It’s certainly a thing for the buildings to still smoke, to say nothing of the yet-active volcano not too far away.
A lot of different people will likely appear to test the waters and fresher nelf RPers may spawn.
It has the capacity to improve things.
So what you’re saying is that night elves are going to become the new flavor of the month?
Oh no.
Oh no.
(Just kidding. I expect at least some of these people to stick and bring some new blood to the night elf RP scene.)
There’s already a lot more druid RPers or some have returned.
Be good if they stay.
Not too surprising, considering that we’ve gotten basically an entire patch that’s heavily Kaldorei-themed, that may last for up to a year.
I expect worgen/Gilnean RP to have a similar surge of interest in a not too distant future.
There’s a lot of room for a Worgen/Night Elf themed event to be honest where both of them celebrate their partnership in strife and now both starting fresh basically at the same time.
Cata really messed with Ashenvale to the point where I started to hate roleplaying there.
It’ll be interesting to see how the Stromgarde community reacts to a portion of the North being reclaimed, potentially with Horde/Forsaken aid.
Spontaneous combustion.
This plus the Arathi stuff happening in War Within is really messing with them.
I can’t say they’re at the forefront of my mind, but I suppose it does put somewhat of a dent in the established status quo. Sometimes that’s a healthy thing.
Man I’m just peeved that the NE plot of reviving their tree had to be a DF story and entirely contained within there… You have to ask yourself why couldn’t they come up with something else to drag us along rather than once again doing what the NE want but definitely not how they wanted it.
In the ever uncertainty that is the lore between conflicting sources, I still have no idea that actual status of NE territories in Kalimdor. Nordrassil/Hyjal which could have been the revamped zone said to host the NE refugees and show a revitalized zone post Twilight Hammer and Fireland assault.
Consider this, you order at your local bakery to have them make a delicious round-shaped chocolate cake, simple and straight to the point but you get to see the baker make something that isn’t chocolate cake but has -some- chocolate and when it front of you, it’s also misshapen and the texture feels wrong upon eating. Yeah it’s edible, but it’s not what you wanted.
I know I may come across as whiny here (or in general if you’ve read my stuff for a while) but I really can’t ignore the unsatisfying journey up to here.
I’m looking forward to the opportunity to get involved with some role-play again on my Night Elf, at least.
That’s unfortunate, yes.
The Kalimdor RP community was very active in Wrath, but Cataclysm, despite a surge of interest at the beginning due to the arrival of worgen and Highborne RPers, dealt it a blow in the long term.
It was just depressing, in all honesty. It further stoked the flames of my loathing for the Horde - particularly the Orcs, Goblins and Forsaken - for persistently bringing ruin to beautifully enchanting zones rich in historical significance. The most jarring was the fate that befell Azshara.
The Earthen Ring cannot withstand my fury!
There is no escape! There is only the fiery embrace of my lava!
Like moths to the flame!
Scorch the ground, boil the water, and ignite the skies!
Destroy them, my minions!
Death rises from below and erupts from above! There is no escape!
I am free of the bonds of the earth never to return again!
Ah yes, those randomly yelling elementals that every zone was apparently contractually obligated to have, just like a random spot with Old God tentacles everywhere.
Roleplayer writing versus Blizzard writing:
The elemental really added to the vibe.
They should patch in the Citizens of Dalaran speech and the Triumphant Roar line to him. Go the whole hog, why not.