I don’t. There has been no mention of faith in his return, or that he’ll again be the loa of kings in time. He’s even more forgotten than the dead loa of Zul’Drak.
People are quick to forget Blood Elves as they are for half-a-year in TBC are truly an anomaly rather than a 6,800-year precedent. It doesn’t surprise me that a bunch of used-to-be-priests and Paladins (one of whom trained under Uther) and all learned of the Holy Light from Humans + Tyr’s sacrifice as an extension of that would have a lot of reverence from Tyr as a figure and respect His guard and be eager to help it.
“Perhaps the Tyr’s Guard will succeed where the Silver Hand did not.”
Lady didn’t you talk crap at Stormgarde while fighting the Silver Hand, what.
Or that’s the point. Turning them into something more than Alliance-based organization under direct control of the high exarch of the Army of the Light. Perhaps even swaying them off Turalyon’s command.
Yeah I’m honestly not really sure what she’s mentioning or referring to in this one. Maybe the failings of the Silver Hand in wc3? But that can hardly be blamed on them alone, especially given that it was the Silver Hand in wc3 standing between Lordaeron and its complete crumbling as a Kingdom.
Random ramble incoming.
The Silver Hand has a pretty good “record” of trying to do good. My guess is that she is referring to the fact that the Order went back to being Alliance based rather than neutral post Legion? But she herself turned against it???
Moral circus show of supporting Sylvanas aside. It could be that she is speaking about the Hand being dissolved by Arthas, then splintering off into the Scarlets, Dawn etc. The current Silver Hand we have is a bit of a far cry of what it once was after all.
As someone who roleplays an OG Silver Hand Paladin, I genuinely cannot decide if I like this Tyr stuff. It serving as a gateway to all races getting Paladins feels rather weird, especially since we already have Blizzard putting in effort into making lore for new priest races (Like the Orc stuff) that could easily be evolved into giving those races paladins.
Personally, I would have kept the order as Human based, I get that Tyr’s story is inspiring and all but having a Zandalari following a titan construct about is just weird to me. The idea of a mixed race order is cool and all, especially since it’s clear they will pop up in the future as either supporting cast or some Order faction council fight in a raid. Still iffy to me.
Do give us Kul Tiran paladins tho, ty Blizz.
Backfilling lore that was never mentioned about the Silver Hand (Legion edition) not remaining united once BfA rolled around, I guess.
I think only the Conclave (in a novel) and the Ebon Blade (basically unchanged) got any specific attention as class-halls post-Legion?
The biggest beef (heh) with the idea of multi-faith organisation is that…they haven’t properly fleshed out all the different faiths, so “multi-faith” Tyr’s Guard just becomes…Silver Hand 2.0: This Time With A Tall Titan Guy.
If they’re going to turn around and have a questline where Tyr goes around to all the different races and learns about their paladin beliefs on his path to seeing the new Azeroth? Probably kinda neat. You could flesh out the woefully under-developed Sunwalkers/Blood Knights/Prelates and make sure that Vulpera and Worgen paladins get proper attention for how they differ as well.
…but idk, doesn’t seem likely to me we would get something so in-depth.
No order with a worse version of the Silver Hand tabard will be Silver Hand 2.0. Spit that out.
Really my main issue with Tyr´s Guard is that, if Blizzard wants race-agnostic neutral paladin order that is just good and wholesome, why didn´t they use Argent Crusade? It´s literally a mix of two splinters of Silver Hand (Argent Dawn being one and Tirion´s Silver Hand being the other) that accepts any race, they could literally just say Argent Crusade is willing to train anyone who wants to be a paladin in their ways and it would be 100% in character for that organization.
It’s fine, but there already exist many racial groups that would make fine paladins IC. Argent Crusade can be the same that Earthen Ring and Cenarion Circle, but for the priests and paladins, yet it shouldn’t mean homogenization. Like, why would a Zandalari prelate or a Pandaren templar abandon what they are for the sake of human-esque Light with all its drawbacks?
Also finding out that Ebonhorn has zero conversations with Mayla, despite him apparently choosing to abandon his duty of 10,000 years as spiritual advisor to the Highmountain, is kinda icing on the cake for me thinking he was shoved into the Aspect job without proper planning.
She’s at the post-raid party and doesn’t even mention him.
she’s on the baine train now
no time for ebonhorn
I was thinking about that the other day. He’s a dragon, faking being a respected tauren. Is he also faking being a shaman using his dragon magics? Millennia of “hm, yes, the spirits tell me…” while the trusting, wide eyed tribes listen like one of those phony psychic shows? Is he secretly a masterful cold reader?
Think she’s more running in line with Mehlar’s former (and much more hostile) stance on the Silver Hand (in that Uther and the orders failings produced Arthas) but this is a good turn on it. It’s not a fair stance to have, but then the characters being immune to bias while being walking wowwiki’s is a dull idea.
If any colour of dragon were to be heavily shaman, it’d be a black one, so I don’t have any issue believing that he is speaking to the spirits of earth for realsies and does have significant shamanic teachings.
Which kinda makes it all the grosser that there’s zero shaman stuff at all in DF. Apparently Smolderon has a single line if you show up on a shaman who did the legion campaign but it’s basically just “Hahah I’m a baddie now!”
Primalists, I guess.
What an awful waste. And now we get Firelord Fyrakk. At least it rolls off the tongue.
A generic end for a generic Firelord with a generic name.
(Seriously, “Smolderon”? It’s a name fit for a level 40 quest boss, not Ragnaros’s successor.)
Likewise woefully underdeveloped, with their most prominent NPCs wasted and killed off with little fanfare.
Absolutely wild that Kurog Grimtotem got major billing in a short story only to basically never show up again until he was unceremoniously killed in a raid that was barely commented on.
I’m bad lol.
Considering the Earthen Ring have been around, including the former leader Muln Earthfury, it’s genuinely incredibly lame they did nothing in the main story and their side quests are deeply negligible.
Fyrakk as a Firelord is awesome in two ways. First, it gives the future generations of the Twilight’s Hammer a clear goal towards fire/shadowflame ascension and otherwise messing around Ragnaros-style, unlike Smolderon’s good-ish position which didn’t allow such routes. More than that, Fyrakk would easily be a patron for dark shamans all around Azeroth, as well as shadowflame-using warlocks. And second, now we know that the Firelands are not only under control of someone innately evil, but that he’ll probably begin corrupting the whole plane. Which can give the Titan keepers and Earthen Ring something new to worry about.