PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

So I had a made a whole post about this a year, or so, ago: and the old, named Shen’dralar Highborne Mage Trainer NPCs, who used to stand in the side hall of the Temple of the Moon actually had 1 who was taller then the other NPCs, while the rest were the same size as normal Night Elves(players and NPCs)!

I argued that was because there is a Highborne model in the game that is actually taller then Night Elf models, which should be correct lorewise, due to the Highborne supposedly being taller then the Night Elves anyways! And then you have the named NPCs like Mordent, who use the normal Night Elf model due to them being customisable and so they will stand out from the other Highborne NPCs.

Ofcourse RP wise we can use this to show Highborne can be the same size as normal Night Elves, but also taller!

Edit: Also wanted to point out that when you use the Darkmoon Firewater potion, your playable Night Elf becomes the size of the Highborne model!


I did not have: “Elune actually condones Fel Magic despite it being inherently chaotic, destructive, corruptive and so anathema to the concept of nature and the natural cycle that it quite literally destroys any environment that it comes into contact with, and even a mere felbolt can have devastating consequences.” on my Dragonflight Bingo.

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It’s a demon hunter’s in-universe interpretation. Specifically a demon hunter who has already tried to commune with Elune and failed. Don’t read too much into it. “God approves of my actions” is a justification that’s as old as religion itself.


I could absolutely believe this justification if not for 3 things that happen:

  1. Blizzard is a mess at doing P.O.V and generally makes all its characters all-knowing.

  2. A Stag Spirit shows up in the temple that is connected to the DH just after he says he felt nothing, this divine intervention stag then hands you a warglaive that is half fel magic and half nature magic

  3. Once you show him the warglaive it also has special effects turning several DH abilities into a combination of nature magic and fel magic visuals.

Okay, that is dumb (and reeks of Danuserism)



Pretty awesome, although it does not fit with demon hunter aethestic at all.

I could use it as a corrupted Warglaive for my DH, though since it looks pretty awesome!

I mean, you had that one Satyr who’s mere existence was anathema to what ever the Night Elves, Elune and nature stood for, yet she allowed him to make up for it while wtill being a satyr, only earning his redemption in death by turning him back into a Night Elf after he sacrificed himself.

Perhaps this is a way for Elune to allow DH’s to redeem themselves eventually?

Otherwise, maybe its just a cool item which adds cool spell effects and its nothing more then that(might even be a start for spell-cosmetics, like silver light for priests, when they wear an elune staff, :thinking:)


The underlying problem here is that we’ve lost trust in the storyteller. We don’t trust Blizzard to be capable of a genuinely clever narrative or compelling worldbuilding to such an extent that when a lore development this outlandish arrives, we’re left befuddled and speculating about author intent.

If this happened in FFXIV, I’d assume we’re being dropped hints about the world’s cosmology, challenging our assumptions and perhaps foreshadowing story beats in a future expansion. Now that this happened in WoW, I’m left wondering whether

  1. The artists had a cool visual idea for an Emerald Dream themed demon hunter weapon, some intern writer was tasked with writing lore for it, and this is what they came up with during a lunch break, not thinking much about the implications and how they contradict established characterization, mythological themes, and common sense.
  2. Someone on the writing team continues to buy into the Danuserverse “bad dogmatic Light/Order/Death versus good liberating Life/Fel/Void”, which means portraying Life and Fel as allied forces, not thinking much about the implications and how they contradict established characterization, mythological themes, and common sense.

I’m genuinely at a point where I would prefer these stories to end with an observable, explicit intent because they have done literally nothing to instil confidence in me that they can be trusted to go back to implicit storytelling methods and this newest questline is just further proof that they’re too genuinely inept to be capable of such a return currently.

This questline collapses a jenga tower and leaves people scrambling for answers to the 1001 questions it creates.


  1. Why does Elune let the DH mope and cry and THEN send down a “BE NOT AFRAID” bright glowing Stag with a Warglaive strapped to it. (The obvious imagery in my mind is the Lady of the Lake offering Arthur the Holy blade Caliburn)

  2. Why is Elune suddenly changing her mind on this matter? What changed her outlook? How is she (or her… stag pet? Stag angel? Stag…thing?) able to combine nature and fel magic into a weapon, 2 diametrically opposed forces of magic due to fel’s innate destructive qualities?

