PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

Additionally, I’ve heard that Horde characters can’t interact with a bunch of the vendors and stuff in the new NElf city, but that the ‘outcast’ area guys like dark rangers/warlocks are now flagged as friendly to them?

Sadly, I can’t test right now. I baleeted my only Horde character on the PTR, I’m not offered to faction change my Alliance characters on the PTR, and the “Copy Character” button simply hangs the game when I press it now.

(The “Logging in to game server” stage also hangs the game for a few seconds, so I suspect there’s something going on with the PTR lobby servers.)

Have the ‘guild updates’ in 11.0.1 been mentioned anywhere before?

Also, Troll heritage armour, les’ GO mons!


Troll and draenei. It’s christmas for the weird feet people.

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Non-Zandalari trolls getting new lore? What is this sorcery?!

(Awesome, though!)


Zandalari haven’t seen any meaningful additions to their lore since they were first made playable with 8.1.5, which is a blessing and a curse.
On one hand, sucks that they’re in a limbo without us really knowing how they’ve reacted to several years of peace.
On the other hand, the Darkspear heritage quest could be garbage and serve as a reminder that it’s better to get no lore than bad lore.


I do hope it mentions how both great horde aligned troll realms are bound to Bwonsamdi.

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I don’t want to sound ungrateful, but is there a list or screenshots available for the new items?

I am gone for the next 25 days again, so I can’t really check it out myself :frowning:

Also I do hope the Trolls and Draenei get an awesome heritage quest that delves deeper into their… heritage and lore while fleshing out some new and important characters, which are needed by both races!

Aslong as it isn’t anything close to Worgen or NElf, it will be fine for them!


I sort of hope the Draenei heritage set takes some cues from some of their earlier concept art.


No sign of any more class-unlocks until at least TWW is already released. Kind of saddening honestly.

This sort of Nomad look was so cool, tbh. And woulda been neater than the ‘crystal and plate armour for days’ we got done to death :frowning:


I don’t actually mind the heavy crystalline look, but it has been done several times over. The “travelers of the stars” aesthetic never had its time to shine, and even if it’s sort of a reversal of their narrative as it is in a post-Legion world, it’s something well overdue to have available.


Both are good. The nomadic part would be awesome for the Rangari and all those who live in Outland now, while the crystals and heavy plate is for the more civilized types that migrated to Azeroth.


The lore is a disaster anyway. I just want sweet Darkspear transmog that doesn’t look like Zandalari, which basically all Troll transmog has looked like since Pandaria.

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The troll armour from the BFA intro cinematic.
Hand it over. Now.


What about Rangari that live on Azeroth?


Also, yeah the Lore has some… problems, but nothing that isn’t fixable and its still quite enjoyable.

You can say the same about almost anything regarding the current state of the setting, it’s more of a skill issue of the owners of the franchise.


Personal preferences, I suppose. Like, nothing stopping a rogue or a hunter from either being close to the nature or using the high-end tech.

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I bet troll heritage will be like the human, night elf and orc
it will probably feature whomever they consider the race leader going to the shadowlands to help vol’jin getting his official promotion to loa of kings or some such.
then he says we done did good and we get some armor and one other bonus reward, like a lame toy or maybe a new hair option.

It would be neat if the Draenei heritage would touch on the whole yrel alt-timeline BS but I just know its going to be some feel good, we have come together and found a new home worth fighting for sing-a-long with the broken, the argus broken, the lightforged and the eredar, that said they were very sorry, all coming together.
Could be cool to see Arkama and some of the other broken from outland though.

