kirin Tor giving the most aesthetically jarring whiplash.


Consider how everything in thunder bluff is tauren sized and the stark difference when placing a tauren elsewhere.

I’ll give valdrakken slack for having things in roughly familiar size given the dragons’ whole servant caste aren’t dragon sized but those towers and spires should be full of “civilized” versions of wild drakes’ nests.


We’re mighty chilling because the updates we got in the Exploring Azeroth: Pandaria simply established what was already suggested in the areas’ development while adding just enough of new stuff to not break balance and look sensible. For the vulpera the same could be achieved if it’s confirmed that Sethraliss is back, reviving the ecology of Vol’dun and gathering followers across all of Zandalar.



Scrumpy and Tucky

I like vulpera, for their desert dwelling scavenger vibes.

I hate when factions are racial concepts lose identity to “we accept everyone”


Same bro… The Kirin Tor was cool when it was mainly composed of the first Alliance members, Human, Gnomes, Elves and other greater beings. I’m waiting on some Nu Kirin-Tor group in the future cuz it is very jarring especially with the former swing to the Alliance the Kirin Tor previously had in 5.2.


I like this development and think it makes sense.

Organizations change over time. Horde races have been accepted in Dalaran since Legion, and the Council of Six is led by Khadgar, who has been working with both factions since at least TBC and was willing to defy Jaina, his superior, for his principles of neutrality in WoD.

On Argent Dawn, towards the tail end of BfA, Dalaran became a neutral safe haven for people who wanted nothing to do with the faction war. My character Lintian, who doesn’t belong to any of the traditional Kirin Tor races, was one of them; she became a Kirin Tor apprentice because it matched her interests and she saw kindred spirits in Kirin Tor mages she interacted with. And though we don’t have official lore on this, I don’t think it’s a stretch to say that similar things happened to other migrants and refugees moving to Dalaran during the war.

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I respect this. And I fully get it.
What I’m miffed at mostly is that there’s no real Kirin Tor equivalent in Alliance that’s just Alliance.

And I think same for the Horde, but arguably Sunreavers will always put Silvermoon before Dalaran

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The issue I have with Dalaran becoming the neutral universal school of Arcane is that it stifles any possible development of separate Horde and Alliance study of magic by channeling all story about mortals doing Arcane magic through the lens of a human/high elf themed city. But, since that city is neutral, the usual complaints about one faction copying other instead of having its own identity (such as with orc and tauren priests in 10.0.5) are much less present because in the end it´s a neutral faction and they get a free pass on being a blob of all races.

While races such as blood elves and Forsaken make sense at being similar to humans, gnomes and high elves in term of practice of magic, I would love seeing trolls and orcs developing their own practices, while also having situations where draenei and night elves feel like strangers among Alliance mages from EK because of millenia of separate development.


Agreed. While I think Dalaran being more multiracial than just its origins as human+thalassian elf is fine given the current state of the setting, at the moment it feels like it’s being done to the detriment of real arcanist groups among the factions - both on the macro Alliance/Horde level and the more micro racial/subfaction level.

When everyone ends up under one umbrella…well, there’s only one umbrella, and it’d be nice if there were a few others too.

Definitely not unique to Dalaran and Mages though in that regard.


That’s fair. And pandaren will also be thrown in with this homogenized lot instead of following their own arcane tradition of… er… uh…

…What’s the lore on pandaren mages again? They definitely exist in lore, and were shown back in MoP, so it’s not a recent development; there are some named ones among the Shado-Pan.

A fellow Pandaren will probably give a better answer but I recall Pandaren Mages being trained in the Temple of Yu’lon for the most part. The Shado-Pan do have the Omnia which are their flavour of secret agent Battle-Mages but as to the history of how Arcane was introduced to Pandaren, no clue or I forgot.

It’s not a vastly practiced thing, what looks like mostly one of two camps - Omnia Mages of the Shado-Pan and Jade adepts that we see at the Yu’lon temple in Jade Forest.

I expect both end up being somewhat similar in practice, having monk-adjacent beliefs and attitudes as befits native Pandaren. Both groups are trained fighters.

The age old tale of the Pandaren gift to the Highborne of a box contaning “all the arcane power the kaldorei would ever need” (it’s empty) likely still speaks towards their attitude towards the arcane as a whole: while it might be a useful too, it isn’t the be-all and end-all, and they’re not likely to forge any mage academies any time soon, instead weaving the arcane into their other practices.

I expect Yu’lon’s temple is the only place outside of the Shado-pan that arcane is properly practiced, although there are wandering pandaren that might do it as well on the isles such as Master Nguyen though he’s a ‘sorcerer’ rather than a ‘mage’. The title is typically associated with arcanists, but not exclusively, so hard to say.


Pandaren adapted the basics and the inscription from the mogu, then it got somewhat in line with monastic traditions, especially Yu’lon one. It’s at least speculated that Pandaren arcane tradition often imply gestures and body moves as much if not more than verbal invocation… which could have been an awesome Avatar-esque if the casting animations weren’t as generic.


So, what you’re saying is that they literally do Naruto signing gestures?

Everyone who’s cool does

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Could be a thing, too.