  3. What was this story actually trying to say? What was the purpose and meaning?


To be honest, its defenitively 100% this.
And I am here for it, because I think the weapon looks pretty sick, like a Druid-turned-Demon Hunter weapon would look like


I cannot translate what is written but it seems there’s some additional dialogue attached to the glaive itself and, interestingly once the stag and glaive appear, the glaive is bathed in a ray of moonlight inside the temple of elune

I’d scream at Blizzard but at this point I just resignedly shake my head.

You don’t yell at your kid playing with action figures.


Do you know of “alara’shinu,” druid? It means finding beauty in imperfection. Those who live by this philosophy understand the transience of nature, accept the cycle of life and death, and derive joy from this truth.

Atleast we know the meaning of the name now, as the above qouted text comes from Rensar Greathoof, Archdruid of the Grove

Also I don’t see the issue with Elune “accepting” the Demon Hunters, they do everything within their unconvential powers to protect Azeroth, which basicly aligns with Elune’s goal, so far.

Demon Hunters can go out of control and run rampant, destroying nature while at it, but so can anyone else, be they a Keeper of the Flame, Druid of the Flame, Nightmare Druid, Fel-corrupted Wardens, Undeath, etc.

I agree that giving them a mix of Nature/Fel weapons and spells is a strange combination, and it would probably have been better if they had made this weapon a proper Kaldorei Glaive as used by the Cenarion Warden or whatever, but Elune “accepting” Demon Hunters isn’t as out there as its made it out to be especially when we had a Satyr working tirelessly for his redemption and gaining it after his death, aswell. (And you had the Desolance quests where everyone could commune with Elune)

Also Elune still is not communing with the Demon Hunter, probably because his fel-corruption has cut him off from hearing her, or she feels like he should earn that right first again. A Goddess giving a fallen hero a weapon to be able to redeem himself isn’t that strange of a story to tell, tho.


Agreed, it’s a cute lil thing imo.

Then why can she commune with the player character, who is also a demon hunter?

Because unlike most NPCs, our PCs are the super, very, special wearers of the Hearth of Azeroth, Artifact Weapons, Maw Walkers and Commanders of their factions.

So maybe he did earn the right to commune with Elune, as I stated above


The simpliest and best solution to this mess is allowing all elves, trolls and probably draenei to mog glaives.


Its a disgrace Warriors and Elves can’t yet use Glaives!

A disgrace, I tell you!

Bewt solution would be to remove the Warglaive weapon catagory and fold it into 1h swords!


Already done with nelf warfront glaives. A terrible idea since druids and priests can’t use them at all and hunters can’t do content with them since they can’t use one-handers in any spec.


Seems to me like yet another Dragonflight reconciliation story.

It’s about a demon hunter struggling with the misdeeds of the Illidari, who cannot help but feel guilt for all of the crimes they have committed in the name of protecting Azeroth and stopping the Legion.
It was easy for them to overlook all of their sins while the fight against the Legion was ongoing, but it makes sense that some might feel unease about their actions after a period of peace and reflection.
In this case, Felfury made the mistake of asking Elune for guidance and forgiveness when none was necessary because in the end, the Illidari did the right thing. For all of their transgressions and misdeeds, they fought for Azeroth and without them, the Burning Legion would have won.
This is Elune’s message and that is probably why she grants this gift to the player-character rather than Felfury. It is a reward for a demon hunter who continues the fight for Azeroth, no matter the cost, who has not surrendered to regret or despair.

It’s a solidly mid story that isn’t really offensive, beyond the controversy of Elune granting her favour to a demon hunter and the writers daring to mix cosmic forces that don’t typically work together.
Above all else, Elune seems to care about protecting life, particularly the lives of the Kaldorei, her “favoured children,” and I don’t see how the Illidari contradict that in the grand scheme of things.
As for the mixing of druidic and demonic magic, it’s a little weird but I guess it’s Elune’s way of saying that those who fight to defend all life on Azeroth have her support. Honestly, I find it hard to care that much about cosmic force crap these days. It’s just different colours of magic.


To be fair, the moment a DH tried to channel fel through this glaive it should have burned in his hands. I mean, if Elune wanted to bless a demon hunter, she’d probably have given him something to stabilize the inner fel and make him safer for those around, like a moon pendant or something to make sure he won’t explode or go insane. Or it might have been something to bring to Fel Hammer, like the way to always find home if they get lost, which they easily might if they keep hunting demons beyond Azeroth, Outland or Argus. There could have been a lot of opportunities to give an actual blessing, not a weapon no normal Illidari would dare to replicate.