PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

Completely unfounded speculation, the guy in charge of the transmog system who also hated the transmog system (which was the same guy who prevented people from transmogging Admiral Taylor’s greatsword in WoD for 6 months because he didn’t want horde players sporting alliance looking gear, so obviously the solution was to prevent everyone from having it).

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I think getting two bad expansions in the row in combination with the lawsuit and subsequent loss of players hit their self-image of “we’re Blizzard, we’re the best” a lot.
They also now have to actually fight over players with other games. The result of 2021 was that insane number of players did not just take a break, they outright quit and lost that WoW addiction (which is why DF sales have been quite low).
Blizzard of 2018 could afford to dig their heels in and ignore player feedback. Blizzard of 2023 can’t.


The difference is also staggering in that nothing is too small to fix these days. It used to be that some things were just not significant enough for them to care enough to change, but recently they seem to be really interested in the fine detail where feedback is concerned.

Notably with this change here, which normally wouldn’t be worth their time and also the feedback on the lighting in the new world tree not quite fighting the Nelf Vibe.

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This truly is the Improving Timeline, and I am 100% here for it.

Brb, rolling a Warden :grin:

Another nice display of them listening to us.

While I won’t be using the Warden set?? I’m damn happy they listened!!

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Need the Umbra Crescent still, then we’re gooood~

Also, as I was checking up the Warden/Watcher history out of curiosity if I do make another Nelf, they need clarify if they’ve just outright decided Wolfheart was too whacky/messy for the canon for them or not. Cos stuff do not add up :sweat_smile:

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Which is kinda insane during a Covid period where some people are still working from home and not at all. Video game sales sure were something back then… A magnificent chaos.

So now we got 3 sets, instead of 1?

Thats kinda neat! Love it. White set can be used for Priestessess of the Moon, normal set can be used for the normal Watchers and Wardens!

Big fan of this change!

I had hoped they added that to Glaives added during the NElf-heritage set, alas!
I do hope they’ll eventually add them later on!

I mean the whole lore surrounding the Watchers and Wardens(as organisations) is kinda… contradicting at best, whacky/messy at worst. :frowning:


Which parts of Wolfheart do you feel are contradictory to current canon?

I mean, the whole “I vehemently disagreed” was already rightly laughed at from the Nelf heritage questline.

That’s not a disagreement, Maiev sweety, that’s murder and getting on the bad side of the High Priestess and her very-powerful Hubby that you made clear you wanted to kill, again.

Fast forward a bit and it just never gets mentioned again, Jarod was apparently never actually ‘Leader of the Watchers’ - its par for the course with ‘swept under the rug’ writing at the mo, but it is a little funny.

Edit: If between Legion and BFA and the timeskip things have settled and a sort of understanding was reached, fair enough. But, again in WoW style, it’s not even hinted at.

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Jarod was never supposed to be leader of the Watchers per se, was he?
He was tasked with creating a whole new “police force” for the Kaldorei, which is a shame never happened as it could’ve been an interesting part of the story onwards, with them replacing the Watchers(and Wardens) who were, very, loyal to Maiev.

Or they could’ve split the organisation up, with the Wardens siding with Maiev and the Watchers disagreeing with how she handled herself, and swearing loyalty to Jarod/Tyrande and making him the leader of the Watchers. This would also explain how the Wardens were a faction in Legion, and could’ve been a setup for Maiev to atone for her sins, with them eventually rejoining the Kaldorei during Darkshore or whatever.

Alas. As you said; the easiest way was to sweep it up under the rug. Same with Maiev becoming General of the Army of the Black Moon, which just upped and vanished. :frowning:

Tbh, once we get a Capital back, I will be quite happy for a few years, real time, of being left the hell alone. Lorewise. Focus wise.

It’s been years of chaos, man…

Edit: Won’t stop me campaigning for more Nelf weapon mogs/the Umbra Crescent, though~



Thanks for the island, Blizzard. Now please let the community heal the scars.

As for Maiev, her Wolfheart arc seems to have been soft-retconned. Which I don’t particularly mind, as I thought it was stupid and out of character. Maiev is an Inspector Javert, an overzealous enforcer of the law; she doesn’t decide what the law is.

I wish they addressed that explicitly, so we don’t have a situation with Schrodinger’s Highborne whom Maiev may or may not have murdered.


I’m with you on that, I was just wishtfull thinking of days back then, and which directions and storybeats they could’ve followed!

For now I am fine with being left alone aside from the lone quest here and there, some more transmogs and customisation options! How the BElfs got it now sounds fine!


" Lightsmiths are paladins who have developed such masterful control over the Light that they are able to wield it tangibly, employing constructs to empower their weapons and defenses and to protect their allies."


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green lantern ahh paladins


Slaps you with my golden crystalline backhand.

I notice your backhand has left a ring mark with an odd symbol within it.

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