PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

With their historical hate of blood elves and the horde, wouldn’t they rather join the alliance?

alliance buff trolls be coming soon mon.


The historically Alliance-aligned elves joined the Horde, leading the historically Horde-aligned trolls to join the Alliance. Seems legit.

And this is why factions in WoW were a mistake.


Weren’t they reused in Battle for Azeroth with Warfronts?

But yeah - this patch is somewhat what I predicted will happen at some point, as Blizzard always does this. They sprinkle in new assets here and there that they can reuse later on. Legion brought in a plethora of new Night Elf assets, so I was sure a Darnassus update (or some bigger Night Elf city) was on the horizon. (They’ve been steadily updating Stormwind as an example of why that expectation existed.)


It’s more about feels, I think. Scenery.

I remember creating my first night elf character back in vanilla and running from Shadowglen to Darnassus. A large stretch of forest, quiet but filled with dangerous creatures that would have you for breakfast if you stepped off the road — giving way to a massive, majestic guarded gate, then a marble stair that gives way to a breathtaking view from atop the terrace, overlooking the lake under the night sky around which the city is built.

A lot of work went into WoW’s environment design to give you scenery porn*, and it’s something I admit I miss in The Other MMO.

* Obligatory TV Tropes link:


I am disgusted by the idea.

Trolls are the natural enemies of humanity, dwarvenkind, gnomanity and Elvenkind :dagger:

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of elves?
Yet two types of elf are allied with three types of troll.

And that may be Horde, but the Alliance took void elves, they’ll take anyone.

Gnomes and goblins are natural enemies. Like elves and trolls. Or humans and trolls. Or dwarves and trolls. Or trolls and other trolls.

Damn trolls, they ruined Zandalar!


oh to actually have gotten playable revantusk trolls.

I would race change both my shaman and warlock.


Beat me to making the same joke but with elves.


You elves sure are a contentious people.


I personally think that it’s more likely that the Amani will remain antagonistic, probably corrupted by the Void in some shape or form, anything to get vengeance against the blood elves. I can’t imagine them being more relevant than the Brackenhide Gnolls, a minor threat limited to a single zone that maybe has a single dungeon to its name.

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My guess for an alternative to this is that, if anything, Amani will have a splinter faction that will join the Horde, and even then that’s a reach and a half. Beyond that, I’m fairly sure that Midnight will have a new class or new specs, not a new race.

Getting the feeling they’re gonna offer up their loa (again) but this time to the void in order to make a move on Silvermoon. If I’m going to make an educated guess at the main enemies of midnight, it’s going to be the Amani and the Naga, with Undead, murlocs and gnolls as the zone fodder.

My guestimation for the plot is it’s going to work similarly to Dragonflight in that we help each flight (but this time high/blood/void elf) to restore their power stone thing (regenerate new moonstones) to repower ban’dinoriel. But I’m at a genuine loss at how they will move around the idea that void elves are an intrinsic threat to every high and blood elf.

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They delete the VElf player characters and make them the villain faction.

Modern problems require modern solutions.


That or they expunge the void from them and turn them into High elves.
Any remaining void elves who disagree get the Purge Squad.


I think it’s going to be quite simple. While the Void is a malicious and destructive force, it can be controlled by entities who are disciplined enough. These entities might serve as unique weapons against the Void, beings who can turn the shadow against itself, without whom victory might be impossible.

Plus, I’m of the opinion that the Sunwell probably won’t survive Midnight and the blood elves will need to figure out how to live sustainably without a font of magic to rely on.

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An aesthetic dimension you need to work with differently in a game with active flying. Capturing the majesty of a location you can only navigate on foot is quite different, not to say it isn’t attempted these days. A given location is typically tailored for impessive scenery.

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And in Dragonflight, they really tried, and it shows. Dragonriding, as opposed to TBC flying, allowed the world designers to reason what likely paths players would take, and they made clever use of verticality when designing the Dragon Isles. (For example, Valdrakken is high above almost everything else, which lets you reach most locations on the Isles simply by gliding down from the Seat of the Aspects.)


Ironically, I think that´s something many blood, high and void elf fans would want.
Blood elves have no reason to be morally gray manasuckers when they don´t need to drain mana.
High elves have nothing making them distinct from blood elves besides their prefered color.
And there is no benefit to being a void elf which would make other elves interested in going team tentacle.

All of this can be solved by destroying the Sunwell and saying that void elves don´t suffer from the widthrawal because of their Void corruption and boom, you now have 3 distinct groups of elves.