PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

Vol’jin’s stuff shouldn’t be connected to the heritage quest because then it’s two Horde races whose heritage quests are tied to the Shadowlands and that’s GROSS.


I’d be rather glad to get more insight on which pantheon of loa do the Darkspears follow. Or, even better, what’s the state of other tribes under the Zandalari protectorate. After all, Darkspears are anything but a single or major tribe even among the Horde.

No. Never. Please Gods have mercy.


Bwonsamdi has been their patron Loa long before Zandalari made it cool. Vol’jin, potentially, since when he was first thought dead by Garrosh’s assassin, there rose a brief cult that revered Vol’jin as a protector Loa of the Darkspear in a role similar to what Torcali fulfills for the Zandalari. Now that he’s actually a Loa, I don’t see why they wouldn’t worship him again.

Besides that, the Darkspear predominantly worship the old Gurubashi Loa with the addition of Gonk. That means Bethekk, Shirvallah, Hir’eek, Shadra. Probably Hethiss, see Dambala below.

In BFA we discover that Krag’wa has spread worship into the Darkspear, and Akunda might be on the way to integrating into their pantheon per implications made in Exploring Kalimdor. This opens the possibility for other Zandalari Loa making their way into the Darkspear pantheon.

BFA also canonised Dambala and Lukou into the Darkspear pantheon which were previously RPG-only Loa, but they finally make their mention and eventual appearance in Shadowlands. Lukou is a Loa of Healing and Dambala an evil snake Loa who embodies treachery. Dambala is not worshipped as much as seen as an adversary figure in their pantheon who tests them. With his canonisation into the Darkspear pantheon as their snake god, it’s not clear if they still worship the Gurubashi Hethiss who also fulfills that role.


Still think Vol’jin being offered a deal by Bwomsamdi in Legion, rather than just popping his clogs, would have been 1) better, 2) opened up so many story avenues in BFA…


Like, seriously, you get the yin and yang of the Zandalari and the Darkspear; the Zandalari, with all their pomp and shine, and yet they’ve a rot that goes to the very core of Empire.

And the Darkspear, the ‘outcasts’ who even made a deal with the Loa of Death, and yet they, and to an extent Bwomsamdi, are to the point and honest (just read the small print properly)

Also, having Vol’jin and Bwom actually save Rezan, rather than the guff SL plot, thus endebting both the Zandalari and the Crown to the Horde, would have been quite poignant, imo.


Don’t forget our man Kimbul! Okay, his temple’s overrun by Naga and it’s out in the goonies ( north coast of Vol’dun) but still.

And Gral ofcourse. Was interesting to learn that he’s being revered by the Tuskarr aswell.

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A god’s a god, by whatever measure these magical beasts achieve their power (titans) and trolls are certainly not their chosen on the face of azeroth.

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My ideal Draenei heritage coincides with them getting an entire new capital city in New Shattrath, built around the Exodar’s crash site.
(this will never happen, but it should)

My ideal Darkspear heritage is unleashing a loa army on Kul Tiras and razing the entire nation to the ground. Payback’s a female dog! would involve them making a pilgrimage to Stranglethorn and some opting to stay there and establish a new Darkspear enclave. They were only driven out ~30 years ago, there’s almost certainly a bunch who would still remember it as ‘home’.

The quest would involve probably fighting some bad guy Gurubashi, maybe some dumb humans, getting help from witch doctors and loa, maybe a raptor stampede lead by Gonk.


Regardless I suspect with vol’jin going into a rebirth pod like the wild gods do at the end of his story in shadowlands is probably going to play a role in their heritage.
wouldn’t put it past them to turn vol’jin into a loa and that is the extend of the trolls heritage.

This heritage talk made me look up the Worgen set.
Actual pain ._.

I don’t even remember what the quest was about

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Tess wants to become a Worgen and Genn is like “nooooo” and then she has a spirit vision thing where you fight Nathanos in Gilneas City and eventually she decides to not be a Worgen.

It sucks.


Okay, I went and checked.

The only Amirdrassil NPCs who actually offered any useful function to my Horde character were Leora, the flight master, and Galley Chief Mariss, the bartender at the inn-like building at the harbor; she sells drinks to both factions.

The rest of the NPCs offer gossip text at best, which is the same regardless of faction. These include Mordent Evenshade in Bel’ameth, who talks about opening a new arcane school, and the outcast NPCs at the Twilight Watchtower. All of Bel’ameth is a rest zone, but Saelienne doesn’t offer innkeeper services to Horde characters, so you can only set your hearthstone there on Alliance.

A couple more interesting touches I noticed:

  • The flight master in Bel’ameth is Leora, the former flight master in Darnassus, atop Teldrassil. Erelas Ambersky, the former flight master at the harbor in Rut’theran Village, is also there and is cleaning one of the two hippogryphs with a brush!
  • There is one cosmetic transmog I missed: a Kaldorei Sentinel’s Spyglass, an offhand item lootable near the ship in the harbor. The transmog treasures are lootable on both factions.

The Kaldorei Death Knights and Darkfallen, are marked as friendly to Horde players.

The living Warlock is neutral to horde but friendy to Alliance.

The Illidari are neutral to both sides.


I assume they are also friendly to Alliance-characters then? Or is this confirmation that Undead Kaldorei(Darkfallen) are actually Horde-aligned and just team up with the Kaldorei(& Alliance) when needed?

And is the Death Knight friendly to those who are actually exalted with the Knights of the Ebon Blade, no matter their allegiance?

Illidari being neutral makes sense, as its a neutral organisation who take in any stray that wants to fight the Burning Legion/demons!

Oke this is pretty nice!

This I love, tho!

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All the characters except the Illidari are friendly to the Alliance.

I think the Dark Rangers just keep ties with their kin across the faction line?


Just some gal with a funny accent then. But I guess one of the Gilnean needs to be the one walking all the dogs in town.

Wandering about Amirdrassil on the PTR for a while, I’ve noticed something interesting. The generically named Highborne/Shen’dralar npcs (F.ex Shen’dralar Sorcerer) are all taller than regular models. This is not the case for named Highborne npcs such as Mordent Evenshade, Maelir, Azj’Tordin and Sarvonis, so I’m unsure if this is intentional or not.

Its hard to say with height scales in WoW
BFA had small human sized tauren NPCS at the battle of lordaeron
Jaina and Garrosh were both enlarged greatly during thier respective raid boss fights
some important lore NPCS are just a slight bit taller in the overworld.
I think a rule of thump is, if their size is not referenced in any way, be it through dialog or action, its safe to assume its just for gameplay purposes.

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