PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

I don’t think the quest showed the age, and Lysander has a vague age anyway (though if anything, the ‘rite of passage’ probably is less about the age of the person and moreso about the deed they do to qualify for it anyway).

So it’s not like, you turn 18 and must go through rite of passage. With Finel, they can probably tell the story of who might be the earliest for it anyway, as I think Finel is like, 4-7? Forgetting how much time was between start of BfA and now again.

In Elegy, Delaryn muses on it. It’s implied the individual can choose when they feel ready for this rite of passage.


Yea, hence why she does not have any facial tattoo’s yet, as she never did feel ready for it just yet

Fine, fine I misremebered! Guess Freck em Taurens aswell. Time to throw them off Bel’ameth and into the sea!


If you spend more than five seconds thinking on how there’s an nondescript timeskip between Teldrassil’s torching and the Battle for Lordaeron, every single Horde leader’s character falls apart.

It’s why Baine’s reviled to this day. Not a word spoken about a war of extermination waged on far-off threats and generations centuries away, nothing about his own tauren being vaporized by Blight and raised into skellingtons. Then, a human who he doesn’t know being raised into undeath is somehow the last straw.


Anyone else finds it ironic that for christmas we’re getting a giant tree? Heh.

Could anyone post a picture of the new zone? From what everyone is saying here, it is quite beautiful!


Its a poor advantage, and honestly just an excuse for laziness, if all that extra time still turns out to be :poop:
Time will tell if Metzen’s 3 expansion story arc is going to be :poop: or :gem:

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There still exist capitals across all of the old world, most of them in dire need for an update. I hope they’ll do that before doing or not doing separate hubs in the next expansions.

Some races don’t even have capitals.
The void elves have a handful of tents on a floating rock in the void.
hardly a town, more like a really edgy emo summer camp.

Fairly on brand for void elves at least!


The PTR servers are very unstable at the moment, but Amirdrassil looks extremely impressive when approaching it from the Dragon Isles - perhaps better than it does on the island itself. The green haze is rather obfuscating.
The zone itself is easily the size of Teldrassil if not larger and is full of mostly non-aggressive wildlife.
There’s around a dozen different structures in Bel’ameth itself and around three near the northern coast. Might be more that I haven’t seen yet, due to instability.
So far, there’s no sort of content that gives anyone a reason to visit there more than once per character or account, to collect the scattered items that grant very elvish tmog options.
There are scattered portals that are connected to basically everywhere that’s remotely relevant to night elves, so that Amirdrassil feels connected to Kalimdor and not like it’s on the other side of the world.

Complaints about the Horde being able to walk around and Bel’ameth not looking like a second Suramar aside, it’s a roleplaying paradise.


would be nice if we had a first Suramar that wasn’t packed thick with hostile mobs and phasing shenanigans.


I think it’s not something entirely secluded to Horde characters, and more so literally any character since the end of Legion all the way to (maybe) mid Dragonflight.

Plenty of Horde and Alliance characters have done questionable things before then, yes, but it was never played in such a way where the characters could be seen as genuinely, unfathomably gullible or two-faced without the writers intending them to sound that way.

Remember when Sylvanas went through a character arc in which she stopped viewing everyone else on Azeroth as a tool to kill Arthas, rose to become the Warchief and was proud to be the leader of the Horde despite the hurdles of not being male or an orc?

But actually she was lying to you, the reader, with her own thoughts because she was in the Jailer’s back pocket the whole time. She never really cared for the Forsaken, she never really cared for being the Warchief.


A travesty to this day :fist: :pensive:

This is why I truly Hate the whole BFA/SL arc; not because ‘Horde bad’, although that also wasn’t great, but it basically just hard villain-batted her entire arc from Vanilla onward, even retroactively tainting WC3 really.

Like, there’s bad writing, and then there’s “What the actual hell were you thinking?”
Also, she was a neat character imo. Done absolutely dirty…


The other capital is azuremyst isle forever doomed to BC ruin.

Shalandis isle.

It’ll be a massacre.

Casual retcon of significant lore, of course, as is tradition.

Xmas elves.

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Rancid. She could be written as a compelling, flawed villain and I sure did try in my headcanon branches of possibility as teldrassil burned and more things unfurled and then we ended up with freakin’ zovaal having her turn “good” again by using her trigger word.


I feel like a lot of Roleplayers, and lore players in general often fall into this trap a lot:

We say that it would upset a vast majority of the playerbase to have neutral cities, but I think we’re vastly overestimating our own importance in all of this. The vast silent majority of players actively push for and want less hostility between the faction and increased open borders between the two factions. They want more co-operation and links between them. Blizzard would not be making Gilneas and Bel’Ameth friendly-tagged to both factions if they didn’t think people wanted it; the idea likely would never have even been brought up if there wasn’t some sort of will or desire for it coming from somewhere.

This has been Blizzard’s very big answer throughout all of Dragonflight. Ever since the start they’ve been doing several interviews talking about how much more streamlined, efficient and content-heavy their approach has been able to be with only having one massive team for each department all working on big, faction-neutral projects both factions can interact with. It also halves their costs by quite a large margin I must imagine; a lot less assets have to be made after all if you’ve only got one theme or style going on.

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My belief in the world is stretched beyond acceptability when a War of extermination is rapidly followed by a botched “peace”. It’d be far more believable for me that faction hatred is stronger or quietly is pressure boiling until the next war. There isn’t even a “Hey guys! See, turns out that the War had been orchestrated by a Grey bald God of the metaphysical embodiment of Hell…” and let’s assume that all the faction people who heard this believed it 100%, hating the other would still be very much valid.

I’m holding onto my firm statement that all of this -fixing- is merely out of convinience and weak gesture towards the most vocal players that everything in DF has happened.

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Personally, after we already lost Garrosh to the villain bat in a mildly unsatisfying way (although nowhere near as bad, given he was always antagonistic and Stonetalon was apparently the outlier, not vice versa), losing Sylvanas too, particularly in a way that undid all character growth AND countermanded her previous goals of ‘self determination and free will’ was just… ick.

I still hold that having nothing to do with the Shadowlands, and BFA launching into an extended Old Golds arc (the style of story-over-three-expacs they’re doing now it seems) would have been far more satisfying - not to mention easier to write.
“Wait, everyone just spent Legion teaming up and getting on ok, why are they suddenly fighting?”
“Well, they think that the other side is trying to weaponise Azerite, and provably it is very dangerous, but it turns out the weakining prison of the Old Gods is the perfect chance for them to whisper to tired, exhausted and still-wounded characters that the Other are Out To Get Them.”

Also having the likes of Gallywix go off the deep end without much resistance, and letting us pummel him, woulda beeen fun.