PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

We’ve been seriously robbed when it comes to ranged caster animations. What’s the point of having these amazing staves if you can’t even wave them about when creating a big spell? You might as well not have them at all if that’s the case. What about wands? I too would like to throw spells Harry Potter style!


Though that’s headcanon (as far as I’m aware), it’s one that was embraced by the Dalaran community, courtesy of Zyretha, who did a lecture on different culural traditions of arcane spellcasting. I like it too!

And yes, WoW’s mage animations are… lackluster. They don’t even use their weapons!

A day doesn’t pass where I don’t think about melee mages. In nearly every setting with mages.

Shen’dralar Mage Trainers not teaching non-Highborne/Night Elf mages was peak world building!(or how you would call it)

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They make alementals ofcourse! Their study of gastromancy will make them the most powerful of all!

That’s what monks and shamans do, not mages.


This doesn’t bode well.


I wouldn’t be surprised for a rogue individual to ask something that would truly put the team under pressure.

no more out of season april fools jokes :pensive:

To be fair, from a more positive perspective, having the Q&A after BlizzCon gives them more time to share information and let people digest it before jumping straight into the back-and-forth bit. More coherent / thought-out queries and so on.

I’ll miss the live Q&A, however.

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If the trend of how things were with DF. They probably have a steady stream of infodumps ready for post blizzcon.

Tinfoil hat on: it feels like preemptive damage control from seeing the reactions to the Avaloren leak. They have reasons to expect negative backlash from the audience, and want to avoid actual thorny questions in favor of a carefully pre-screened “Q&A” with yes people.

Like certain real life politicians I’m not going to name.


And the highborne and nightborne deflating/withering on the spot upon realising their expertise is a hundred centuries out of date.

To curate the non-questions for corporate efficiency. Validated. Damn, I’m good!


I think that’s very tinfoil hat. Blizzcon stuff will have been planned well in advance. I highly doubt they’d make start shifting around panels/etc. in the week running up to it just because of leaks.


We’re off to a great start…

I will not miss it.

The Live QnA stuff was always so grating to watch. 15 years of blizzcon or whatever and we’ve got 2-3 clips and highlights people go back to.

Anyways I would like to shout out my guild Snuggle Kittens, For the Horde guys.


From Warcraft players?
Are you sure?

If I ever go to Blizzcon in person one day to challenge Danuser to a lore duel (winner gets his job) I would shout out Akamito personally


Wouldn’t we all?

(If your answer is no, you’re not welcome here).

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you mean those alleged screenshots of zones? because those are fake

Tbh I’d rather have a Q&A with questions that have been picked and had an answer figured out with some time to get everything put down on paper properly than that, but it’s hastily done after some pre-approved picks live from the event floor - I think that while less ‘spontaneous’ it’ll be more informative