Worry about but not be involved in any noticeable way in dealing with.
Replacing Smolderon with Fyrakk is good because Smolderon has no personality and Fyrakk has a personality.
However, you could argue that instead of doing that they should have just given Smolderon a personality in the first place instead of writing him out of the Cult of Rag stuff and then immediately replacing him the next time he shows up.
Tyr’s Guard just reads like an off-brand version of a more iconic paladin order with the same shtick, forced to display a gold hand on their tabards because Tyr’s famous silver hand was already taken.
Besides, you’re saying it wrong, it’s Tirisgarde, not Tyr’s Guard.
Tyr’s Guard, The Kirin Tor, The Paladin and others Order Halls in general to a lesser or higher degree feel a bit… Detrimental except DH and DK.
I’m just curious what’s the goal in here? Disparate groups serving together in a single organization even if their faith/belief system are just barely related? Hard to accept, unless there was a larger threat at hand such as the end of the world by an enemy from out of space with spaceships. Outside of that you’re gonna need some serious legwork.
The vanishing of the SMC Blood Mages with their Anima Golem they salvaged from ToT has only recently struck me. Even the Reliquary’s search for archeological WMDs faded away this expansion in the name of cooperation and neutrality.
I won’t even get into how dirty the Tauren Sunwalkers had been done in.
I just would like to ask one of the writers one day why do they do this? It’s in here, where I absolutely refuse to accept the idea of incompetence being at play here but the ease of convinience to have every class and every ideology, faith and creed blend in a grey nothing. Why don’t they double down on what existed in interesting ways?
I mean, imagine what we could’ve had… three-way-battlegrounds, and a story about a faction who was forced together due to circumstances and to be able to stand as a counterweight to both the Alliance and the Horde. I am quite sure that if the writers worked their brains hard, a reason could’ve been found to make these seemingly different factions work together. Similar happened with the Horde at it’s conception.
Alright, that one goes in the book.
I’m in the same boat on that. But for a mixed order of paladins… we already had the Argent Crusade for that, even if they aren’t all Lightwielders.
Don’t forget worgen!
And gnomes.
Can’t tell me humans, high elves and dwarves all get paladins but gnomes don’t? Fyte me!
As the vanguard of a secular enlightenment, their holy warriors are champions of facts and logic, their battlecry two words sure to rouse the ire of fanatics everywhere: “Debate me!”
Gnome druids and demon hunters when?
Gnome eyes are so large and bundled up in prodigious brain tissue that puncturing them is a life threatening injury.
Did Adamanthia ever show up again after the Augvoker quest
god no, this is a cluster-f in FF14 and i do not recommend.
Cut dracthyr only content I guess.
I mean, Ragnaros isn’t much better. And it’s in line with the Elemental namings in WoW.
Al’Akir probably had the most ‘original’ one and I wouldn’t be surprised if it means literally ‘Wind’ or anything like that in some other language.
“Al Akhir الأخير”, or romanized “Al Akir”, literally means “The Last One” in Arabic. His name may be a reference to Al’Akir’s status as the weakest of the four Elemental Lords.
Definitely no Thunderaan.
Dude is literally “Oh, and that guy”
Warcraft needs to move away from giving supposedly serious characters names that are basically puns and wordplay.
Ragnaros at least brings to mind suitably destructive fire fitting the twilight of the gods.
Smolderon (Which is grammatically incorrect. Smoulderon is correct.) literally sounds like some chump shaman pvp twink name.
Smolder is the US spelling, and since Blizz is American…
Still wrong.
It quite clearly isn’t.