PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

It’s how you tell it’s a work of fiction; people realise that War is actually a terrible thing, isn’t to be glorified, and we should probably cut that out after more than a handful of times, particularly ones for stupid reasons.

Unlike, well…
-Side-stink-eyes reality-

Is it really out of convenience towards ‘the most vocal players’ when the story started going downhill through that route the moment Chris Metzen stopped having a hand in writing expansions, then they instantly went back at where he left off the very exact moment he came back as writing lead?

I get that ‘the big dumb majority / loud minority’ is a very fun invisible target to have to seem like some kind of underdog, but we cannot be complaining about Blizzard not listening to any kind of feedback and then complaining about them listening to too much feedback in the same breath.

It’s most likely that the dude who conceptualized the setting into being in the first place left after two decades of, at least, having some hand in driving the car; and the moment the others got their hands on the wheel, they started swerving left and right with no sense of direction to the point that in Shadowlands, they started retconning things in hotfix patches released only weeks after major patches.

It’s not even that much of speculation when they literally made the fact that they’re going back to where Chris Metzen left off in Legion one of their main publicity stunts, to the point you could get pictures done with stand-ins of the return to that plot in Blizzcon, and get official Blizzard merch shirts themed after the fact.


Also funny how we had BFA basicly laying out before even the most simplest of souls that Azerite is actually the dried blood of the Goddess within Azeroth, and her literal Speaker went around her Egg trying to tell everyone that she is dying…

And now nobody seem to remeber that as they have a strange and powerfull Goddess whisper within their heads…:smirk:

As if Metzen/Blizzard is trying to sweep most of BfA and SL underneath the rug, with some random, little throw away pop ups appearing like an accident(the world boss in Zaralek Caverns seeing Maldraxxus whfn she dies, Lady Moonberry at Amirdrassil & Malfurion switching places with Ysera)


Good. Night elves and nightborne are separate races/cultures and it would be a bit redundant and disappointing to have the night elves be also super-civilized like the nightborne, on top of being already the race that lives in the wilds.

Let’s preserve each group’s identity.

…Weren’t they going to bring him back? I recall some dev saying something like that when Malfurion fell. Yet he’s still in the Shadowlands!

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There’s still a few story updates incoming, far as we’ve been told.


They better bring back my boy Malfy!

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For all we know, we might!

They mentioned forming a dedicated living world team that will be responsible for post-expansion updates going forward. It may be wishful thinking, but perhaps the Amirdrassil and Gilneas updates are only the beginning.


She’s leaving so he’ll be back soon.

Malfy returns with a new hot model with living wood limbs and real animal parts (not just a native american dance costume!) further indicative of his wild god status and us loreheads get even more confused as to what keepers and dryads are actually supposed to be.


Reminder that we still don’t know why Cenarius and his children look like night elves from the waist up. I was hoping Chronicle would shed light on that (and on the true identity of Elune), but alas.

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His model is fine as is! D:<

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Newer! Hotter!


To add to this, the feeling of awe was a little diminished by fridge logic when I realized that the night elves of Darnassus built these massive fortifications towards the wilds of Teldrassil — in other words, the direction of civilian villages that the enemy would need to fight through Darnassus to reach, and the direction from which they shouldn’t expect an attack — while leaving the harbor, the only point of entry to the top of Teldrassil, completely undefended.

I assume the gate of Darnassus is a remnant of the old design where it was supposed to be located on an island, not atop the actual tree.


Tyrande was just planning for the eventual uprising that would oust her from her position, but the Qiraji re-emerging was enough of a distraction to save her from the guillotine.


What did Danuser mean by this?

I don’t know if I would call Sylvanas going from seeing everyone as a tool to kill Arthas to seeing everyone as a tool to prevent herself from dying as much of an arc. Irrelevant anyway I suppose because, as you say, she had us all fooled the whole time and that’s what’s so powerful about her story.

There has been a long butt period of time where people got sick of the faction conflict, that’s why we got cross faction guilds and other stuff.

The cross faction cities that are race based are kinda 50/50 for me, but it’s another step to the full removal of the restrictions I guess.


The reason behing cross-faction guilds and overall the ability to do content cross-faction wasn´t some dislike of faction war narrative, but rather absolutely dire state of the Alliance community. Picking Alliance was objectively the worse option as a player who wanted to do any sort of content higher than LFR because majority of skilled players were on the Horde.

A lot of people, especially lore and roleplayers, seem to think that it should end at cross-faction guilds (not that I disagree) but PvP and PvE players will want to be able to actually physically interact with their friends no doubt, and the only way they can really do that long-term is adding a way for Horde and Alliance players to be in the opposite person’s cities.

This is also an issue, ultimately, Blizzard has now tried twice to keep the factions whilst maintaining a 50/50 balance between them. It has failed utterly in its goal both times, with Alliance being about 30-35% of the global population at any given time (ironically, reflecting the vanilla Horde’s population). So now Blizzard is forced to actually try and think of some sort of solution that can work, and I’m afraid the only solution they’re focused on (because it is by far the easiest I imagine), is full cross-faction in every element of the game.


I will say, that also struck me as odd briefly, but since the portal is… y’know, a portal, I assume it can also be ‘turned off’ if needed. However, since Vanilla Teldrassil had corruption problems with Furbolgs, Satyrs, and Gnolls living on Teldrassil. So the massive fortifications did end up protecting Darnassus.