Naga were originally planned to be playable in WoW, but were cut solely because their anatomy was too much of a challenge to the animators to reconcile with mounts and armor.
If there was a faction of renegade naga who cut off ties with Azshara or something, I wouldn’t even blink. More palatable than man’ari to me.
We have already had ‘friendly’ Naga under the Illidari banner.
Also I don’t like this:-
I don’t want all the unique paladin orders to get homoegenised under the decidedly human-coded Tyr’s Guard as the prominent ‘paladin’ group going forwards, but boy do these conversations point towards that.
I think all the priests should be united under a new order: the loa. They can keep their own beliefs (in name), but all priests should start signing up with the loa “to light a new path to the future” and also they wear a the zandalari tabards with a big golden troll face icon on it to show their dedication to the new priestly ways.
While they might not explicitly be deleting all the myriad beliefs of the respective races/factions, there will nevertheless be a bunch of lore characters from each one who all show up at the end of a questline to talk about how great the loa are, and how uniting under that banner is going to lead to only good things in the future hopefully. They will also express regret out of nowhere for previous crimes against trolls and express a wish for forgiveness.
I mean (Alliance) players are tired of seeing their Alliance-centric factions switch into neutral mode for no reason at all because Blizzard is to darn lazy to write proper world building or delving deeper into horde-centric factions
I can’t even imagine what Horde fans are feeling about this
I think people should take Pandaren ways as the only base. We’re the first true neutral race, the Celestials are the only deities preaching and embodying peace, and Pandaren aesthetic overall is too distinctive to not appeal to any factions. Not to mention both factions still having amends to make for the events a decade ago, so why not start with acknowledging our superiority?
Imagine there’s a meeting of costumers at a fast food restaurant that’s rebranding itself and its menu soon. Within the costumers, there’s two groups; Mexican food fans, and Italian food fans.
The cooks show their food, and the former notices that the menu they’ve presented looks very, very vastly Italian. From everything pasta-related to pizzas, so on. The Mexican food fans ask the cooks to fix that, and the cooks decide to oblige.
Their answer? They take food from the former Mexican food menu, and turn them into side things for italian dishes. They put taco fillings in ravioli, they put carnes asadas to give flavour to spaghetti, they put everything that an enchilada should have on a pizza.
The Mexican food fans aren’t really happy with that, and they speak up. It doesn’t make sense that they’re doing that. They’re showing that they’re perfectly capable of doing both without it really hindering one another, why not do both at the same time, rather than blend them? They should be perfectly capable of doing that.
The cooks read the situation, and nod. However, they are bad at reading. Their answer? They make the Mexican food menu items exist inside the Italian food menu! They’re just made with different ingredients, and in a different way, and in a way that in no shape or form resembles said food beyond having a tag on the menu that says their name on it. Not only that, they serve it with an Italian flag on top, but the cooks say that if you look at it sideways and just pretend, it’s really Mexican! Just ignore the lack of a Mexican icon in the middle.
Now, you have a group of Italian food fans who sometimes order something thinking it’s Italian, only to get some weird Frankenstein plate that looks like if you held an Italian cook at gunpoint and forced him to make Mexican food, and a group of Mexican food fans who only get to enjoy any semblance of Mexican food through a dish that looks like whoever made it made that abomination out of sheer spite for anything and everything Mexican cuisine related.
tl;dr: chris metzen bench pressed horde writing since vanilla (with him only co-writing legion and it showed (exhibit a: silver hand sunwalkers)) and the moment he left after the end of legion they’ve been passing the issue that none of them know how to write a single phrase of that faction like it’s a hot potato, so they’ve been shoving them into the diet coke version of alliance organisations because it umm it umm it just makes sense (It doesn’t.)
alliance gets their own faction lore and the bastardized forcibly neutral version of it (in the case of the tyr’s guard, literally just a damned street fighter alternate costume color palette flip), the horde only gets to enjoy the latter.
Throw into the mix a rogue sous chef going around the kitchen demanding they find a way to incorporate his childhood dessert, crème brulée, because he wants crème brulée all culinary logic be damned.
He is also convinced that crème brulée consists of powdered milkshake and whipped cream.
Not just Tyr´s Guard, Kirin Tor has the same issue. At its core it´s human kingdom with strong high elf and gnome presence. It´s basically the Old Alliance magic faction which went neutral for practical reasons in Wrath and then again in Legion.
But, nowadays it´s no longer that, it´s the magic school of Azeroth, which means places such as Silvermoon, Suramar or Stormwind (which has entire quarter dedicated to mage stuff, with its own academy) get pushed to the background. After all, if there is story about magic, why would there be Magisters from Silvermoon or mages from Stormwind, when you have worldwide school of magic that´s open for every race?
Perspectives on the Tyr’s Guard from Liadrin, Mehlar Dawnblade and High Prelate Rata.
Seen some people doom over it, prelates and blood knights have fallen, billions must die etc. But really it’s not out of line of any characterisation here.
Seems to me they’re just saying they’re fine with people following Tyr and understand why it’s a good thing, but not necessarily saying they’re all going to join up which is what the doomers are pointing towards.
I feel like as a whole Blizzard has been reacting well to the poor feedback on previous story beats, and a lot of people weren’t happy with the way Paladins were bundled together in Legion so I’d be very surprised if they went down this route again.
The dialogue we’re seeing here to me is really just adding flavour to paladins in general. I especially liked the stuff about how the Prelates coped after Rezan died.