Give it enough time and even G’huun may return.
I see. Kind of a shame fire beings always end up being written as evil then.
Pretty sure they took one look at the lore since Legion and went “freck it, G’Huun counts as the Fifth Old God and now they’re all dead.” Instead of trying to figure out what to do with this vaguely mentioned actual Fifth Old God.
I don’t mind it, though, since Old Gods were always hit or miss with Blizzard: C’thun, Yogg-Saron and Y’Shaarj were pretty cool, unique, Old Gods and then you had the last one, who I hardly even remeber
I just find it funny how much of a troll Fyrakk is during the raid.
Smolderon: “Yo dude, help me out here!”
Fyrakk: “Nah, rather watch you die.”
Then during his final battle:
Alexstrasza: “This tree is under my protection, fiend!”
Fyrakk: “And how’d that protection work out for your children?”
Man really went there.
In the most american way possible; turning our base into a giant gun, shooting straight into the bad guy’s dream(?) to disintegrate the last shred of his entire world and/or career.
Jygg’zototh died peacefully in its sleep surrounded by loved faceless ones and babbling, shrieking cultists after a long life in withdrawn privacy and obscurity.
It is in their nature.
Fire doesn’t burn things because it hates things- It simply burns because that is its fundamental nature.
The firelord of outland also tried his best to try and stop Gul’dan in Shadowmoon Valley, but I think despite all the power the other elemental lords gave him, died fighting the fel.
Druid of the Flame talking with a Highborn?
I’m running around the newly opened main-world Amirdrassil on the PTR and it’s amazing. It’s been filled with NPCs now. So much detail. So much RP potential!
What I’ve learned so far:
- Bel’ameth is the name of the new city under Amirdrassil.
- There’s a hall where Sentinels train, a crafter’s house, an engineering trainer, and an inn called the Silver Feather in a remake of the vanilla two-story building. There are portals to Stormwind, Val’sharah, Darkshore, and Mount Hyjal.
- There’s a large building in Bel’ameth called Terrace of the Moon, which is apparently the new seat of the Sisterhood. Shandris and two Tyrandes are standing on the central platform.
- There’s a flight master’s corner with a hippogryph roost, but the flight master is not implemented yet.
- In the north, there’s a harbor with a permanently docked ship. There’s another portal there, to Feathermoon Stronghold, and a second inn in the style of the vanilla ones, called Turn of the Tide.
- Most NPCs are friendly to both factions, and I can even set my hearthstone there on a Horde character. Oddly, Maelir, the mage trainer near the Stormwind portal, is hostile to Horde and PvP-flagged. The moment I went near him on a level 60 Horde character, he spawned a guard who oneshot me.
- As far as I can tell, there are only wooden buildings here, no stone buildings like there were in Darnassus.
Got pictures of it?
One is a dreadlord, clearly.
There is a secluded watchtower populated by
Night Elf:
Dark Rangers.
Death Knights.
Shen’Dralar Warlocks.
Demon Hunters. Including Altruis.
Sure, here are a few!
Edit: there’s also more detail here:
I have no words for how happy I was when I finished exploring Amirdrassil.
Night Elf Twitter can shut up! This is amazing.
Seems atleast the Highborne have some manner of self-respect left then, unlike their lowerborn kin😏
This is pretty awesome!
Also confirms Night Elf Dark Rangers are… a part of the Kaldorei, but not fully accepted like the rest of the lesser accepted classes/races in their community!
How many times do the horde have to teach you this lesson, old elves?
Good. Now they have lore to support them not being beheaded in public spectacle on sight.
jokes on you I just this morning seeing someone whining about horde being there
They data mined an item with the name Sylvanas quiver. Looks like she collected all the lost souls and will return just in time for the new Night Elf home’s housewarming party.
I am so happy the Covenant-looking abilities are being updated to cater to the classes instead.
I think there was a Sylvanas transmog set datamined for Dragonflight. I’d assume the quiver would go with that.
Ngl, I am not a fan of this at al either, but alas atleast it will be a problem shared across both new Alliance Capitals as Gilneas will probably turn neutral aswell.
Night Elves atleast have the reasoning of them settling on the neutral Dragon Isles(ugh) and thus having them begrudgingly being neutral aswell. And there is precedence for this, with Nordrassil being protected by Night Elves and (horde) druids aswell.
Still doesn’t mean I like it, or that my characters will see Horde as friends or Allies, but more like usefull fodder in protection of his new home.
Now I do want to see the Nighthold turn neutral aswell, though! I would love to RP there on my Highborne especially since Quel’thalas will turn neutral coming Midnight!