PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

You barely have to change anything about the Green Lantern’s oath to apply to Paladin, just change “Green Lanter’s light.” bit into something else and you’re good.

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In ten chars

“We are the Light. Lower your shields and surrender yourselves. Your culture will be made to service ours, and your biological and technological distinction will be added to our own. Resistance is futile.”


San’layn are death knights who have mastered the vampiric arts of the darkfallen. They consume the vitality of their enemies to protect and restore themselves. Their endless hunger only strengthens them.

Chronowardens can manipulate time and see into the future. By specializing in Bronze magic, they are slightly unstable due to the vast amount of knowledge available to them. They are precise, erudite, and organized individuals who seek to understand the world through careful study.

Mountain Thanes embody the strength of the mountains and the power of the storm. They channel thunder and lightning through their reinforced bodies to make them an unstoppable force.

Lore stuff so far!


Hopefully other dracthyr heroics would involve all 5 colours.

Give me red eyes for a blood Death Knight, and even I would give the class a serious whirl.

But this is like, what, the third time we’re switching around these terms? San’layn currently being a sect of vampyric darkfallen loyal to the Scourge, but now they’re just referred to as darkfallen, and studious Death Knights get the san’layn label?

To be clear however, I am pleased these snippets of lore compliment our class options.


Also, another community council year’s up. Hopefully we’ll get an AD representative there, so apply here, everyone.

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I dread the thread that will come out of that single line of flavour.


Ahah. Surprised it hasn’t been made already.

I think this is one of those “same term applies to more than one thing” case. DKs saw what san’layn do, discovered how to emulate those abilities and named the new art after people it was based on.


Just like how Druids picking Keeper of the Grove doesnt turn them into a different race, nor does Deathstalker or Shado-Pan induct any race into these orders.

It’s about adventurers emulating what they’ve encountered or developed.


I could see how that would make sense, yes.

No but it should. Could you imagine how much RP AD could get out of a pseudo-horse-like class??

Blizzard oppressing the RPers yet again smh . . .


Read enough vampiric lore to emulate, suddenly get blood hunger on top of your physical need to inflict pain. Just another thing to deal with.

Worse still if forsaken, with the oft ignored zombie-like hunger for flesh, too.


Dryads IC, yes.

Yes. End my trips to Maraudon to pick pocket them.

What’s that even good for? They don’t wear pants.

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I have no idea what this means.

Why bother, they never (0/0) read or act upon their suggestions anyway.

The PTR servers are back up, so the new build is actually playable.

  • Amirdrassil is mostly unchanged, but the Bel’ameth inn has been more fleshed out with crescent moon decorations.
  • Belanaar Harbor has been renamed to simply Belanaar.
  • A lot of cosmetic night elf items can be collected by simply flying around the island and picking up treasures. These include backpacks, a spear, a dagger, offhand pouches, an offhand horn, and a bow. All of them are new models except for the bow, which reuses the model of this bow obtainable from a Cataclysm dungeon quest. Maybe it’s a placeholder, but I’m not holding my breath.
  • Gwen Armstead is now the Gilneas City innkeeper.
  • Azerothian Archives are located at Algeth’ar Academy and are really bugged at the moment. The quest givers are a textureless Forsaken, textureless draenei, and placeholder cube that’s apparently supposed to be a shaman. Quest items aren’t usable, so I can’t progress with their quests.